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Reviews For Hunter and Maiden by Tarkas

Monday 19th March 2007 07:39
Hunter and Maiden
Interesting. I had always thought that what happened with Ginny was a little different from Harry. She was possessed while Harry had the actual connection. But I suppose the possession could have left a connection behind. Nice way to get rid of it. I like Harry's soft-spoken apologeticness (is that even a word?) -- I think you got that right.
I'm still intrigued by the connection between Hunter and Harry; Harry speaks of him as another person (so I suppose Harry is being possessed). But from the prologue, I'd have thought Harry would become Hunter.
Monday 20th November 2006 12:31
Hunter and Maiden
Oh my, how I wish it was possible to remove nightmare-inducing residue from evil experiences the way Harry did here. I'd take a short period of absolute agony any time to never have a nightmare again, and I guess that goes for most pople. The analogy with roots, how evil digs itself into the brain and stays, is a very good one. Your own brainchild?

Thanks for sharing, as always.

Wednesday 22nd November 2006 03:58Hunter and Maiden (Author Response)
I'm not sure... I can't remember anyone else writing about roots in the mind in quite that way, but with the amount I read... The closest I can come to the inspiration for that idea is a passage in a 1930s comic romance novel in which one character, a retired Colonel, enjoys his annual struggle with the bishop-weed in his garden, and much confusion ensues when he mentions dealing with his "bishop" to a neighbour. That and less-than-fond memories of weeding myself.
Monday 14th August 2006 21:38
Hunter and Maiden
That is really cool. Hmm. Who is that man?
Friday 9th December 2005 19:14
Hunter and Maiden
Wow, Harry grew up in a hurry. Looks like he bypassed that irritating, adorable stage I like to call teenage angst. I haven't read the whole thing yet, but I just needed to say that. :P
Well, on with the show.
Saturday 10th December 2005 06:46Hunter and Maiden (Author Response)

He had help...  This will become more evident in later chapters.

A peaceful, remarkably uneventful 6th year allowed him to heal from Sirius' loss and generally sort himself out -- always bearing in mind that he knows that a final confrontation with Tommy-boy is coming, so there was always that looming in the background, stopping him from having the "normal" life that he wants. Then came the events of the night of July 30/31 as chronicled in chapter 1... and suddenly he is no longer alone in his fight. Or in his head.

Sunday 25th September 2005 08:24
Hunter and Maiden
Great dream sequence.  I really like the Hunter.
Thursday 24th March 2005 11:01
Hunter and Maiden
Love the dream. I hope the Hunter persona and Harry's meld soon. I like how he approached Gin. And I like how you cast out Voldey.

Wait. Harry used the Hypenated-Voldey name? Why? He hasn't EVER in canon. Why did he here? That seems out of character.

His compassion for helping Ginny is nice. I like how he cast out Tom. Good idea.

This continues to get better and better.
Friday 25th March 2005 07:01Hunter and Maiden (Author Response)

Harry used the name "You-Know-Who" in order to avoid upsetting the Weasleys; what he wants to talk to them about and ask them is too important to mess up by making them flinch at the name, even though they shouldn't. You'll notice he starts to say "Voldemort," but stops himself, due to his heightened awareness of them and how they'll react, and uses the term that they'll be more comfortable with so as not to make them edgy right before he asks for something that will require them to place a huge amount of trust in him.

But, if this sounds a little OOC... good.