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Reviews For From Answers to Questions by Velvethope

Monday 21st December 2009 16:41
From Answers to Questions
stupid harry...
Ron better knock some sense into him!
Thursday 17th January 2008 19:20
From Answers to Questions
interesting... I hope that they can knock some sense into harry...
passion lily
Saturday 19th November 2005 07:30
From Answers to Questions
But why must Harry leave. Grrr, god dame men! Always running away! Very good chapter.
Wednesday 7th July 2004 21:16
From Answers to Questions
Slowly getting caught up, here....

He couldn't stay at Hogwarts and that was that.
What? No! I mean, I can see how he really wouldn't be comfortable anymore. But poor Harry...he really liked teaching. Ah well, it is rather his own
fault, isn't it?

And even though Harry had defeated Voldemort and faced the Death Eaters, getting stared at disapprovingly by Minerva McGonagall was probably still on his list of top five things not to do.
Heh. Definitely not good. But it really is a lovely image you provide.

She didn't know how she would face him today when she saw him. But she knew they needed to talk.
Oh, so not good. She's going to be disappointed.

How can I can explain away snogging a
Hee! Even with all that's going on, trust Ginny to come up with a comment like that.

Hermione as professor? Well, I can definitely see that! She'll be good, I'd say, though her students may just wish for Harry back.

Ginny wasn't certain, but she could have sworn she saw Professor McGonagall's mouth twitch into the briefest of smiles.
Ah, McGonagall rocks ever so much.

"Yes, Professor, I think I might enjoy getting away mean, getting to know things from a different perspective."
How, er, diplomatic of

Ginny felt two emotions at once - disbelief and anger. How dare Harry do this! How dare he run away in the night and leave her to wake up in a world without him! Of all the childish, foolish, stupid things to do
- and he was the one reminding her that she was
younger than he was? Was he mad?
It is rather childish, but it is also rather Harry like. Sometimes I wonder about him.

Ginny looked up into the kind eyes of Hermione and started to cry.
That's sad. It really didn't take much to set Ginny off, did it? Not that I'm surprised. Last evening's events were really rather hard on her, and then to find that Harry left
without so much as a goodbye.... and Hermione would, of course, remind Ginny of Harry (besides the fact that she's proof that Harry really has left for good...). Ah, poor Ginny.

Hermione took a deep breath. "I've known Harry a long time and...while I'm not certain exactly what this whole business is about, I know that sometimes he just needs to be away from the things that are troubling him. If you and he were having some sort of
difficulty, it would be very Harry of him to want to get away so he could think."
Always the voice of reason, Hermione is. That is a pat on description of Harry, if I've ever seen one.

"Yes. I think it's time Ron had a little talk with his best friend about a few things."
Heh. Now that could be interesting. Great ending!
