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Reviews For Bring Me to Life by KEDme

Friday 1st June 2007 02:20
Bring Me to Life
Interesting, interesting. The image that popped into my head as I was reading this chapter was of a candle -- something that has great potential but is useless with an intial spark. Well, you've given Harry his spark, and the outcome was rather explosive. But ...

You also gave us two brief glimpses of darkness, and I think they're what made this chapter. Harry's situation brightened so quickly that I'm glad to see that there's still conflict to be resolved. And mystery, too. I think it would be hard to get to this point in the without wondering what part of Ginny's new connection with Harry is awakening the darkness within her. There are definitely a number of ways you could take this, and all of them have intesting potential.

As I look at the song and lyrics you chose for this chapter, it's obvious that potential could include a lot more angst:

I tried to kill the pain,
But only brought moreā€¦
So much more.

Since the story is only has four more chapters I imagine I'm pulling things somewhat out of context, but the opening's there to make this really messy. And I dare say, I like that. It's got me thinking ahead, trying to anticipate your next move without having too strong a grasp on what's to come. When I can do that is usually when I enjoy fics the most.

So good job. I'm (obviously) looking forward to your next twist.
Sunday 20th May 2007 13:06
Bring Me to Life
Harry is so much better now. That's nice. It seems Ginny is struggling with the darkness now -- I hope she doesn't get as bad off as Harry was.
Monday 9th April 2007 16:55
Bring Me to Life
brilliant story please write more / and / 4 ever
Monday 2nd April 2007 08:55
Bring Me to Life
An interesting chapter. : ) I loved the morning routine - trying to get out unseen. Such a "real life" thing that so often gets overlooked in some other fic.

The training exercise - wow! Amazing what happens with a bit of confidence. : ) And I loved the part with Harry and Ron trying to hold in their laughter at Tonks, and it only getting worse. : ) And that they equated the instructor to Snape! : ) Kinda funny that his name is "Greenhorn".

This "affliction" between Harry and Ginny gets more and more interesting. Can't wait till you reveal a little more of the puzzle. : )

Till next time!
Thursday 29th March 2007 18:36
Bring Me to Life
Yes, I haven't read anything pass four chapters, so I'm definitely looking forward to the new ones.
I agree with making us wait. usually if I read a few chapters at a time, I don't give a proper review of each. So absorbing one and commenting on that one is best for me.
Thursday 29th March 2007 17:46
Bring Me to Life
Hey Kathy! This chapter is even better since the first time I read it some time ago becuz now I'm an Evanescence fan.

I remember this being a favorite chapter of mine. I was so amazed at the way Harry did a turn-about. It's hard to read moody Harry, so this chapter pleased me quite a bit. I love how Ginny can pull him out of his brood and pain. She's so good for him, in more ways than one. My only concern and I think you know, I just hope Ginny can deal with all his emotions that will start to flow through her. She probably could handle it better than Harry does. But it'll still be hard to read her going through it.

You know I'm a fan of "Bring Me to Life" and I'm looking forward to Harry finding out about Ginny joining the Auror Academy. Should be quite interesting.

Great job Kat as usual.

Thursday 29th March 2007 18:19Bring Me to Life (Author Response)
It's hard to read moody!Harry, but fun to write! However, I know what you mean. It's tough to take too much angst, that's why I didn't keep him there for long. Yes, telling Harry about her career plans is going to be interesting. That's coming up in chapter five, I think, but it's in the midst of a whole other issue. Lots of conflict, lots of Weasley goodness in that one... I'd love to just publish the whole thing at once, but I'm trying to resist the temptation and just let everyone absorb each chapter as they come before throwing another one in the mix. Anticipation is a good thing, right? I think I only published four chapters on the yahoo group, right? So starting with five it's all new material.
Thursday 29th March 2007 14:26
Bring Me to Life
I am really enjoying this story. It's a shame to know that all that darkness is still there, but it's so wonderful that the old Harry is back!!!! Great work.

Thursday 29th March 2007 18:09Bring Me to Life (Author Response)
Harry's comeback was very satisfying to write. I enjoyed seeing him stick it to his critical instructor, who he'll continue to have a bit of a problem with because first impressions are hard to get over, and Harry's first year has been 'dismal'. He's really had a rough time of it, but only a select few know why. From here on out, he's got a lot to prove, but I think he's up for the task. Yes, the darkess is still a problem, and that's not going to change any time soon. That's what Part 2 is all about. Thanks for reviewing!
Thursday 29th March 2007 13:58
Bring Me to Life
She's joining!! That's so great! This was a really amazing chapter! I can't wait for the next one! You stories always hook me!

