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Reviews For My Funny Valentine by hwimsey

Tuesday 9th December 2008 20:08
My Funny Valentine
Aww, I always thought Remus and Tonks were a great couple! I hated that they died! Awesome story anyway!

Sunday 13th January 2008 05:20
My Funny Valentine
Wow, great stuff. I think you captured the characters perfectly. Fantastic job!!
Wednesday 3rd October 2007 18:07
My Funny Valentine
cute!!! I loved what remus said to mrs. black lol
Sunday 12th August 2007 01:40
My Funny Valentine
Aah! Better every time!
Monday 7th May 2007 19:44
My Funny Valentine
Aw, love Remus/Tonks
Tuesday 24th April 2007 22:17
My Funny Valentine
Oh, this is lovely! I don't know how I missed it! I came back to reread something and found this! Anyways, I don't know how I didn't get the alert-thingy. But I definitely think you should write Remus/Tonks more often. I love this pairing, and you're SO good at it! I haven't read Portkey before, actually, so I should go check them out. Thank you for the marvelous Remus/Tonks-ness!
Friday 16th February 2007 11:03
My Funny Valentine
This was a very romantic piece. Your wording, especially, lent it a nice poignancy, such as here: "He closed his eyes as though he shared something with the plaintive strains that Holiday woman belted." So many of your phrases just slid off the page. It earned my vote in the contest.

I also really liked Tonks' characterization. She was immediately likeable, much like in canon. Things like..."but she already felt like the kid at the adult's table in the Order", "fighting to maintain an erudite tone", "I'm dead clumsy when I dance", and Madeye's "you sure like mash potatoes" (lol).

Now, if Remus is initiating here, I wonder what your take is on his later backpeddling?

I only wished I'd been able to follow the conversation about security charms a bit more. Just a simple concept that the reader could have grasped snatches of perhaps? The elusiveness of it seemed to break up the flow of the piece just a bit.

"A tentative smile came across his face as he gazed at the lone dangling lights. "It's a shame, that." Oh Remus, you sexy dog. : )

Thursday 15th February 2007 13:23
My Funny Valentine
Adorable job! I loved it. Aw the Remus and Tonks interaction was adorable, idiot Sirius butting in like that. The flirtations were perfect. Nice job!
Wednesday 14th February 2007 13:42
My Funny Valentine
Woah! This was so wonderful! Honestly this was an amazing fic that really described all the insecurities and the wonder and the beginning of a relationship just perfectly!
Amazing work!
Tuesday 13th February 2007 16:09
My Funny Valentine
This was wonderful! I've never before enjoyed a Remus/Tonks story, even though they're cannon. I just never felt convinced. But this- you did it! I'm a believer.
Monday 12th February 2007 16:28
My Funny Valentine
That was lovely! A fantastic beginning for Remus and Tonks. And I just love Sirius' candour, it was hilarious. Great job, and good luck!
Saturday 10th February 2007 14:13
My Funny Valentine
My pulse's racing!
Saturday 10th February 2007 07:34
My Funny Valentine
Lovely. Simply lovely.
Friday 9th February 2007 09:29
My Funny Valentine
oh! I love Remus/Tonks. I was a big Remus/Sirius fan until HBP, but now... I dunno, I think both work, actually. But I really liked the way you did this. I'm def going to check out that recommendation you mentioned in the beg of the fic. Brilliantly done! Can't wait to find out who you are so I can read your other work.
Grandma Kate
Thursday 8th February 2007 20:15
My Funny Valentine
A perfect title for a Remus and Tonks tale. They are so very different and yet make beautiful music together, even when they don't yet know it.
Thursday 8th February 2007 18:26
My Funny Valentine
Oooh lots of sexual tension - I loved it
Thursday 8th February 2007 13:44
My Funny Valentine
Very sweet.
aurora luminis
Thursday 8th February 2007 12:32
My Funny Valentine
Sigh, there is so much pathos in this peace that I thought I should take a walk after reading it...except we had a snow storm. This is one of the two: either this or another will get my vote for first. Your eye for detail, for conveying emotion, and low-keyed humor really made it so right for the V.Day, so right for those particular characters at their point in history. Thank you ever so much.
Thursday 8th February 2007 11:44
My Funny Valentine
Sigh, that was lovely. I do like Remus and Tonks. Very good job!
Thursday 8th February 2007 05:52
My Funny Valentine
Sweet! I could feel Tonks' embarrassment as she discovered they weren't alone in the kitchen anymore. How bad to be in that lovely situation and have your mom's cousin tease you. Wonderful description of the thrill of the flirt.
