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Reviews For The Ghost and Miss Weasley by aurora luminis

Friday 22nd January 2010 11:35
The Ghost and Miss Weasley
If you stil read reviews, that was a bit of unique and original writting. Different.
Friday 17th August 2007 21:13
The Ghost and Miss Weasley
This is quite wonderful. I particularly like the aspects of Cedric's ghostliness that differ from most ghosts....very intriguing.

And how did you become so wise about choices? What, are you 167 years old or something? Cedric's explanation about the mystery and sacredness of choice is now set in my (self-made) book of favorites is very likely the only quote that will ever be in there that was made by the ghost of a fictional character. **grin**
Friday 17th August 2007 23:12The Ghost and Miss Weasley (Author Response)
Thank you so much for the encouraging review. Uh, well, I am not 167 years old, just a third of that. Perhaps too old to be doing fanfiction, but I am enamored of how JKR takes the medium of fantasy and touchs the deepest questions of life, and gives young people answers that will stay with them all their life because they love Harry Potter just so much. Then I have to admit I do enjoy the challenge and surprise of writing. Choice is indeed a mystery and something sacred, because [as Dumbledore reminded Harry at the end of CS] it is our choices that makes us what we are. That and the people who love us. I think I JKR truly brings this out in much the experience of love strengthens us to make the right choices. And I am blessed to belong to a long tradition of thought that believes in love and right choices. Again, I am so grateful for you review and happy that something in it might really stay with you. That makes us friends forever!
Friday 17th August 2007 09:02
The Ghost and Miss Weasley
I loved it! This was absolutely brilliant. I especially like that Cedric haunted the Quidditch stadium, that seemed perfect for him. Well done!
Monday 13th August 2007 16:10
The Ghost and Miss Weasley
well written
Tuesday 14th August 2007 23:02The Ghost and Miss Weasley (Author Response)
Short but sweet. Yes, I did try to write as skillfully as I could. And in all truth, it would be impossible to say how much my two betas have helped me in this. Here is to Pirateginny and the Daily Prophet. I never, never thought I would be writing fan fiction, or any kind of fiction for that matter. This is my third piece, all three posted here at PH, and this will be my sole perch. I hope to continue with this idea of Cedric, and DH has given me a magnificent amount of material to work with. Thank you for reviewing.
Monday 13th August 2007 15:34
The Ghost and Miss Weasley
Wow. Very different from anything else I've read. I kept hoping for a more detailed explanation of Cedric's ghost, though.
Tuesday 14th August 2007 22:58The Ghost and Miss Weasley (Author Response)
Narumi, I was hoping for a more indepth view of Cedric too, but there was a limitation set on the piece, and I had one toe over the line as it was. But if you are interested, I am planning to continue with this. I love the challenge of writing the history of Cedric's ghost from the graveyard to the Last Battle completely in the framework of canon as we now have it. So stay tuned, and please know how grateful I am for the review.
Monday 13th August 2007 03:44
The Ghost and Miss Weasley
This is different. I'm glad Cedrick stayed to help Harry and everyone else end the war against Voldemort. This is very good. Thanks for writing. p
Tuesday 14th August 2007 22:50The Ghost and Miss Weasley (Author Response)
Patches, thanks a million for taking the time to review. I always loved the original The Ghost and Mrs. Muir [Rex Harrison + Gene Tierney] which I saw on the late, late show many a year ago. My piece doesn't have the flow of the others since I was forced to do drastic editing to keep it under the 4,000 mark. I enjoyed writing it and am grateful that others would enjoy reading it, especially since this is only my third piece of fan fiction.
Monday 30th July 2007 20:06
The Ghost and Miss Weasley
This was a great story! I couldn't decide which one to vote for when I was voting, but this one was up there! You really went into detail with the background information, and you gave the readers a feel for your characters. Not many people write about Cedric at all, let alone after GoF, but you did a great job in his characterization. I really loved this story!
Tuesday 7th August 2007 07:05The Ghost and Miss Weasley (Author Response)
Thank you so much for taking the time to review. It really does encourage one to post work. Writing is itself its own reward -- the law of all art, even if one's talents makes the work less than 'great'. It really was longer, but I had to hack at it to get it down to the required 4,000. Some pieces write themselves, I am told. I experienced that with this one, but then with other two as well. Suddenly something happens you didn't foresee, and really, I just followed JKR's cues on what kind of person Cedric would be.
