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Reviews For “Great Scott, Potter, This is War!” by Aaran St Vines

Saturday 19th April 2008 14:42
“Great Scott, Potter, This is War!”
Wizarding family name history is fascinating! You've inspired a curiousity about mean, current family names and their ascendency throughout history. Thanks!
Saturday 29th December 2007 21:15
“Great Scott, Potter, This is War!”
Opps, now you know I've read ahead and am going back on reviews, as a fair amount of my review for the last chapter pertains to this chapter.

Over all, a great job.

I am interested to see if Harry finds a way to 'steal so votes from othe of the 3-30-3 famillys. And to maybe get the Weasleys their vote back. And even better, is there some way for him to get the Malfoy vote?
Monday 10th September 2007 00:01
“Great Scott, Potter, This is War!”
Love this story! Looking forward to more!
Thursday 6th September 2007 12:06
“Great Scott, Potter, This is War!”
Wow. There's a lot of information in there! I'm going to contiue reading.
Thursday 19th April 2007 13:39
“Great Scott, Potter, This is War!”
Interesting history. I hope Harry puts Jenkins and the MID in its place. And is Jenkins so ignorant he isn't aware of the Battle of Little Whinging? Or is he just so arrogant to think he can match Harry?
Wednesday 18th April 2007 02:58
“Great Scott, Potter, This is War!”
Wow - I just spent several hours reading this and the previous chapter. You certainly weave an interesting (I'm a history major too) and detailed story. The politics side is one I haven't read before. When do you find the time to write such long chapters!
J.R. Lewis
Monday 16th April 2007 20:24
“Great Scott, Potter, This is War!”
I know that this was necessary, but I have to tell you that it was interestingly boring. That is, I had to read it twice to get it to sink in.

Seriously, I did read it twice and it is interesting to see how all the government works according to this story. I hope to see the next chapter soon.
3rd Mission
Monday 16th April 2007 10:59
“Great Scott, Potter, This is War!”
And I find myself taking notes once again, I've been reading this story since the day it started, and while I'm a fast reader I've found that I spend more time than I should reading it, time that should be spent working, so in order to keep from loosing my place on what is happening I've started to take notes, this chapter put my handwritten notes up to about 20 pages in outline format, and when I finally type it up it will be interesting to see.

All that being said, taking notes on this is much more interesting than work feel free to go on and on about history and theory, I really love the times when you go into Physics and Mechanics

Beautifully done.
Monday 16th April 2007 09:23
“Great Scott, Potter, This is War!”
Thanks for the addendum. I am an amateur historian and find the background material you provide fascinating. And the political machinations! That is where the real power is controlled and real changes to Wizarding society made. Smith is right, Harry's estimation of the importance of Florence Sheets versus Voldemort. The Voldemort problem is gone when he is dead. Sheets, and the political infestation of "pure-blood" bigotry is the long term problem.

Looking forward to more of your fascinating Wizard world as you finish more chapters.
Monday 16th April 2007 06:46
“Great Scott, Potter, This is War!”
fun fun fun. M.I.D. ?? Madame Malkin? Su Li? You keep adding more threads to this tale. Not planning on winding things up anytime soon, I guess...
Monday 16th April 2007 06:39
“Great Scott, Potter, This is War!”
I, too, love the historical background of a well-spun tale (I loved Tolkien's "The Silmarillion"). Thank you for including Christian influences and references, and for keeping your writing porn-free. Far too many writers use sexual situations to hide poor storytelling skills. Your talent is exceptional.
Again, thank you!
Grandma Kate
Monday 16th April 2007 05:16
“Great Scott, Potter, This is War!”
Count me among those who appreciated your Addendum.
Monday 16th April 2007 03:34
“Great Scott, Potter, This is War!”
A very absorbing read

I remember Dumbledore's mother described as a muggle in one of the fanfics, but dont suppose it is there in cannon. But then his surname should have been that of his wizard father. A new wizarding name would probably come up only if the father was a muggle and the children took his name -- what do you think?
Monday 16th April 2007 02:44
“Great Scott, Potter, This is War!”
ohh!! It was really short!!! Please, update next chapter as soon as possible, please!!
Sunday 15th April 2007 21:08
“Great Scott, Potter, This is War!”
I'm a combined history/languages major at university, and I'd just like to say your thirty three families history is much more interesting than my homework! I love this story and I can't wait for more!