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Reviews For A Turnip for Luck by Lady Whizbee

Wednesday 28th April 2010 10:54
A Turnip for Luck
Hurray for Neville!
Wednesday 28th April 2010 12:29A Turnip for Luck (Author Response)
This is the first story that I ever posted on PS, and was written well before DH. It's fun to know that this story is still so appealing! Hurray for Neville, is right. He's such a great character...
Tuesday 7th July 2009 08:55
A Turnip for Luck
yay for neville(: ginny seems to be quite a matchmaker. i was suprised to see that it was susan bones but it seems like a good fit
Tuesday 15th January 2008 18:49
A Turnip for Luck
Great story. I read this one last of all your stories, and it appears I should have read it first. However, I still enjoyed it very much. It was a very good idea of yours to have the store be packed with people, since it gave them a reason to move closer to each other. It also probably helped move the plot along a bit, too, I imagine. I also liked the twist about it turning out that Susan was the healer to whom Ginny wanted to introduce him. I'm guessing that the Alabastor Stork-Behring Ward probably deals with obstetrics, right? (That would explain why Susan said that Neville WOULDN'T be familiar with that ward. Also, Susan said that she's so excited for Ginny and Harry, and I'm assuming that's because they're going to have a baby. That seems like the most logical thing for which she'd be excited for them.)

Despite it no longer being canon, I liked your Susan and Neville together, the way that you wrote them.

Please write more. Thanks.
Wednesday 16th January 2008 14:25A Turnip for Luck (Author Response)
You're too kind. Thank you. I'm really glad that you read this one and enjoyed it--and I'm sorry that you read it last! I should probably tag the two Neville stories so that it's obvious that one follows the other. So sorry.

Yes, the store being crowded pushed them together, but I also liked the idea of them being able to tune the crowd/din out while they talked. Almost as if they were talking to each other in a bubble. The Ginny-Susan twist was the foundation for the whole story. I wanted Neville to desperately want to avoid the one thing that he actually really wanted -- Susan. Of course, he didn't know it was Susan that he was avoiding--but you know what I mean. And yes, you're right, Ginny's pregnant. I didn't want to be overly blatant about it, but I *did* like my clever Ward name.

Thanks so much for reading and reviewing this one, too. I promise to write more--soon. Cheers and many, many thanks.

Monday 14th January 2008 11:35
A Turnip for Luck
This was absolutely lovely. Well written and such a perfect series of event. Great characterization as well.

When I read the title I was sure this was a Neville / Luna story which is a ship that never worked for me. I am not a huge Neville fan, but every once in a while I end up reading a Neville fic just because I like the author's other work so much. Usually I go in expecting to be a little bored, but this just got me. I think I really understand Neville now and he is SO sweet. I was rooting for him the whole way.

Now I am hoping to find that the other story you havde posted here continues this one because I am dying to know what happens next.
Monday 14th January 2008 13:43A Turnip for Luck (Author Response)
Oh, good. I'm so glad that you found this one (even though you're not a huge Neville fan!). I thought you might enjoy the fluff.

I'm thrilled that you now feel like you understand Neville. To me, he's a joy to write and read--but that's just me. You know though, I will say that this story is pre-DH Neville. Post-DH Neville would be a lot more confident--maybe still awkward at times--but definitely more confident. Just so you know.

Anyway--I'm glad you read this and enjoyed it. It makes me immensely happy that you did.
Tuesday 23rd October 2007 14:31
A Turnip for Luck
great job!
Tuesday 23rd October 2007 16:40A Turnip for Luck (Author Response)
Thanks so much. This was my first fanfic and it's my favorite. I'm glad that you were able to find it, read it, and that you enjoyed it, too.

