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Reviews For Ridiculous by moshpit

Thursday 20th May 2010 11:22
Nice little alt ending there, I liked it.
Wednesday 27th May 2009 17:00
I liked the end! It was fantastic! The main battle was the word? um, pretty oh, um, OH! pretty gross in my opinion. there! ha!
Monday 16th February 2009 14:26
hahaha I loved it!! making Moldymort into a boggart controled human? brilliant!
Tuesday 10th February 2009 18:20
Well said. Thanks for sharing your tlents with me (us). And I am thoroughly into Echoes.
Wednesday 9th April 2008 21:11
You get points for a fresh idea, well expressed, and a happy ending.

Not sure how a boggart could survive by splitting its host's soul though.

Also those beasties seem to be fairly common, in canon, and not even powerful witchards© can always defeat them. The effects of contact with / defeat by a boggart must be known.

In fact, a boggart is no different, in principle, than concentrations of typical "news" programs. So the effects of defeat by one must be similar: Malaise, Loss of IQ points, and submission to authority in the name of "safety".
Sunday 16th December 2007 20:04
Wonderful!!! Unique!!!! I love it! Ridikkulous!!! hehehehehe!!!!
Monday 17th December 2007 00:31Ridiculous (Author Response)
Glad you enjoyed it. I can't attest to the unique-ness of it all, but hopefully it's out there somewhere in deep left field. Cheers.
Monday 10th December 2007 12:53
Very entertaining and well-written.
Monday 17th December 2007 00:30Ridiculous (Author Response)
Glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for the review.
Wednesday 31st October 2007 16:37
lol I love this!!! Although, wouldnt the boggart turn into a dementor in front of harry??? or would it just take over the body of the person and make it evil???
The ending was awesome!!!
Sunday 4th November 2007 23:05Ridiculous (Author Response)
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I'm glad you enjoyed it, but it really is one of those weird canon questions, isn't it? What's a boggart doing if it catches you? I'd rather no find out, thanks all the same.
Wednesday 22nd August 2007 16:07
*laughs* very very nice... you had me from
"Why not, Tom?" asked Harry, painfully enunciating each word. "You may be powerful, you may be evil, but you're really not all that scary."
Sunday 4th November 2007 23:04Ridiculous (Author Response)
Glad you enjoyed it. It's the underlying question of what _would_ a boggart do to a victim that keeps me up at night, staring into the darkness.... and of course, that just leads to more bunnies. Thanks for the review.
Sunday 15th July 2007 11:57
oh this is so much fun I really like they idea that the bulk of voldemorts powers come from a boggart.
Monday 30th July 2007 23:14Ridiculous (Author Response)
It's one of those "What If?" questions that makes me stay up late at night. Along with a horde of evil bunnies, all sport sharp, pointy things.
Monday 21st May 2007 09:31
Good one! I like your solution to the Voldemort problem.
Monday 30th July 2007 23:13Ridiculous (Author Response)
I'm not sure solution is quite the right answer, but he was solved as far as riddles go, wasn't he? Glad you enjoyed it.
Friday 2nd February 2007 16:29
That was very interesting. I really like that your stories, that I've read so far, aren't predictable. I love seeing unexpected twists added in writing. At first, I thought this one would be a bit too angsty for me. That was not the case. I must remember to expect the unexpected from you in the future., and I do intend to keep reading your stories. They've have been very thought provoking and a nice change of pace.
Friday 2nd February 2007 23:04Ridiculous (Author Response)
I'm glad you're finding the stories interesting. There's another "twisty" one that isn't up here, and based on how much work it needs to really fix it right, probably won't be any time soon. You can read it over at SIYE if you're interested -- it's another one shot. "Doors of Perception" -- it was an SIYE challenge story, so the pretense is a bit ... err ... odd.

Echoes is hard to get into if you don't like that type of story. But "twisty" would be one way of describing it. I warn people -- take nothing at face value in that story. You're standing on a pile of plush rugs that look comfortable. It starts off presenting the world as A, B, C ... and gradually, you'll come to discover it's something completely different.

