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Reviews For This Means War! by Jeconais

Saturday 20th November 2010 21:36
This Means War!
FROM: The girl who loves this series

TO: Whoever else sees this review (but mainly for the author)

THIS SERIES IS THE BEST! It's the first I've ever bothered to find the 1st chapter and read the whole thing! I'm on an ipod touch so sometimes (with how long the chapters are) I spend more time trying to find my place [when it refreshes] than time reading it. Luckily, it doesn't refresh EVERY time I open to read. Just SOMEtimes.

And you need to get more Harry and Ginny time crammed in there. In the books, Harry amd Ginny wouldn't have been that open about their relationship in public. Harry would keep it on the DL (down-low) and Ginny wouldn't go on about it as much to her family (especially kissing in front of them!!!)
Wednesday 17th September 2008 22:19
This Means War!
Monday 1st September 2008 10:59
This Means War!
That was a very interesting part 1 of 3.

Tuesday 15th July 2008 01:19
This Means War!
nice chapter!!! this is very interesting!!!
i cant believe that it is almost over... two more chapters... and i have a feeling that the spy is blaise... her mmail was even spy-der.... hmm... interesting lol
Friday 21st March 2008 20:55
This Means War!
i was wondering if the dance is going to happen any time soon?Because ive read the story before but dont remember it happening and i dont want to skim though the chapters and ruin the story.-so pretty much im just wondering if the dance will ever happen?thanks
The Pharaoh
Wednesday 19th March 2008 11:17
This Means War!
A good one-shot side story would be the teddy bear scene from Jenny's point of view. I would love to see that.
The Pharaoh
Wednesday 19th March 2008 11:07
This Means War!
In the beginning of this chapter, you say Ginny didn't wear her unifoem. (“I love you,” she whispered, and released him. She took off her robes, showing that she, too, had decided not to wear the school uniform.)
However, in the end of the chapter 9, you say she did wear it. ("She appeared a few minutes later, her robes undone, showing her school uniform.")
Just thought I'd point out that contradiction.
Thursday 29th November 2007 11:09
This Means War!
I really enjoy your writing style. It's fun, peppy, humorous but not farcical.
Did you kill Matthew because he took to long to update? It was a nice if violent cameo.
Monday 7th May 2007 02:43
This Means War!
Hey Tim,

First of all, I want to apologize for not reviewing this sooner. I first read this chapter back when it first came out, but at the time I'd detached myself from the fandom so much that I wasn't doing much reviewing. But with July drawing closer I'm revisiting some of my favorite stories, and I figured it was about time I finished reading this.

More than anything, I just want to say thank you. No matter how many times I read it (and for the first six or seven chapters, that's probably four or five times now), this remains without a doubt one of the two or three most enjoyable fics I've ever read. Between the comedy; the light, flippant tone; and the scale it's so easy to lose myself in this story. I can only guess how much work that must have required on your part, so I'll say it again -- thank you!

As for this chapter specifically, there's just so much I hardly know what to comment about. But I think, more than anything, what's jumping out a me is the range. You've got everything from the dramatically gruesome (Wolf!Harry ripping Fenrir to bits) to the mind-boggling (Narcissa "seducing" Harry) to the adorable (the whole Jenny and Matilda scene), yet it all fits together and it's all so much fun.

Anyway, again, you have my thanks for all your hard work (on the story in particular, but for everything you did for the site and the fandom as well). Now I'm on for my first look at the last two parts. I can't wait to see how this turns out!

Wolf's Scream
Wednesday 7th February 2007 23:23
This Means War!
Somehow, I failed to notice when this chapter was posted much to my dismay. Excellent, as usual -- though wouldn't Wormtail's soul have been sucked by Dementors, rather than Death Eaters?
Sunday 4th February 2007 00:41
This Means War!
I was just going to ask if you'd been watching V for Vendetta in order to come up with this: "vilified venal vermin and has vowed to vanquish them on behalf of the vox populi?” Then you put it in your Author's Notes.

Wonderful chapter,
Ginny WcPr
Wednesday 24th January 2007 23:07
This Means War!
Thank you so much for that, we were expecting this for so much long, but now we, the fans, are prized by your imagination, and your creativity

P.S. sorry if this message is bad writing, my english isn't good yet, jajaj

and waiting for the second and third part
Ginny WgPr
Ginny... Never trust anything that can think for itself if you can't see where it keeps the brain...
Wednesday 24th January 2007 19:40
This Means War!
thank you to the power of trn for updating it was drivin me nuts. ur a great writer.
Wednesday 24th January 2007 19:39
This Means War!
thank you to the power of trn for updating it was drivin me nuts. ur a great writer.
Wednesday 24th January 2007 19:37
This Means War!
thank you to the power of trn for updating it was drivin me nuts. ur a great writer.
Lady Ginny Potter
Wednesday 24th January 2007 15:15
This Means War!
Well, I just read you're entire book...and yes I am calling it a book because your chapters are bloody long(not that I'm overly complaining or anything, only it makes it difficult to read during my lunch hour) Anyway, it's is a good story...if not really believable...especially since the sixth book came out. Although I do love the fact that Draco is explains so much. And the story is very well written and you were very clever with the Mmails and other little details. You actually came up with your own ideas and added to JK's which was brilliant really. I really can't wait to finish your story because you are so funny. You great humor and a natural when writing comedy, which is what the story is mostly, inculding a bit (okay alot) of romance. I say, keep up the good work.

