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Reviews For The Thorn in the Sand by Windsong

Connor Landon
Thursday 11th January 2007 20:19
The Thorn in the Sand
First time reader, here, and let me tell you, this story is amazing!! I love the backstory. It's literally back story, in the background of the story. It doesn't overshadow the current story at all, but it's nice to get some details from Harry, Ginny, and Hope's time at Hogwarts. I was wondering why there was such a huge gap in the ages of the Potter children, but now I know. Another ancient prophecy, huh? That's very interesting. I'd love to hear more about Hope and the defeat of Voldemort. Very good story, and I definitely will keep reading!
Sunday 7th January 2007 12:41
The Thorn in the Sand
Was Holly's mother a Potter?
So Holly is in Ravenclaw. Interesting. I've seen Potter made the heir of Gryffindor in fanfics and the heir of Slytherin as well. But this, I must admit, is a different twist to make a Potter in some sense the heir of Ravenclaw. So I guess full marks for creativity
Sunday 31st December 2006 04:49
The Thorn in the Sand
I have read the whole story so far and it is so good! I love it! Can't wait till the next part! *Sigh* If only Ginny had done a Chelsea with Ron and Hermione! They would stop messin' around so much!

*Try Not To Die*
Grandma Kate
Saturday 30th December 2006 14:28
The Thorn in the Sand
This is turning out to be an action packed adventure with hints of even more interesting events to come.
Friday 29th December 2006 20:28
The Thorn in the Sand
Ooh! *Rubs hands together* It's cold in my room - and I'm hopping with anticipation, too! I love your little avoidance of the song....very clever. And what's this about Ravenclaw? I suppose it's from the Weasley side.... Well, can't wait for chapter the fourth!