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Reviews For If It Comes to That by occlumens

Thursday 22nd May 2008 19:42
If It Comes to That
I really enjoyed this story about Hermione and her mother. Would you consider doing another one when Hermione goes to get them from Australia? I like the way you captured her thought process during such a stressful time in her life when she must have felt very isolated. Thanks for writing it!
Tuesday 25th March 2008 12:47
If It Comes to That
nice story!!
Another great fanfic about hermonie and the difficulties she has from being a muggleborn
Thursday 3rd January 2008 13:21
If It Comes to That
Very nice - I agree that it always seemed a little odd that Hermione was such an enthusiastic knitter. I guess I always assumed it was part of her practical nature to want to be doing something useful all the time.
Tuesday 17th July 2007 12:07
If It Comes to That
I liked the brevity you have in here; very Hermione-y as well as enjoyable to read!

Tuesday 17th July 2007 22:39If It Comes to That (Author Response)
Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it. Hermione is my favorite character to write.
Tuesday 17th July 2007 05:31
If It Comes to That
You always write Hermoine with such perfect clarity ... you've got a great grasp on her insight into things. I love how you take something as mundane as knitting, and turn it into a reason for Hermione to not only connect with her mum, but stay sane in the middle of the war, too. Another great fic, occlumens, one that I am proud to have betaed for you.
Monday 16th July 2007 18:47
If It Comes to That
You always write Hermoine with such perfect clarity ... you've got a great grasp on her insight into things. I love how you take something as mundane as knitting, and turn it into a reason for Hermione to not only connect with her mum, but stay sane in the middle of the war, too. Another great fic, occlumens, one that I am proud to have betaed for you.
Tuesday 17th July 2007 22:38If It Comes to That (Author Response)
Thank you so much Mari, for this and for your B/N! That was certainly a surprise. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I love writing Hermione; even when I don't intend to write another Hermione story, something like this pops into my head and... Thank you again.
Monday 16th July 2007 17:24
If It Comes to That
Great idea for a new insight into Hermione and her 'off-Hogwarts' time, as well as her relationship with her family. Very well done!

Have you seen the book "Charmed Knits"? It's full of patterns for Harry Potter fans, although most of the items could be made in any color and be a nice gift.....lots of sweaters and socks, baby hats, etc.
Tuesday 17th July 2007 22:36If It Comes to That (Author Response)
Thank you very much! I'm glad you liked it.

Haha, I have seen that book. My mother showed it to me, actually, but she'd already made the only thing in it I wanted: a Gryffindor scarf. As for me, I'm more rubbish at knitting than Hermione, though I've only just started learning. Not much for anything I can't learn right away out of a book, me. Thanks for mentioning it, though!
Lily Flower
Monday 16th July 2007 15:25
If It Comes to That
Wow, that was really sweet. I can almost relate (save the part of the end of world as we all know it, lol). Great job, it was really just small and sweet. To the point. Well written.
Tuesday 17th July 2007 22:34If It Comes to That (Author Response)
Thanks very much. I'm glad you could relate. I put a lot of myself into this fic, lol.
Monday 16th July 2007 12:26
If It Comes to That
Lovely little story about Hermione. We all know that Hermione must've been going around the twist anytime she spent much time at home after book 4. I also loved the dynamic of learning to knit to spent time with someone who needs to be close to you, but can't possibly understand what you're life has become. Beautiful!
Tuesday 17th July 2007 22:32If It Comes to That (Author Response)
Thank you so much! Yes, I wouldn't relish being in Hermione's position after book 4. Just thinking about what to tell your parents, because there's a very real possibility you won't come back... I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Monday 16th July 2007 09:12
If It Comes to That
A very nice insight. I agree with you that knitting doesn't seem to fit very well with Hermione's personality and I like and agree with your conjecture. Thanks for sharing
Tuesday 17th July 2007 22:30If It Comes to That (Author Response)
Thank you! I'm glad you agree.
Monday 16th July 2007 03:24
If It Comes to That
Aww this is a very sweet story; a wonderful look at Hermione and her problems with connecting her family life to her magical one (something that JKR always seems to skip over). Excellent job!
Tuesday 17th July 2007 22:28If It Comes to That (Author Response)
Thank you very much! I'm particularly interested in Hermione's situation because I've gone to boarding school for the past three years and my parents have complained several times that they have no idea what I'm talking about whenever conversation strays to school or my friends. It's got to be a hundred times worse for Hermione, with the magic and the war on top of just being far away. I'm glad you enjoyed it.