Amzing Job KEDme!
Thursday 29th March 2007 18:05Bring Me to Life (Author Response)
Thanks, Jessica. Any time I write an action chapter I'm a bit nervous, so it's nice to hear the positive responses. Next chapter is their first offical date and it's another fun one. I think you'll like it - know that I do! Just rachet's the romance up a bit, lol... always a good thing. I'm putting the finishing touches on it today to send it back to my beta. She only found three corrections! But I need to add the song lyrics and author's note. It'll be out around Wednesday. Sorry for the delay, but again... it gives me time to work on my other projects so that when I start posting them I can keep up a good pace. That's better for my readers in the long run. Thanks, as always, for the review!
Grandma Kate
Wednesday 28th March 2007 20:44
Bring Me to Life
Oh dear, I didn't see that coming. "No Ginny! Go do something else!"

Wonderful chapter with Harry happy and functioning (almost all of the time).
Wednesday 28th March 2007 22:32Bring Me to Life (Author Response)
Personally, I can totally see canon Ginny as an auror. I think she's as passionate about fighting evil as Harry, so what better career for her? But... will Harry think so? Hmm...
Wednesday 28th March 2007 13:43
Bring Me to Life
A very good chapter. I am so glad Harry and Ginny are together! I can see a problem with the happiness being almost too much. That and the fact that "the darkness" is still there for both of them. Is this a curse left by Voldemort or a left over of guilt and self loathing that they both have from dwelling too much on the darkest things they have ever done. Even normal happiness and sadness can be devastatating without the extremes that Harry and Ginny have gone through. I look forward to how you proceed with this story. Thanks for writing. p
Wednesday 28th March 2007 22:30Bring Me to Life (Author Response)
This is the remnants of the curse that Harry used on Voldemort. Essentially, he poured too much of himself into Voldemort and very little of the good stuff was left over for him. And H/G's extremes are going to come into play sooner or later, so basically yeah... keep thinking this way. However, not all is dark and dismal. There has to be a balance, right? See you next week, and thanks for reviewing!
Wednesday 28th March 2007 12:22
Bring Me to Life
Elated. Elation. Sheer grinning-ness has taken over me. What a chapter, even with the knowledge that there is still blackness to be dealt with. Talk about a glimpse into bipolar.

Wonderfully done once again. This connection will be most interesting to explore and examine. A rock solid five star effort here. It is most appreciated!
Wednesday 28th March 2007 22:21Bring Me to Life (Author Response)
Now that's interesting... bipolar, hmmm... I do like that take on it, and you're not very far off base. But remember the titles and pay attention to the lyrics I included. They are important, especially in this chapter. Thanks for reviewing.
Wednesday 28th March 2007 11:08
Bring Me to Life
By the time Ginny is done saving Harry there will be nothing left of her. I only hope that she won't be too far gone so that she can be saved too. Great chapter, I can't wait to find out what happens next.
Wednesday 28th March 2007 22:18Bring Me to Life (Author Response)
Ginny's a fighter. I mean, she held off Voldemort her whole first year and no one even knew it was her doing all those things until the end of the school year. I think that shows a lot of character. Part 2 explores this issue and is proving to be rather intense so far. This one starts with Harry's delimma, then moves into a fluffier side, while Part 2 is the aftermath and is mostly Ginny's delimma, but of course Harry's involved too. So, again... no resolution in this one, but I think you'll enjoy the rest of part 1, especially if you like H/G romance.
Wednesday 28th March 2007 10:50
Bring Me to Life
This chapter showed a lot of new twists is your story. I'm not sure if Ginny is sharing her love and Harry's grief or what is happening here. I want to think that her love is curing Harry, but I'm sure those melancholy feelings of his from Voldy have to go somewhere. If that's the case, and I hope it's not, it will devastate Harry to know this is happening to Ginny if Hermione doesn't find a cure. I look forward to seeing how you work everything out.

