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Reviews For Time's Winged Chariot by girlyswot

Friday 28th December 2007 09:34
Time's Winged Chariot
Oh Lily, I thought you were so sweet and innocent!! It just goes to show its always the quiet ones...
Wednesday 31st January 2007 12:35
Time's Winged Chariot
Ooh, I love those two. Only... Steadily crossing off days and hours on her meticulously planned revision schedule- Gah! I hate people who do that!

Interesting and very sad idea about the car crash.

So there's just one question left... How on earth did the Marauders get Nearly Headless Nick to help them with their prank?
Wednesday 31st January 2007 12:56Time's Winged Chariot (Author Response)
I always have meticulously planned schedules, though I rarely stick to them! One of the things I wanted to explore in this fic (and in a different way in the Squib) is the way the magical and muggle worlds interact. Having Lily's mother as a Turntail gave me the chance to show the prejudice on both sides.

And Nearly Headless Nick didn't take a lot of persuading...

Tuesday 30th January 2007 06:53
Time's Winged Chariot
Interesting plank gone wrong.
Tuesday 30th January 2007 15:46Time's Winged Chariot (Author Response)
Yes, those planks are notoriously difficult to control.
Tuesday 30th January 2007 06:53
Time's Winged Chariot
Oops, I meant prank gone wrong
Tuesday 30th January 2007 15:45Time's Winged Chariot (Author Response)
You think it went wrong?
Monday 29th January 2007 16:39
Time's Winged Chariot
are they talking about...... what i think theyre talking about? or is my mind just in the gutter today?
Monday 29th January 2007 17:19Time's Winged Chariot (Author Response)
What do you think?
Monday 29th January 2007 01:56
Time's Winged Chariot
wow! amazing!
hurry up!can't wait 4 more.......
Monday 29th January 2007 05:45Time's Winged Chariot (Author Response)
Just one more chapter to come and it's with my beta as we speak. Glad you've enjoyed it.
Grandma Kate
Sunday 28th January 2007 16:51
Time's Winged Chariot
Oh Lily! "It was when you said the other day about how we’d remember Hogwarts. And I thought I’d like to do one last thing to remember it by. And then I couldn’t think of anything I wanted to do more, ever."

Sunday 28th January 2007 17:05Time's Winged Chariot (Author Response)
Hee hee!