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Reviews For The Dinner — Delays, Mishaps, and Disgruntled Toads by Lady Whizbee

Wednesday 28th April 2010 11:02
The Dinner — Delays, Mishaps, and Disgruntled Toads
Wednesday 28th April 2010 12:43The Dinner — Delays, Mishaps, and Disgruntled Toads (Author Response)
Tuesday 6th April 2010 12:00
The Dinner — Delays, Mishaps, and Disgruntled Toads
what a nice fluffy piece! Neville always makes me smile, how he never seems to think he is good enough while Susan mirrors him. But what i loved the most was Trevor's destructive indignation at being interrupted.
Tuesday 6th April 2010 15:41The Dinner — Delays, Mishaps, and Disgruntled Toads (Author Response)
This is a story that I wrote *ages* ago--before we found out that Neville ends up with Hannah. It is also a sequel to 'A Turnip for Luck' which was the first story that I ever posted on PS. I'm glad you found this and you enjoyed it, too.

Thanks for letting me know what you thought!
Tuesday 15th January 2008 18:20
The Dinner — Delays, Mishaps, and Disgruntled Toads
Wonderful story! I love how nervous and excited they both are. (I also love the fact that it looks likes a nice girl like Susan is as infatuated with Neville as he is with her.) The part with Trevor and Isabel was funny, also. It was touching that Neville apologized to Trevor before he started worrying about the state of the kitchen and the meal. What kind priorities he has.

Please write more stories. I love happy, entertaining fluff like this.
Wednesday 16th January 2008 14:14The Dinner — Delays, Mishaps, and Disgruntled Toads (Author Response)
I'm so glad that you enjoyed this. Fluff is contagious, isn't it? I just love writing Neville--though he's changed greatly in cannon since I originally wrote this. I hope to write more fluff soon, so please stay tuned!

Thanks so much for reading this little one-shot and writing a review--it means quite a lot!
Monday 14th January 2008 11:48
The Dinner — Delays, Mishaps, and Disgruntled Toads
Perfect, perfect, perfect. Loved it. Please write more of the same, for me to keep on hand for bad days, good days, lazy days, or whenever else I'm in the mood to read something excellent.

I would like to offer you a job in Ohio as my personal writer to keep me entertained. The pay will be non-existent, but the adulation will quite make up for it. We have a futon in the living room where you can sleep and you can use our extra computer while I'm working during the day. There's only one bath, plus 2 rowdy kids, a new puppy, and a cantankerous old cat, but hardship is supposed to inspire creativity!
Monday 14th January 2008 13:58The Dinner — Delays, Mishaps, and Disgruntled Toads (Author Response)

You're too funny. Thank you for wanting to hold me on retainer, but I do think my husband, two daughters, one dog and two cats would miss me entirely too much to do without. However, I will write more for you. I promise.

Which pairings do you prefer? *hint hint*

You're so kind to have read all my really fluffy short stories and I'm thrilled that you liked them so much. Now, keep that chin up and power through to the end of the day--you can do it! *hugs*
Saturday 20th October 2007 19:27
The Dinner — Delays, Mishaps, and Disgruntled Toads
such a great story. Really well written. I'm glad you decided to do a sequel. I love reading stories about the other charecters we all grew so fond of throughout the books. Hope to see more.

Great job again.


Sunday 21st October 2007 20:46The Dinner — Delays, Mishaps, and Disgruntled Toads (Author Response)
I'm glad that you liked this one, too. The first in this series is by far my favorite--but I'm quite pleased with how 'The Dinner' turned out too.

I am sad that it's no longer within the realms of cannon though...*sigh*
Wednesday 29th August 2007 17:47
The Dinner — Delays, Mishaps, and Disgruntled Toads
This is brilliant. Lovesick toads! That's right up there with drunken porters for comic relief.

I hope you continue developing this relationship in other stories. Neville is a great character to explore, but Susan seems to me to be your inspired choice here: She's developed just enough in canon that we know there's some deeply interesting stuff there. I'd love to see you bring it out.
Wednesday 29th August 2007 20:05The Dinner — Delays, Mishaps, and Disgruntled Toads (Author Response)
I'm so glad that you read this one, too. And I'm thrilled that you liked it.

Neville changed so much in throughout the course of DH that I would really have to seriously consider him as a character before writing anymore Neville stories. For example, I don't think that he would have behaved at all in the same manner--not nearly as nervous, perhaps just as clumsy, but even then I'm not sure!