Angst is a funny term. I note that a lot of people rate their stories angst-laden, when in fact, the characters have nothing to do with anxiety and depression. Instead, they write in such a way as to aggravate the reader into feeling those things. To me, that's not Angst, it's Reader Manipulation. But I seem to be in a bit of a minority on that one. Anyway, I guess the point for this is that I try to avoid either kind of "Angst" -- real or Reader Manipulation. I will try to manipulate the reader (see, nothing in my hand) at times, but not for those kinds of reasons (look! superman!).
Thursday 25th January 2007 11:00
This is quite wonderful -- an interesting and perhaps a bit disturbing mix of angst, horror, and humour. Riddle possessed by a Boggart and defeated by Riddikulus.
I like it very much but shouldn't be categorized as AU? -- does your account of Boggart quite fit what Remus says about the Boggart confronted by a mere pair who turned not into a commonly feared object but into a bizarre combination of the two fears that was 'Not remotely frightening' (PA 7)? and from the Boggart's reaction whilst still in the wardrobe to the classroom laughter, coupled with Lupin's comment that 'the thing that really finishes a boggart is laughter' (PA 7; note also how the entire class laughs at Snape in a dress, are they laughing at their 'deepest fears' when Snape doesn't appear to anyone else [though several others gasp at Ron's spider]), is it really true that laughter in the presence is ineffective?
Remus doesn't specifically say what happens to a person who succumbs to a Boggart, but doesn't the classes reaction to Lupin's announcement that the wardrobe holds a Boggart suggest that it is indeed known? Canon mentions only their attraction to 'dark, enclosed places', not places of high-magical energy, so wouldn't a possessed Riddle be found in 'wardrobes, the gaps beneath beds, the cupboards under sinks' or 'a grandfather clock'?
Anyway, sorry to so technical here. This is a delightful and enjoyable read, though perhaps one could have wished for more
I think you are spot on about the Boggart's appearance to Riddle; canon reiterates that Dumbledore is the only one he feared.
Thursday 25th January 2007 22:11Ridiculous (Author Response)
Well, you certainly dug through a lot of references behind your review. All of your points are valid, except for one thing ... canon does not provide a model for what happens when a Boggart actually comes in contact with its intended target. After all, it _is_ rated as a Dark creature. Why is it Dark? What happens if the Boggart gets to someone? As it was implied in the story, Riddle was alone in the orphanage when he found a Boggart, which attacked him and then took over his form. How would that change the powers and abilities? I presented one model that isn't inconsistent with canon, albeit with a bit of a fun twist. So while your point may be valid -- maybe this should be "AU" rated -- it's also not really valid, because nothing here contradicts canon as far as I know. Either way, thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts. I'm glad you enjoyed it. "One could have wished for more" -- meaning more in the story, more setup, more epilogue, more fight details, more..? Some day I might be persuaded to revisit this (or my other various) one-shot efforts. But not today. Echoes is quite involved as it is.
Thursday 18th January 2007 20:08
Very cool twist on the "power he knows not" and defeat of Voldemort! I laughed at pink bunny-Voldemort and the reporter's misspelling in the last line of the story. Thanks for sharing your story with us here.
Wednesday 24th January 2007 22:31Ridiculous (Author Response)
I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. If you liked this so much, you might want to watch out for the next bit of humour I happened to be waylaid by. (The bunny pack in the back of my head never shuts up, you see...) There's even a door-to-door salesman involved.
Thursday 18th January 2007 03:39
Well, I knew this would be well received here. Of course. It really is such a novel twist, you clever boy. I can almost hear Harry saying “I must not fear. Fear is the mind killer…”. I’d like to get Paul and Harry in a room together so they can commiserate on how much it having prophecies made about you saving the world. Too bad Harry doesn't have Paul's discipline. Oh wait. That's what Echoes is for... sorta. We'll just ignore the whole stability issue.
Wednesday 24th January 2007 22:29Ridiculous (Author Response)
Hey, nifty. Your review has a "censored" graphic in the middle of it. MB, were you using unkind words? I'd rather think Paul and Harry might not get along too well if they had prolonged contact. Harry, the reluctant hero, doesn't like being manipulated, whereas Paul is almost incapable of not manipulating those around him. Still, I do think they could commiserate rather well. Stability, much like the gom jabbar test for humanity, is all in the mind. Is Harry human? Who knows?
Wednesday 17th January 2007 20:06
Now that was a unique take on it. Very nice and interesting indeed!
Wednesday 17th January 2007 21:29Ridiculous (Author Response)
I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for leaving feedback.
Wednesday 17th January 2007 13:13
Good story, interesting concept. It was kind of way out there, but I liked it.