Monday 22nd January 2007 22:48
This Means War!
Thanks again for another excellent chapter. I did recognise the V references. I'm US but now have the 5th on my calender. We should all strive to remember the past, not just the whats but the Whys lest we repeat....

Draco volunteering information, hm, growing a heart perhaps? The whole thing with Mrs Malfoy-Stifler's mom?? LOL!!!

I guess that Grayback was the spy or at least working with the spy. I can't wait to see the Hogwarts version of the cupboard under the stairs-moving stairs perhaps or will the elves make something "special" just for them?

You have written this remarkable well. Each plot line is updated with great continuity as are the characters. Thank you for continuing to write. I really look forward to your next installment.

Thanks, Ed.
Monday 22nd January 2007 09:18
This Means War!
'You mean that you put up with us for our benefit?' -- not exactly the take in canon (Dumbledore always speaks of Harry's saferty), but I think I like it better
Very nicely done -- Glad to see more being written ; I especially liked the Wolf-Werewolf part -- oh, and the exploding stooge part, and the dance lessons part, and . . .
Monday 22nd January 2007 04:26
This Means War!
I can't tell you how glad I am that you have updated this story!!! I love this story and get owl posts everytime you update. Thank you! Thank you! This chapter, like the rest of the story, was fabulous. I loved the part with Harry and Jenny. Thank you again for another great chapter and I look forward to reading more soon! (Please!)
Sunday 21st January 2007 23:32
This Means War!
amazing. pure amazing. i had to reread it all since its been a while since a update. but amazing. i love it all. wow. don't wait too long to update! or i'll have to reread it all again(not that i mind but still lol)
Sunday 21st January 2007 18:49
This Means War!
That was amazing. I loved the way Harry spoke to Jenny. And Harry has no clue. And is there any meal where nothing goes on? The last chapter said this was the last chapter in the story. I'm guessing that this on was so long that you had to split it up? And the Greyback I love how Harry discribes being a wolf. He sounds very passionite. And now Harry knows the truth about ghimself. He can do absolutly anything. And we still don't know who the spy is. I can't wait for the next. I imagin that it is going to take a while. You have abnormaly long chapters. But that's okay. More to love. Very good. I loved it.
Sunday 21st January 2007 11:53
This Means War!
I am so glad you are going to finish this story. It'd be a pity if it was abandoned.

I guess you had trouble reconciling HBP with the floor-plan of your story, especially character-wise. While I'd like to see more stories that take up from HBP and do justice to the book, I think it's a good idea for stories that were started before the sixth book to simply ignore new facts if they are impossible to integrate in the original layout. Jo didn't choose to continue the story the way you anticipated. But that doesn't mean your way is bad.

On the contrary. I like it very much.

Harry learned the hard way in this chapter that war involves killing. I liked your use of the wolf Animagus to convey the difficulties Harry has with this idea. He probably knew it was necessary on an intellectual level, but really doing it is completely different. The idea that he both finds consolation in his wolf form and is at the same time in danger of getting lost in that form is ingenious. It makes me wonder whether this is what happened to Wormtail, that he got lost in his rat form and was never able to completely change back into a human.
Friday 2nd February 2007 06:49This Means War! (Author Response)
This story was started long before HBP - and when HBP came out, I decided not to change my story to adapt to it
Sunday 21st January 2007 11:36
This Means War!
yay! finally a new chapter! I love the ending, with the thomases and dursleys showing up. i hope the durley's see harry's wolf form, haha!
Saturday 20th January 2007 16:09
This Means War!
Yay!!!!! Update soon!!!! Very soon!!!!
Saturday 20th January 2007 14:06
This Means War!
that was awesome! i totally loved it!
Saturday 20th January 2007 08:09
This Means War!
64 pages of blissful reading. There are not enough great adjectives in any language to describe this chapter. I only know that if you only update every year or so, and the update is half as good as this one is, I would be content, except that at 74, I may not have enough 'years' left to read till the end at that rate. Please finish this fic a bit faster than the last chapter took to be submitted. I can,t, like so many do, pick out any one bit of the ch. to praise because every paragraph brought it,s own enjoyable reading. I did love the bit with Harry and Narcissus Malfoy. That was priceless. He did have a bad moment there and so did she, but you had them handle it perfectly. Great writing and imagination. Keep up the good work. Jeanne.
Friday 2nd February 2007 06:50This Means War! (Author Response)
I wouldn't worry, the last part is no more than 14 days away

Friday 19th January 2007 20:14
This Means War!
Well. I thought you said chapter nine was the longest you'd be going? It was very funny and I thought Wolf!Harry was just so adorable! Although, in retrospect, I don't know I'd like to meet him face-to-face...