Susan is easy to write. Her family history is so strong, and its so very comparable to Neville's that I think the two of them are very well suited. It's just a matter of sorting out the details -- for instance--where was she throughout the course of DH (she's never mentioned once)? How did that last year at Hogwarts really change Neville's perception of himself and how have his interactions with people changed, etc., etc.

It's all very interesting...but never fear, I am thinking about it.
Final Fantasy VM
Saturday 11th August 2007 20:11
The Dinner — Delays, Mishaps, and Disgruntled Toads
Awwwwww omG you did an AMAZING job!!! your characterization of Neville was RIGHT ON THE MONEY and I loved your characterization of Susan. Though we don't get to see much of her in the canon, I feel that your fic did justice to what we can gather
Overall an an amazingly well written, highly entertaing (haha the Trevor Isabel bit was CLASSIC ), and downright adorable!!!
Sunday 12th August 2007 09:10The Dinner — Delays, Mishaps, and Disgruntled Toads (Author Response)
I'm very happy that you liked it so much. I had fun writing it--particularly because of Neville. I find him *so* enjoyable to write--and Trevor was fun too. Thanks so much for reading this and for your glowing review!
Friday 10th August 2007 19:35
The Dinner — Delays, Mishaps, and Disgruntled Toads
Friday 10th August 2007 19:58The Dinner — Delays, Mishaps, and Disgruntled Toads (Author Response)
Thank you so much!
Friday 10th August 2007 11:22
The Dinner — Delays, Mishaps, and Disgruntled Toads
Very nicely done. I admire Neville for his handling of Trevor. I'd probably have served toads' legs.
Friday 10th August 2007 13:11The Dinner — Delays, Mishaps, and Disgruntled Toads (Author Response)
I'm so glad that you liked this. I think I would be furious at Trevor as well--but in this situation I think Neville was just plain flabbergasted. I mean, who expects to find a toad gone mad in your kitchen?

Thanks for reading and for the review.
Thursday 9th August 2007 01:56
The Dinner — Delays, Mishaps, and Disgruntled Toads
Very Sweet, Trevor made me laugh so much, I really like the relationship you developed between Neville and Trevor.
Thursday 9th August 2007 08:17The Dinner — Delays, Mishaps, and Disgruntled Toads (Author Response)
Thanks so much! I'm very glad you liked this story.

I think that Trevor is a very commical character, don't you? For as much grief as Trevor gives Neville I do think that in the end they both wouldn't know what to do if they didn't have the other.

Thanks for reading and reviewing!
Wednesday 8th August 2007 00:11
The Dinner — Delays, Mishaps, and Disgruntled Toads
Aww! This is perfect. Could you write another about their first real date? Thanks!
Wednesday 8th August 2007 09:31The Dinner — Delays, Mishaps, and Disgruntled Toads (Author Response)
I'm glad you liked it. I'm not sure about writing another chapter in this universe...Neville changed so much through the course of DH that I'll have to think about it. I made a minor change to bring this more in-line with current cannon, but the Neville we know now is a lot different than the Neville I wrote about in this story.

On the plus side, I do have one more thought on how to complete this evening (and may well write it) before I'm off onto another new Neville adventure. We'll see!

Cheers and thanks for your review!
Grandma Kate
Monday 6th August 2007 08:39
The Dinner — Delays, Mishaps, and Disgruntled Toads
Your Susan is very nice. I don't picture Neville being attracted to her but at least JKR didn't settle his marital future forever.
Tuesday 7th August 2007 20:38The Dinner — Delays, Mishaps, and Disgruntled Toads (Author Response)
True, JKR didn't settle it...and maybe that's a good thing as it allows us to play with it a bit. I know that there's a huge Hannah/Neville following (which I completely respect), but I like Susan...

I think it has a lot to do with what we know of her family...they have remained constant and true even though they've been attacked repeatedly by Voldemort and the Death Eaters. And it's that 'constant' that I think Neville would find appealing, but that's just my opinion--and as I say I do respect those that like Neville/Hannah!

Thanks for reading and for your review!!
Sunday 29th July 2007 22:34
The Dinner — Delays, Mishaps, and Disgruntled Toads
Eeee! Oh, I loved this so, so much I can't even begin to tell you. Neville is perfect and Susan is perfect and Trevor. Oh my gosh. Trevor.

Perhaps they had grown tired of the pond—which was the traditional place for toads to mate. Instead they seemed to find it much more delightful to utilize the unexpected in an effort to startle Neville—such as inside his discarded boot, or in the interior pocket of his cloak, or on the cover of his latest copy of Magical Fungi and Where to Find Them, or on his tube of toothpaste, or on top of the throw cushion that his gran had meticulously needle-pointed to match his front room.

