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Reviews For A Promise Kept by Bart

Saturday 19th September 2009 11:16
A Promise Kept
Meandered into this just by chance, but I will definitely be reading the rest of your stuff. Good writing.
Monday 10th September 2007 09:17
A Promise Kept
ROFL, really liked this story I can't stop smilling. Would have loved to have read a few more questions in her "O.W.L" paper the story doesn't really need it.
Tuesday 30th January 2007 16:29
A Promise Kept
That was quite good. Nice pranking.
Poor Matthew -- never going to live down the flower incident
Grandma Kate
Friday 26th January 2007 21:04
A Promise Kept
Very entertaining. It is lovely to read about Hope and Matthew again. He certainly fits in the family.