And thank you for taking the time to write a review, as well.
Wednesday 29th August 2007 16:23
A Turnip for Luck
Very sweet. You have some nice turns of phrase: "thwack" isn't a word you see often enough in print, and re-enforcing it with "accidentally thwacking" is a nice touch. And "the Alabastor Stork-Behring Ward" is simply inspired. Thank you.
Wednesday 29th August 2007 19:52A Turnip for Luck (Author Response)
I agree that you don't see 'thwack' in print quite enough. There's something ridiculously satisfying in the way it rolls of the tongue and the mental pictures it creates.

I'm so glad that you liked this little story, and that you took the time to write a review. Thanks so much for reading!
Monday 16th July 2007 08:22
A Turnip for Luck
Hahaha, this is great. I read the other story first, of course, that's how I found you -- and I did read the updated version you suggested, and I like the ending quite well -- but I digress.

Great story! I'd love to read more of your Susan and Neville together, and I'd especially love to see Harry and Ginny's reaction to the two of them after the dinner party. Although I can certainly imagine it. You really write a great Neville.
Monday 16th July 2007 08:48A Turnip for Luck (Author Response)
Thanks! I'm so glad that you liked this--and that you think I've 'captured' Neville. That's the most important thing really...

I wrote the other Neville story really as a response to the contest, and I'm not sure if it would have been the same if I had just written chapter 2 unprompted...but then, now I digress!

I'm glad that you enjoyed this piece, though. I'm by far the most proud of it. Thank you for your review!
Wednesday 25th April 2007 15:28
A Turnip for Luck
Awww, so cute! Sequel, please?
Thursday 26th April 2007 14:34A Turnip for Luck (Author Response)
You're too sweet! I'm so glad you liked it...I'll keep you posted if I write more on this one... Thanks!!
Tuesday 24th April 2007 23:11
A Turnip for Luck
Great story!
Wednesday 25th April 2007 08:12A Turnip for Luck (Author Response)
Thank you for reading and reviewing!
Tuesday 24th April 2007 08:58
A Turnip for Luck
I'm quickly becoming a Neville Longbottom fan due to excellent stories like this one. Your characterization of Neville is spot-on and I love the fact that he has become a successful, if shy, young man. Bless Ginny for trying to play match-maker; she has her heart in the right place and I'm glad she chose Susan as the latest in her long line of guests. However, it made me smile when Neville got up the courage and beat her to the punch-line by inviting Susan to his house to help him with dinner. Thanks for sharing this delightful story. It's quickly becoming one of my favorites.
Tuesday 24th April 2007 13:01A Turnip for Luck (Author Response)
Thank you so much for your review. I'm so glad that you thought I captured Neville accurately. He really is a fun character to write.

You know, in the end, I think that's the point...Neville figures it out on his own. Without any help or proding...he just realizes that he can do it and that it isn't that complicated, really.

I'm so glad that you liked it!
Monday 23rd April 2007 03:22
A Turnip for Luck
What a lovely story, even though I have a problem imagining Ginny as an ardent match maker for Neville. But that's just nagging. Well done.
Monday 23rd April 2007 08:32A Turnip for Luck (Author Response)
Thank you so much for your review!

You make a good point about Ginny. And I can understand what you mean...for me, it was Ginny simply interested to see Neville happy and trying to 'help' him in that regard. Her interest was pure in its intent, and she had no intention to overwhelm him (which is what happened) but because we didn't see her POV in this story, you don't experience that.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts! I'm so glad that you wrote a review.
Sunday 22nd April 2007 20:17
A Turnip for Luck
it was very cute, and i agree. you captured neville SO well. applause to you!
Monday 23rd April 2007 08:18A Turnip for Luck (Author Response)
Thank you so much for your review! I'm glad that you thought I capured Neville, that means so much...
Friday 20th April 2007 21:15
A Turnip for Luck
Eee! I have to tell you that when this came through submissions, I read it first, because of the summary. And then I wrote a note and told everyone that we had to accept it or I would be very, very upset.

First off, I'm a big fan of Neville. Actually, I'm a HUGE fan of Neville. I get very excited when I get to read something where the author captures his character.