He had lost count of the number of things he had tossed in the bin over the last week. And even worse, he shuddered to think where he hadn’t found them. It was all very unsettling. There couldn’t possibly be a room in his house that hadn’t been tainted.

All he knew was at this point, Trevor had better stay outside in his toad hole tonight—he certainly didn’t want Susan to innocently walk into the loo to find the duo perched on top the soap dish.

*falls over laughing*

Poor Neville. He's so embarrassed. *pats him*

I'd love to read some more from this universe sometime.

Monday 30th July 2007 04:57The Dinner — Delays, Mishaps, and Disgruntled Toads (Author Response)
You are incredibly sweet. Thank you so much. I'm *so* pleased that you liked it. I had fun writing it--and having the competition as an excuse was also a joy.

Neville at the end of Deathly Hallows is so different from the Neville at the end of Half-Blood we'll see what I decide to do next. I may try my hand at one more chapter in this series...we'll see!

Thanks so much for your review!
Thursday 19th July 2007 10:11
The Dinner — Delays, Mishaps, and Disgruntled Toads
Well this was my favorite of the stories I actually managed to read before the site went wonky.

But in fairness, I only managed to read about half the entries and I haven't managed to go back and finish the rest yet.

It's a good story, very engaging. A very different set of events. You really sold the characters to me and managed to make invest in their happiness. (Well not so much Trevor and Isabell, I though they were being very disrespectful, but then their toads.)

I thought you could have streamlined Susan's trip in order to have more interaction once she arrived, but it's a minor critisism.

Good job, I hope to read more of your work.

Thursday 19th July 2007 11:27The Dinner — Delays, Mishaps, and Disgruntled Toads (Author Response)
Thanks so much for your review. I'm glad that you liked this, and I'm really happy to hear your thoughts--all of them--on this short piece. I think Susan's section ended up being as long as it was because I wanted the reader to come away knowing her...or at least knowing her *better*, since she's virtually unknown in the books. You may be right that it could have been streamlined better...I honestly can't tell at this's too fresh in my mind, but perhaps if I look at it again after several months I'll see what you mean.

BTW, definitely take a look at Rhetor's competition story if you haven't already. It's excellent.

Thanks so much for your review!
Tuesday 17th July 2007 12:29
The Dinner — Delays, Mishaps, and Disgruntled Toads
I love Neville and Susan together; they both always seem so shy, I think they'd help each other open up some. Beautifully written!
Tuesday 17th July 2007 19:30The Dinner — Delays, Mishaps, and Disgruntled Toads (Author Response)
Oh, thank you so much. I'm so glad that you liked it. I think Neville and Susan are a pretty good match--of course, that may get thrown out the window come Saturday!! Thank you for your review...
Monday 16th July 2007 09:09
The Dinner — Delays, Mishaps, and Disgruntled Toads
I'm so glad you got the finished version up finally. I read the earlier version and liked it but was disappointed at the end (obviously!). This is really nicely observed 'anticipation' on both sides. I like how you used the toads to release the tension that both Neville and Susan were feeling, without letting them quite steal the show. A Trevor/Isabel ship may be about to sail, I feel! Well done.

Monday 16th July 2007 09:53The Dinner — Delays, Mishaps, and Disgruntled Toads (Author Response)
Hi, Ros! Thanks for coming back for a re-read. I know that first version must have scared off several people. Anyway, I'm glad that you liked the ending better -- I *definitely* did.

Thanks for taking the time to write a review...
Monday 9th July 2007 20:19
The Dinner — Delays, Mishaps, and Disgruntled Toads
How cute is that? I just love the idea of Neville and Susan, in my mind they are perfect for each other. I love this story.
Monday 16th July 2007 07:54The Dinner — Delays, Mishaps, and Disgruntled Toads (Author Response)
I know that there are a lot of people who prefer Neville/Hannah, but to me Neville/Susan seem perfect. I'm glad that you feel the same.

Thank you so much for your review.
Monday 9th July 2007 18:24
The Dinner — Delays, Mishaps, and Disgruntled Toads
Oh my gosh - my kids think I'm nuts because I'm laughing out loud. Trevor and Isabel steal the show!

Monday 16th July 2007 07:53The Dinner — Delays, Mishaps, and Disgruntled Toads (Author Response)

Would it be horrible to say that I think its *great* that your kids think you're nuts?

