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Reviews For The Honeymooners by Aggiebell

Thursday 25th December 2008 17:03
The Honeymooners
Dude, i just read all 4, and i give it
Saturday 9th August 2008 20:36
The Honeymooners
Great beginning to this story.

Thursday 6th December 2007 20:39
The Honeymooners
Such fun - and I love that despite all the problems, they really are still having a good time ... obviously, there are some things that just can't be ruined.
Sunday 9th December 2007 14:22The Honeymooners (Author Response)
Heh. We had a few disasters on our honeymoon, but, thankfully, nothing like poor Harry and Ginny are having.

Thanks for reviewing!

Sunday 21st October 2007 08:48
The Honeymooners
i love this story! ive already red it, but i just had to read it again!
Sunday 9th December 2007 14:21The Honeymooners (Author Response)

I'm working on chapter 3, so hopefully there will be something new before the new year.

Saturday 22nd September 2007 19:02
The Honeymooners
Hey! when is the next chapter coming??
Saturday 22nd September 2007 19:18The Honeymooners (Author Response)
I'm working on it, I swear. I had a few issues with my computer eating chapter 3 (luckily, I was able to recover most of it). That with the beginning of school for two of my kids and all of the activities that entails basically mean that I've been writing very slowly lately.

Thanks for commenting!

Tuesday 17th July 2007 18:40
The Honeymooners
Thats funny, I always thought I had reviewed this. Hmm . . . Anyway . . . This is a funny story, I love it and can't wait until I the next chapter is on here.


Aly XD

Tuesday 22nd May 2007 15:25
The Honeymooners
Oh my gosh, you are such a good writer. Have you ever done a Ron/Hermione fic? I bet it would be really great if you did. You have a sense of humor perfect for my favorite couple.
Saturday 23rd June 2007 10:27The Honeymooners (Author Response)
Oh, thanks so much (and I'm *so* sorry for taking so long to reply--the end of school and all of its activities requiring Mom the chauffeur and about of the plague that knocked the whole family low got in the way.)

You know, I never have written a Ron/Hermione fic. I'm not opposed to the idea at all; it's just I've never been attacked by the right plot bunny, and I'm not so sure I'd get Hermione's voice right.
Thursday 1st March 2007 09:12
The Honeymooners
You've done a great job with this! Looking forward the next installment!

Sunday 4th March 2007 14:28The Honeymooners (Author Response)
*grin* Thanks! And I'm working on it, so it'll hopefully be soon.

Thursday 1st March 2007 04:11
The Honeymooners
This is too funny! The honeymoon from hell. You aren't married are you? There are ALWAYS little things that go wrong, usually nowhere near as bad as you have written.

I am wondering if the Twins had anything to do with the stolen luggage. God help them if they did, because no one in the Weasley family will. I guess if I keep reading I will find out.

Oh yeah, Ron and the wrong reservation date... This sounds too much like a (younger) Weasley brother set-up!

Anyway, you have given us a very clever plot about a happily ever after that isn't quite!
Sunday 4th March 2007 14:27The Honeymooners (Author Response)
You aren't married are you? There are ALWAYS little things that go wrong, usually nowhere near as bad as you have written.

Yes, actually, I've been married for over sixteen years--and I've got the four kids to prove it. We had our fair share of mishaps on our honeymoon (like the hotel room that didn't have heat when it was 5 degrees F (!) for the high--in Texas), but nothing as bad as this. But my prompt was that "everything goes wrong," so...

Poor Harry and Ginny.

Thanks for reviewing!

Lillie Ann Potter
Wednesday 28th February 2007 16:07
The Honeymooners
Dude you soo rule!! I LOVE YOU!! *air hug* you're gonna write more right? Right? PLEASE! *falls to my knees at your feet,* please write more! ((p.s. YOU ROCK!! :iloveusign)
Sunday 4th March 2007 14:23The Honeymooners (Author Response)
Thanks. And yes, I'm writing more. I"m about, oh, a third through the second chapter, and I've already got the epilogue mostly done.

Lily Flower
Wednesday 28th February 2007 13:58
The Honeymooners
Hehe, I really hope my honeymoon is no where as near as bad as that. But of course I don't plan on leaving the room. *grins* Good job.
Sunday 4th March 2007 14:22The Honeymooners (Author Response)
LOL. I hope your honeymoon doesn't go that badly, either. We had a few problems on ours, but nothing quite as bad as what I'm putting the Potters through.

Thanks for reviewing!

Wednesday 28th February 2007 05:15
The Honeymooners
Squee - nicely done and very amusing. What ELSE can possibly go wrong to our favorite couple? And will we get to see revenge? Thanks!
Sunday 4th March 2007 14:20The Honeymooners (Author Response)
Oooh! I got a *squee*! Thanks.

Remember the prompt: "Everything goes wrong." I'm *almost* feeling guilty. Almost.

Tuesday 27th February 2007 18:44
The Honeymooners

enough said

Sunday 4th March 2007 14:18The Honeymooners (Author Response)


Tuesday 27th February 2007 12:47
The Honeymooners
haha, this was funny and cute. Great job.
Sunday 4th March 2007 14:18The Honeymooners (Author Response)

Tuesday 27th February 2007 10:12
The Honeymooners
It's a wonder nobody got killed so far.
Sunday 4th March 2007 14:17The Honeymooners (Author Response)
LOL. Well, Ginny hasn't got a hold of the twins...yet.

Thanks for reviewing!

Grandma Kate
Tuesday 27th February 2007 08:38
The Honeymooners
You thought of creative ways to torture our favorite couple. Do they have to go back to the first hotel on March 20th?
Sunday 4th March 2007 14:05The Honeymooners (Author Response)
Hee. Thanks!

Do they have to go back to the first hotel on March 20th?

No comment.

Tuesday 27th February 2007 07:33
The Honeymooners
I can hardly wait to see what happens next! I'm really enjoying this story and the tragic things that are happening to our favorite couple! I'm definitely anticipating a run-in with the paparazzi and hope I won't be disappointed...I think my favorite pranks so far are Gred and Forge's. Leave it to them to want to guard their sister's virtue...even on her wedding night!
Sunday 4th March 2007 14:04The Honeymooners (Author Response)
LOL. Thanks Arnel.

I'm definitely anticipating a run-in with the paparazzi and hope I won't be disappointed

*blinks innocently and adjusts halo*