Secondly, I really like and Susan together. There's just something about them that makes me happy.

And it's even better when it's well-written.

Okay, random comments coming up:
* I love that Harry and Ginny have Neville over, and that it's a regular thing. I just like that their friendship continued and strengthened after everything was over.
* I really like the coincidences that brought Neville and Susan together...and that Susan was the one Ginny was going to set Neville up with in the first place.
* Ginny as matchmaker cracks me up. Poor Neville.

It wasn't as if he wasn't interested in meeting new women. He was. It was just that there was so much pressure attached to that first conversation. He had to be interesting, and witty, and clever, and he had to have more than one interesting, one witty, and one clever thing to say. And, in total, that was very hard work. After all, what could he say that was all that profound?

He was just Neville Longbottom.

*squishes Neville* This captures him just absolutely perfectly.

It was as if every wizard in London had suddenly converged into this one small corner shop. The aisles were crammed with people weaving and bumping about, finding what they needed. There were even a few zipping here and there on their brooms, accidentally thwacking people in the head with strings of sausages, or in one case, a cured ham. Those still on the ground were stretching over each other to pluck boxes of biscuits, around each other to grab the tinned tomatoes, or under each other to pick the jars of jam that they wanted. Many chose to Accio items rather than reach for them, and this led to further accidental thwackings. He stood dumbfounded until those same people began to elbow in and out around him and, feeling it best not to continue to block the door, he moved to gather a hand-basket.

This really makes me feel like I'm at our grocery store on a Sunday Evening. It's exactly like this (minus the Accio-ing, of course). I really got a sense of how chaotic it was, and I can just imagine him standing there completely overwhelmed.

So, yes. I loved it. Do you have more stories to post here? *looks hopeful*

~Julie (your friendly neighborhood Neville fan-girl )
Sunday 22nd April 2007 13:57A Turnip for Luck (Author Response)

I have to say that that's the longest review I've ever received--and all of it made me 'squee'! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

How can you not adore Neville? He's just so lovably good and decent. I just love him, and he's a joy to write. Particularly because he's still growing as a character. He's definitely more capable than he believes, and it's fun to explore how his character might develop with time.

I'm so glad that you liked it and that it felt true to Neville. I have written other things, some that include Neville, but nothing that is as Neville-focused as this. I'm in the middle of a multi-chaptered story that I'm rushing to finish before the next book is released but perhaps...if I have a moment to distract myself with a tangent...I'll see about furthering this tale as well. Thank you for you positive feedback and encouragement!

Friday 20th April 2007 15:35
A Turnip for Luck
What a sweet and gorgeous story - I feel all happy and excited for Neville now! I really like how he's 'turned out' with his job and what brilliant work he does without realising it. He seems perfectly 'Neville' but perfectly matured a few years on from the books. Very sweet encounter in the supermarket - I loved it!
Sunday 22nd April 2007 13:36A Turnip for Luck (Author Response)
Thank you! I'm so glad that you liked it.

This is totally how I see Neville in a few years time--quietly capable, but still slightly unsure about how capable he is.

Thank you so much for your review!

Friday 20th April 2007 10:42
A Turnip for Luck
aww really sweet i loved it but i recognise it hav u posted it sumwhere eles as well? i really think ive read it before but i still loved it