Tuesday 17th July 2007 19:53
The Ghost and Miss Weasley
This one really is my favourite of the competition entries. It’s so imaginative, that idea of Cedric staying to help the fight. I loved Ginny’s decision about not going with Harry, original and completely understandable how she would be afraid of facing that choice between Ron and Harry. The ensuing discussion about choice was a wonderful summation of one of the key themes of HP – fabulous stuff! I loved Cedric’s character and all the others, too, and I loved the humour and the seriousness. I would be very interested to read a long fic about this Cedric and his part in the war – you intrigued me with his non-ghostly abilities (performing magic and using physical objects). Congratulations on a top-notch story!
Sunday 22nd July 2007 00:12The Ghost and Miss Weasley (Author Response)
Ladybug, you really made my day, my week, my month. No way of committing beyond that since the year isn't out. Yes, there will be a long fic coming. Even if I don't get a wide response, it is something I have to do, especially now that I have read DH. Ginny's decision probably cost me a great deal on the fanfic lscales of many readers. Most H/G shippers are absolutely committed to her going on the Horcrux Hunt, or Harry having to suffer months/years of Ginny's pouting when it is all over because he 'dumped' her. That simply does not reflect the Ginny JKR gave us in HBP. Bucking the fanfic preferences of the general public really doesn't pay in terms of popularity...but who cares about that. It is ultimately JKR's beautiful gift to millions of children in body and heart, and I intend to remain true to the characters who each have wisdom to impart from JKR's heart to ours. Actually, Cedric's ghost isn't as non-ghostly as you might think. Just remember Moaning Myrtle splashing water on everyone or being flushed away against her own will. My wonderful beta, The Daily Prophet, and I went over all that. It will be explored and developed, hopefully faithful to canon, in the fic. Just have to common up with a name for it. The Silver Seeker? Thank you so very, very much for such an encouraging review. The real reward in writing is in the writing itself. If afterwards you find even just one person who really enjoys it, then the poor writer has been rewarded beyond all her/his merit.
Tuesday 17th July 2007 12:10
The Ghost and Miss Weasley
Cedric, a ghost? Never saw that one coming, but I can see why he would have stayed behind. Wonderfully written.
Saturday 21st July 2007 23:52The Ghost and Miss Weasley (Author Response)
No, I never saw it coming either, until he was suddenly there in my head. Perhaps it was some complex, unconscious construction to compensate for the state of abandonment in which Harry found himself at the conclusion of HBP. Now that I have read DH, I am committing myself to doing a novella on Cedric, Ginny and all those heroes of Hogwarts. Wish me luck and a wave of the wand.
Grandma Kate
Monday 9th July 2007 21:03
The Ghost and Miss Weasley
I've always liked Cedric Diggory. You've shown a new side of him.
Monday 16th July 2007 06:42The Ghost and Miss Weasley (Author Response)
First I want to thank you not only for this review but for the ones you wrote for the other challengers...that meant just as much as my own. I hope everyone who reads TGMW likes Cedric because if at all possible I intend to turn this into a 16-20 chapter story. All depends on what happens in DH. Again, thanks a million
Monday 9th July 2007 13:56
The Ghost and Miss Weasley
Very interesting. I kinda like the idea of Cedric staying behind. Besides something tells me he's not quite a ghost in a ghost sense. He's different somehow. Do you think that he would be given a choice again after it's all over? anyway, great story.
Monday 16th July 2007 06:49The Ghost and Miss Weasley (Author Response)
Well, lantis222, we meet again. I hope that doesn't sound to much like ol' Snakeface. Actually the whole question of ghost is rather open in the books. I mean, think of how Moaning Myrtle splashes water all over the place. They sit on the chairs [or float 2 centimeters above them?] try to get a good taste of rotten salmon, etc. I hope to do a real WIP on this, but I have to wait and see what happens with DH. I believe in canon, in believe in JKR. Thank you so much for taking the time to really are so faithful to all the poor writers!
Monday 9th July 2007 13:36
The Ghost and Miss Weasley
well written but utterly confusing. Once I know who this is, it'd be nice to check out your other work
Monday 16th July 2007 06:45The Ghost and Miss Weasley (Author Response)
Sorry it was a mite hard to follow...but really, tougher than the Four Quartets?! It was way above the 4,000 word limit and I had to do some mighty cutting. Hopefully my beta will allow me to post a slightly revised version that will make it easier to follow the line. Won't take you long to check out my other work, this is only #3, but I am very flattered and encouraged. AND they are easier to follow! Thank you so much for the review.