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Reviews For Beneath the Eye of the Storm by Tari

Tuesday 12th April 2005 07:10
Beneath the Eye of the Storm

Tari...once again I am humbled and awed by your story-telling. This story has managed to suck me right in and the dark world you've painted is compelling.

You hae a real gift and I am reminded once again why you are one of my favorite writers.

Wednesday 24th November 2004 13:24
Beneath the Eye of the Storm
Well!  I must admit I've not been doing anywhere near as much reading as I should, but my goodness!  I'm so glad this was chosen for 'story of the week'--it's well worth it.  Maybe I'll stay late at work today so I can finish reading what you've got so far.   Awesome job!
Shadow Hider
Wednesday 24th November 2004 01:43
Beneath the Eye of the Storm

this is really good so far ^_^ will definetly finish later!

Monday 22nd November 2004 10:12
Beneath the Eye of the Storm

Ahhh! This is excellent so far, I really like this! I'm so excited to continue it! Also, French is a language very dear to my heart, and I can tell you must speak it very well!



Tuesday 23rd November 2004 20:56Beneath the Eye of the Storm (Author Response)
Thanks so much for reviewing! I'm glad you're liking it so far.

I love the French language, too. I lived in Paris for a couple of years, and I was able to greatly improve my grasp of the language.

Monday 22nd November 2004 08:38
Beneath the Eye of the Storm

I'm really beginning to like this fic..its energetic and mysterious.

I can really see the changes in our Ms. Ginny-"Ça coute combien pour une demie heure?"- At one time, it would have earned him atleast a 'Bat-Bogey Hex" or worse.

Great Job and Keep up the awesome work!


Tuesday 23rd November 2004 21:00Beneath the Eye of the Storm (Author Response)
Ah, but Ginny doesn't speak French.  She doesn't know that's what he said.  She's got ideas of what he's said, of course, but she doesn't know for sure.

Thanks so much for your review! 