thanks for writing!!
Friday 20th April 2007 14:33A Turnip for Luck (Author Response)
Thank you for your review! Yes, it has been posted elsewhere--last autumn, on Sugarquill and Checkmated.
Thursday 19th April 2007 16:58
A Turnip for Luck
Very cute.^^
Friday 20th April 2007 05:00A Turnip for Luck (Author Response)
I'm so glad that you liked it. Thanks for your review!
Thursday 19th April 2007 15:13
A Turnip for Luck
Awww, Neville and Susan! Now they would be a cute couple, since JKR has sunk the Neville and Luna ship. I like the idea of Susan and Neville together, especially the way you write it!
Thursday 19th April 2007 15:51A Turnip for Luck (Author Response)
Thank you so much! I'm glad that you approve. I'm also very glad that you liked the story and chose to write a review. All best!
Thursday 19th April 2007 13:18
A Turnip for Luck
Oh, that was one of the sweetest things I've ever read. I love Neville, he's one of my favorite characters. I've also liked the idea of Neville and Susan for a while now. So great job, I loved it!
Thursday 19th April 2007 14:03A Turnip for Luck (Author Response)
You know, I know that a lot of people think Neville is well-suited for Hannah, but there's something about Susan...

What it is, I think, is that she comes from a similar background as Neville. Her family is well-established, determined, loyal, and long-suffering (just like Neville's), and there's something to be said for that. I think that they have a lot in common, even though so little is actually known about her. So go Susan!

Thanks so much for your review.
Thursday 19th April 2007 03:30
A Turnip for Luck
This is a cute story. I really like Neville and this was perfect. He found someone on his own and then found out his friends approved also. It looks like a lovely evening for everyone. Thanks for writing. p
Thursday 19th April 2007 09:12A Turnip for Luck (Author Response)
Isn't Neville the *best*. I just adore him. I'm so glad that you enjoyed the story!
Caleb Nova
Thursday 19th April 2007 00:17
A Turnip for Luck
I always enjoy reading a romance that is true in both its simplicity and awkwardness. You've found that truth, so well done.
Thursday 19th April 2007 09:11A Turnip for Luck (Author Response)
Oh, thank you. Your kind words made my day. I'm so glad that you enjoyed and appreciated this story. Thank you.
Wednesday 18th April 2007 18:32
A Turnip for Luck
that was VERY cute. i'd love to see what happens at, and after, the dinner party. possibly chapters two and three?
Wednesday 18th April 2007 19:46A Turnip for Luck (Author Response)
You're so sweet. I will definitely let you know if I decide to post more. Cheers, and many thanks for your encouragement!
Wednesday 18th April 2007 17:47
A Turnip for Luck
This was a delightful story to beta and to read. Of course, I have a thing for Neville fics . . .

I'm looking forward to working on the next one with you.

Wednesday 18th April 2007 19:40A Turnip for Luck (Author Response)
Kelleypen! Thank you. For some reason, my 'Author's Note' didn't appear at the top of this post--is there a way to add it? I want to make sure and give you proper beta credit!

I'm so glad that you love Neville as much as I do.
Wednesday 18th April 2007 16:31
A Turnip for Luck
i wish you would continue this story. cute and funny
Wednesday 18th April 2007 19:37A Turnip for Luck (Author Response)
Thanks for your review! I'm so glad that you enjoyed it and want's quite encouraging to know those sorts of things. I'll keep you posted if I do decide to write more...
Lily Flower
Wednesday 18th April 2007 14:34
A Turnip for Luck
lol That's funny. Great plot, story and dialogue. I love the way you played the scene out. Great job.

Wednesday 18th April 2007 19:35A Turnip for Luck (Author Response)
Thank you so much for your review! I'm so glad that you enjoyed all the various pieces that pulled this into a tight little roundabout. It was fun to write.
Wednesday 18th April 2007 12:02
A Turnip for Luck
That was fun! What with the turnip and all I was expecting Luna in this story. You did a wonderful job characterizing Neville. I like Susan, too. They seem to work well together. All in all, a very nice fic. I wouldn't mind seeing more if you know what I mean...
Wednesday 18th April 2007 19:30A Turnip for Luck (Author Response)
I'm so glad that you liked it. And I *am* sorry that I disappointed you regarding Luna -- -- it is difficult not to see the word 'turnip' and not think 'Luna', isn't it?

Thank you for your encouragement and for writing the first review! I'll keep you posted if a second chapter bubbles forth...