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Reviews For Retrospection by HermioneWeasley1972

Wednesday 3rd October 2007 07:57
interesting story! I wish that Peter had realized that moony padfoot and prongs saw something in him, otherwise they wouldnt have been friends with him...
I also read another story, were it was impossible for a wizard to commit suicide with his wand unless he had a lot of self-hate or something.
Wednesday 11th April 2007 14:06
Nice little one-shot. I liked the way you had Peter explain the reasons behind his past actions. I never thought about him being upset that James and Lilly didn't choose him as Harry's godfather, but that did make a lot of sense. His voice rang true throughout, better than I expected, in fact (absolutely no offense meant--it's hard to write from the pov of a character so little explored in cannon). I hope something to this effect does happen in the last book. Well done!
Tuesday 10th April 2007 20:31
Nice redemption story. I can see why it won.
Monday 9th April 2007 10:44
well, one thing this fic certainly did, is pique my interest in the subject of the debt that wormtail owes harry. I like what you did, here, i know it's probably not the easiest of subjects or pov's to write.
Monday 9th April 2007 10:46Retrospection (Author Response)
well, one thing this fic certainly did, is pique my interest in the subject of the debt that wormtail owes harry. I like what you did, here, i know it's probably not the easiest of subjects or pov's to write.

Thank you so much. I've been expanding my writing horizons and for the first time I have been able to write about characters who are other than the trio, or what is considered 'good' characters.