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Reviews For Echoes of Power by moshpit

Sunday 30th August 2009 20:27
Echoes of Power
This is looking to be a wonderful story. I don't think I've ever laughed this much from a piece of fanfiction before. Very well done
Friday 15th February 2008 17:42
Echoes of Power
I am re-reading. Please tell me that this story is still alive and will be updated and finished?
Thursday 17th January 2008 10:02
Echoes of Power
Hehe I quite like this thing about Floppy. Same logic as with Diary actually, why should anyone trust it with his mind? Nice spot
Thursday 12th April 2007 20:11
Echoes of Power
This is very intersting. I have never read a Harry potter story like this in a long time. I love Harry's wit. Very dry, but funny. Can't wait to see where Harry gets Sorted.
Thursday 21st June 2007 21:55Echoes of Power (Author Response)
Errr, seems like a repeat?
Thursday 12th April 2007 20:11
Echoes of Power
This is very intersting. I have never read a Harry potter story like this in a long time. I love Harry's wit. Very dry, but funny. Can't wait to see where Harry gets Sorted.
Thursday 21st June 2007 21:55Echoes of Power (Author Response)
Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts. I'm glad you're enjoying the story. Hopefully it's still fun for you.
Monday 9th April 2007 01:46
Echoes of Power
This is very interesting. I like the fact that Harry planted seeds of doubt in Filius and Pomona's minds about them being notified of injuries to their students. I can't believe that Dumbledore would put other students in harms way to "give the miscrents a second chance." That is horibble. How blind is he? At least Harry had a good argument that made Dumbledore take a second look at the situation. It is really going to be rough if Snape comes back. He will be worse than ever. Who's side is he on in this story anyway? I guess we will find out soon. I look forward to how the "sorting" works out. Harry needs to be neutral or in Griffendor. I vote for Griffindor so he can play Quidditch. Thanks for writing. p
Thursday 21st June 2007 21:54Echoes of Power (Author Response)
The question you ask about Dumbledore is spot on -- particularly with JKR's own canon. If you actually pause to reflect on any of the books, and especially Book 6, he was harboring Draco in the castle knowing that the boy was trying to kill him (Dumbledore). At the same time, he knew of Draco's failures, and how it almost killed several others. What did he do? Precisely -- nothing. The sheer number of attempted murder charges that could be brought against Draco alone by the end of Book 6 is, frankly, depressing. With regards to Snape and Draco in this story, all I can say is: Read And Find Out (RAFO). Life isn't black and white, and the characters shouldn't be either. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
Sunday 25th March 2007 06:07
Echoes of Power
Interesting deal with the Sorting hat. I wonder whether Harry would be sorted with the First Years. Canon never has anyone accepted after First Year, but I have noticed other fanfics tend to have a separate sorting. Here it is obviously necessary for what you do with the sorting Hat
Thursday 21st June 2007 21:51Echoes of Power (Author Response)
Yes, old Floppy is quite the character. I owe you an apology for letting your always interesting reviews sit so long unanswered. I'm trying to get caught up now, but small steps and all that. I thought that JKR made it clear at one point that Hogwarts does not accept transfer students, period. I can understand bending the rules for Harry, as Dumbledore would nearly insist upon it, but for other characters, it's not so clear. (Admittedly, even for Harry, it's not clear.) But yes, I needed a particular setup to get Floppy in that position. Or is it Harry that's been put in the position?