Excellent job - when will we see 10b?
Friday 19th January 2007 13:25
This Means War!
Oh boy... and you say there are two more parts?? Let me get my fingers ready then... it's going to take me forever to translate this!!
J.R. Lewis
Friday 19th January 2007 13:22
This Means War!
Waiting for part b and c and the rest.
Friday 19th January 2007 13:16
This Means War!
I can't even begin to tell you how excited I was to see an update. This is one of my favorite stories, and I've read the first nine chapters too many times to count. I can't wait to read more!
Friday 19th January 2007 10:18
This Means War!
It's so nice to see you back! I feel like I've been waiting a very long time for this. I'm so glad you never gave up on it. As to the chapter - I'm curious. What happens now that Harry knows it's impossible to do some of the things he's been doing? Can he still do them simply because he also knows that he's already done them - like with the Patronus? Now that I typed that out, I bet that's it.
Friday 2nd February 2007 06:56This Means War! (Author Response)
Pretty much exactly - and in a way, it's more about how he knows that he knows that he can do things, and he can continue to do things, as long as he doesn't think that he can't.

And that's really confusing. I'll try again. If Harry thinks about something and thinks he can't do it, he can't. But he knows that he can do it if he doesn't think about it, so he tends to just act and do what he likes and lets his magic deal with the pesky laws of magic.
Friday 19th January 2007 09:23
This Means War!
I recieved some extremely strange looks last night around 10 o'clock when i shouted YES! and did a little dance you see i was on msn when a little window came up say i had recieved an email from I knew that it was your update and proceeded to shout

I enjoyed that chapter very much and await the next parts....... you truely are a great author to have all of us hanging like this.
Friday 19th January 2007 08:58
This Means War!
Wow - I started reading this...years ago maybe. I'm so excited to see an update - I love this story - thanks for writing!!
Friday 19th January 2007 08:54
This Means War!
Hmm...... You gave us a werewolf (there wolf!), and goblins, but no dragon (yet).

I wonder how you are going to resolve a bit of plot friction. If Harry now knows that it is impossible to make an Mmail attachment into a portkey, can he still do it? The same with the other \"impossible\" things you have him do.

Oh, and thanks for killing off Matt Viridian! Not that we ever wanted to read more of NoFP!

I look forward to reading the rest of your 72,000 words in chapter 10.
Friday 19th January 2007 07:55
This Means War!
Great Job as always my friend! I loved this segment! Now then on to the rest!
Friday 19th January 2007 07:21
This Means War!
that was grait i carnt waght till the other two parts come out.
Friday 19th January 2007 07:16
This Means War!
Loved it as usual.
I almost did a dance when I saw the story was updated.
(I've read this story a number of times, just waiting for a new chapter. )
Friday 19th January 2007 03:20
This Means War!
finaly you updated congrats
Thursday 18th January 2007 22:03
This Means War!
Hurrah! You\'re back with a new chapter. I love this fic so much and couldn\'t wait for the next chapter. I hope that there will be more coming.
Thursday 18th January 2007 21:09
This Means War!
Jeconais: Heart palpitations, sweats, and I nearly called 911 for an ambulance when I saw that you updated. My dear, at 74 I can only take so many shocks in one day, and this one was a lulu. I,ve printed it out to read in bed, if I can get my blood pressure down enough to do so. I know this will be as great as the other 9 chapters were. I loved every one of them. Glad to have you back again. Jeanne.
Thursday 18th January 2007 19:54
This Means War!
It's great to see the new chapter posted here. I can't wait to see the last two chapters. =)
Thursday 18th January 2007 19:24
This Means War!
I actually said, 'oh. my god.' aloud when I saw the alert for this story in my inbox.
Just absolutely amazing... and now I'm desperate for more.
Thank you for writing such an imaginative, captivating story.
Thursday 18th January 2007 18:10
This Means War!
Been waiting quite a long time for this... Just as good as I expected. You said that all of the 10th chapter was in beta, however... I hope that means we'll be seeing parts b and c within a couple of days?
Thursday 18th January 2007 17:44
This Means War!
Ohh I cant wait for the next chapter. it's great! hope you update soon!
Thursday 18th January 2007 17:22
This Means War!
I'm so glad that you've updated! I really enjoy this story... It seems even if Harry can do anything he can still have some faults. I also like how you've made him more sensitive, but still capable of being our loveable, dense Harry!
Thursday 18th January 2007 17:03
This Means War!
!$&!$(* I am only on the second MMail and you caused me to do a spit take with my soda.

Remus is in Kent! Too funny!
Thursday 18th January 2007 15:20
This Means War!
"I promise that there will not be another massive wait for the final part, because I need to have this story finished before HBP arrives."

I guess a year and nine months doesn't constitute such a long wait ... if you're a star!

In any case, good job on this chapter! More coming soon, I hope!

(human soon .... not star soon)
Thursday 18th January 2007 15:17
This Means War!
Good to see it posted here and I look forward to more.