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Reviews For The Horcrux by nerd2006

Tuesday 16th October 2007 15:15
The Horcrux
I read all 3 stories of yours and I must say I like your style. It´s quite different from most on phoenixsong - so go on writing, you do a great job!
Tuesday 16th October 2007 19:16The Horcrux (Author Response)
Aw, thanks! *blush* And one day I'll be able to write my post-DH fics that are floating around in my head, once my professors give up on their attempt to murder me by means of history, English, and music theory.
Thursday 19th July 2007 22:40
The Horcrux
A great beginning to a great story. I really love how you've characterized Harry... you have him spot-on and I can just see him trying to first convince Hermione that he doesn't want to go on a wild goose chase, that their trip will have purpose and secondly making Ron and Hermione stay behind for their own safety. I'm really glad I found this!
Wednesday 25th July 2007 20:19The Horcrux (Author Response)
Aw, thanks! I'm glad you found it too; I tried to post it on SIYE after I got it beta read, but as it has no mention of Ginny I couldn't, and I wasn't going to alter the story any. But anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed the ride, and thanks for reviewing!!