Wednesday 17th January 2007 21:28Ridiculous (Author Response)
Kind of way out there would describe pretty much everything I do or think of. Sad, but true. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Tuesday 16th January 2007 16:48
Great to see your story here! I think PS has a teeny bit better sense of humor. I'm looking for the rest of the stories. Don't mind me. You're one of my favorite fan fic writers, and I've been hunting around to see what other sites you might be lurking at. This story gets crazier everytime I read it....and that means better
Tuesday 16th January 2007 23:02Ridiculous (Author Response)
You're just popping up everywhere. PS, SIYE, FW...? Wow. At any rate, I'm glad you've read it more than once. I suspect there are things in there -- much like Pratfall -- that are not apparent on the first reading. Pratfall may take more than a dozen readings to "get" fully, but Ridiculous isn't quite so ... err .. obfuscated. Thanks for the kind assessment, but I'm sure you've got a quite a list of favorites by now, right? And, as always, watch where you stand. That rug may look comfy, but it's been known to be yanked out of the way . . . from time to time.
Tuesday 16th January 2007 15:26
Wow! That was a wicked little story. Very ingenious! Who would have thought it was a boggart? Very nicely done.
Tuesday 16th January 2007 22:58Ridiculous (Author Response)
I'm glad you enjoyed it. Getting the thoughts of Harry to wander all over the place, hinting at it but never making it explicit, that was interesting. At any rate, thanks for the feedback.
Tuesday 16th January 2007 14:46
What a clever twist--worthy of Jo herself!
Tuesday 16th January 2007 22:57Ridiculous (Author Response)
I'm glad you enjoyed it. I hope that JKR has something better on tap for the end of Bk 7, something truly inspired, but thanks for the compliment. I suspect she's better at this than I am though. Thanks for the feedback.
Tuesday 16th January 2007 13:10
You know, this was a great theory! I can't say that I would ever have thought of it, but I think it's amazing!
Tuesday 16th January 2007 22:56Ridiculous (Author Response)
Have you ever wondered _why_ so many creatures are presented in "DADA" type classes that don't, at first glance, seem particularly dangerous? Lil' bun-bun here sneaked in during one of those moments of meandering. Glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for the feedback.
Tuesday 16th January 2007 12:09
What an absolutely ridiculous idea! Brilliant, nevertheless!!
Tuesday 16th January 2007 22:54Ridiculous (Author Response)
You'd be amazed at what strikes when you're sitting in traffic. Aside from a bus on fire, another vehicle, or the random bird ballistic projectile of liquid. Glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for leaving feedback.
Tuesday 16th January 2007 11:11
Well, that's a heck of a twist to the end of this journey, isn't it? Nice job, and thanks for having the quartet survive.
Tuesday 16th January 2007 22:53Ridiculous (Author Response)
I'm glad you enjoyed it. Bunnies strike without warning. You never know what's in the back of a properly motivated yet diseased mind... This time, the quartet get away with the win. What happens next time?
Tuesday 16th January 2007 00:44
So you made it over here then

Hope this is the first of many of your stories posted here.
Tuesday 16th January 2007 10:22Ridiculous (Author Response)
Yes, thanks much for the introduction to various people here. I appreciate your thoughts and actions. You'll see all of my stories wind up here, although Echoes will take a while to beat into proper shape.