Thank you so much for your review. I'm so glad that you liked it.
Monday 9th July 2007 16:59
The Dinner — Delays, Mishaps, and Disgruntled Toads
What a sweet story! Trevor & Isabel & all! ;-)
Monday 16th July 2007 07:51The Dinner — Delays, Mishaps, and Disgruntled Toads (Author Response)
Thank you so much for your review! I'm so pleased that you liked it. Particularly that you enjoyed Trevor and Isabel! :-)

I'm not certain given the time stamp of your review, but just in case...the original story posted under this title in the competition was an early working draft. The actual final draft was posted late Monday afternoon. You may or may not have read the final version. If you're curious, you may want to check out the story again to make sure that you saw the story in its final form.

Again, thank you for your review!
Monday 9th July 2007 10:53
The Dinner — Delays, Mishaps, and Disgruntled Toads
This is so perfectly cute I loved it, I haven't yet seen all the story's in the contest but for now this is my favorite.
Monday 16th July 2007 07:47The Dinner — Delays, Mishaps, and Disgruntled Toads (Author Response)
I'm so glad that you enjoyed my story it was a lot of fun to write.

BTW, the version of this story that you read on Monday was an early draft posted by mistake. The final version was posted late Monday afternoon, so if you are interested to read this story in its final form please do. I think you'll find that there were several significant changes towards the end.

Thank you so much for your review and comments!
Monday 9th July 2007 07:44
The Dinner — Delays, Mishaps, and Disgruntled Toads
This is great! I love looking at other characters, and you really caught the nerves of Neville and Susan quite well. It's fun to see them as regular people nervous about clothes and dates and food rather than just soldiers.
Monday 16th July 2007 07:45The Dinner — Delays, Mishaps, and Disgruntled Toads (Author Response)
Thank you so much for your review. I'm so glad that you enjoyed the "nerves" and the growing tension.

BTW, the version of this story that you read on Sunday was an early drafted posted by mistake. The final draft was posted late Monday afternoon, so if you are interested to read this story in its final form please do. I think you'll find that there were several significant changes towards the end.

Thanks so much for your review!
aurora luminis
Sunday 8th July 2007 22:51
The Dinner — Delays, Mishaps, and Disgruntled Toads
The writing is so taunt and you feel all of Susan’s flutters in your own stomach, and muscles jerk with each tick, tick, tick of her shoes. Really, this is excellent. And funny: Who would have expected a villain in Trevor? The idea of a mad toad on revenge binge is just so unexpected and so, so right. Thank you for a wonderful piece, full of anticipation. I wish you success!
Monday 16th July 2007 07:44The Dinner — Delays, Mishaps, and Disgruntled Toads (Author Response)
Thank you so much for your review. I'm so glad that you could feel the anticipation and tension as that was what I was going for...I'm so glad that you liked it.

BTW, the version of this story that you read was an early drafted posted by mistake. The final copy was posted late Monday afternoon, so if you are interested to read this story in its final form please do. I think you'll find that there were several significant changes towards the end.

I'm glad that you liked it and thank you so much for your review!
girl from ipanema
Sunday 8th July 2007 22:16
The Dinner — Delays, Mishaps, and Disgruntled Toads
I read the companion to this one somewhere. It is cute but I don't remember the author. Oh, well, I'll find out soon enough.
Monday 16th July 2007 07:41The Dinner — Delays, Mishaps, and Disgruntled Toads (Author Response)
Thank you for your review. Unfortunately, the version of the story that you read was a very early draft. We were finally able to get the final draft of my story posted late Monday afternoon. So if you have time (or interest) you should take another look...I think you'll see that the story changed quite significantly...

But despite all that, thank you for posting a review of my story!

Sunday 8th July 2007 10:01
The Dinner — Delays, Mishaps, and Disgruntled Toads
Nicely nuanced, good internal dialoge - I really enjoyed this. I feel like I understand both Susan and Neville, and they're both really in character.

(And I think the beta's suggestions at the end was very good, lol. I'd have gone with "wouldn't," too. )
Monday 16th July 2007 07:39The Dinner — Delays, Mishaps, and Disgruntled Toads (Author Response)
Thank you for your review. Unfortunately, the version of the story that you read was a very early draft. We were finally able to get the final draft of my story posted Monday afternoon. So if you have time (or interest) you should take another look...I think you'll see that the story changed significantly...

I'm glad that you liked the internal dialog, and that you thought Susan and Neville were in character. Cheers, and thanks for your review.