I love the new version and adaptation to HBP.
Wednesday 28th March 2007 22:13Bring Me to Life (Author Response)
Hint... notice the title, Touniquet. Keep thinking along those lines. So you read this on the yahoo group? I think I only posted four chapters, so after next week it'll be all new material. I've been tinkering with this story for so long now that as I re-read the chapters it's difficult to believe that I actually wrote them. I do think it's some of my best work, so long as you like angst/romance/fluff, which I do. This definitely isn't an epic like SotS, but the emotional aspects appeal to me. Then again, my husband couldn't even get halfway through the first chapter. He hated it, so... I guess it's not for everyone. I don't take it personally though. It's nice to know others ARE enjoying it. Thanks for reviewing.
Wednesday 28th March 2007 10:26
Bring Me to Life
that was fantastic! I liked how you described Harry's and Ginny's feelings! But now I am also a bit afraid: why the doubts of Ginny in the end!
Wednesday 28th March 2007 22:07Bring Me to Life (Author Response)
Well, that's part of the "unresolved issues" that will not be tied up at the end of this fic. The resolution comes in Part 2, which I am still writing. If you liked this one, there's more to come. Harry and Ginny's first date is coming up next week with a suprise twist at the end. Hope to see you back then.
Wednesday 28th March 2007 10:15
Bring Me to Life
i love this story cant wait till the next chapter
Wednesday 28th March 2007 22:05Bring Me to Life (Author Response)
Just check back next week about the same time. It should be here. Thanks for letting me know you like it.
Wednesday 28th March 2007 09:50
Bring Me to Life
I feel like it is Christmas. The book cover comes out and new chapter! Yeah!! I love Tonks. You really described her well. (love the hair) I hope that we will see Lupin in the up coming chapters. I am so happy for Harry. My inner eye see not everything will be roses just yet.
Wednesday 28th March 2007 22:03Bring Me to Life (Author Response)
Tonks... yes Tonks was fun to write. This was originally written post OotP. I loved her character then and I still do. She's just so much fun to write because she's such a contradiction. I was thrilled that Jo paired her with Lupin. That was just excellent for them both. As for your inner eye... well, you know me too well. But you can relax for a bit and enjoy the fluffiness a bit more, okay? Thanks for reviewing and I hope to see you again next week!
Wednesday 28th March 2007 09:38
Bring Me to Life
Besides your ability to portray action and emotion so well, what I like about your stories is they never are ALL sunshine and roses. There is always a doubt, a nagging memory... Or a last minute dagger (shudder).

It is good to see Harry laugh though.
Wednesday 28th March 2007 21:49Bring Me to Life (Author Response)
LOL... I was just complaining about my ability - or inability - to do action scenes. I'd say between those and Quidditch, I struggle with action the most. Emotion and angst come easily, but trying to judge the pace of the action scenes and coming up with new ways to do them is not as easy for me... so it is very nice to hear that you think I do an okay job. No, I'm not all sunshine and roses, sorry. Life is hard and I think it definitely has to be a balance. You can't appreciate what you have until it's gone, and there is no story without conflict. But I do try and keep the daggers at a minimum. I think you'll appreciate the remainder of this story if you like H/G romance. However, as I said before and keep saying... there is no resolution in Part 1. That comes in Part 2, so keep that in mind. I wouldn't want anyone to get to the end and think that it's over.
Wednesday 28th March 2007 09:14
Bring Me to Life
I really, really like this. And I loved seeing Harry be himself again! Great chapter; looking forward to the next one.
Wednesday 28th March 2007 21:43Bring Me to Life (Author Response)
I like seeing Harry himself again, too. It was a very satisfying chapter to write and re-read, since it'd been ages since I last took a look at it. Hope to see you back next week!
Connor Landon
Wednesday 28th March 2007 09:00
Bring Me to Life
I have to tell you, Harry's elation was definitely contagious. I couldn't stop smiling--seriously!--and I even had to laugh outright and giddily a couple of times. This was a great chapter. Though there was plenty of happiness--I really enjoyed seeing Harry being successful in his training, for once--you let us all know that the darkness Voldemort cursed Harry with is still present. I wonder how one gets rid of a foe such as this for good...? It won't be easy, that's for sure. Love the weekly updates! And you're definitely one of my favourite authors of all time.
Wednesday 28th March 2007 21:41Bring Me to Life (Author Response)
Well, that's the theme of part 2... I always look forward to your reviews. You fill me with such confidence! Thanks!