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Reviews For Beneath the Eye of the Storm by Tari

Thursday 14th April 2005 08:09
Beneath the Eye of the Storm

Oh you are evil...evil...evil. Well if this doesn't get Harry's head out of his then nothing will. Just hope there is something of Ginny left when he finds her. Idiot boy...thinks he's protecting those around him by being a distnat . *grins* Sorry got on a rant there.

Defninately a gripping have a real knack for dark suspense.

Thursday 15th July 2004 07:22
Beneath the Eye of the Storm
Hi, where are all the reviews ? You deserve to have a lot. I like the way this is developing,the war continuing after Hogwarts, the use of Paris etc. One small, well actually large gripe, the Evening Standard is a London paper and anyone reading it in Scotland would stickout like a sore thumb - but perhaps that was deliberate ? Anyway keeep writing I'll move onto the next two chapters.