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Reviews For Requiem of the Phoenix by Jonathan-Avery

Monday 13th August 2007 19:26
Requiem of the Phoenix
I had guessed that Dobby was the secret keeperr, becuase next to Ron and Hermione he's one of Harry's most loyalist friends. Great chapter.
Monday 20th August 2007 17:32Requiem of the Phoenix (Author Response)
Well, that is a good guess. Hopefully the truth didn't surprise you too much in Atto 4. Although, Atto 5 has most of the answers.

thanks for reading

Monday 13th August 2007 13:11
Requiem of the Phoenix
Wow! Amazing story! Your style really pulled me in, and I felt like I was watching a movie as I read. I anxiously await the next act.
Monday 20th August 2007 17:30Requiem of the Phoenix (Author Response)
My background is in film and video production so I tend to write as if I were watching a film at times, especially when I choose shorter formats such as RoP. And I really meant for this story to feel like a quick play, a sort of snap, snap, snap, snap pace that has a fewslow moments to just let you catch your breath.

thanks a lot.
Monday 13th August 2007 10:47
Requiem of the Phoenix
I'm always intrigued at how an author can so skillfully weave a puzzle into a series of battle scenes. My feeble mind is not in shape to work this one out, so I will turn to an other alternative. I will hope and pray thaat H/H/J miraculously escape Voldeorts last curse and they are just in a temporary holding place until they recover and are ready to resume their journey. I really liked your twist that H/G knew Harry wa a horcrux and that they planned the sacrifice in order to dispose of Voldemort and to save James so that he could continue on under R/Hr's guardianship.

Top notch story, but now, I expect no less whenever I see one of your postings.
Monday 20th August 2007 17:28Requiem of the Phoenix (Author Response)
Well having the whole picture does help a lot. Also the choice of perspective is always the clincher in most mystery stories. You need a protagonist who is in the dark but interested enough to follow through to the end.

You'll have your other answers soon. I'm just working out a few wording and continuity issues out with my beta team on the next part.

And I promise to keep up the good work.
Monday 13th August 2007 07:10
Requiem of the Phoenix
JKR spared them all. You just can't kill them.
Monday 13th August 2007 08:54Requiem of the Phoenix (Author Response)
Well technically, Rowling did kill Harry. But the next chapter just went in for posting, so hopefully it will be up on the site in a day or so. Things happen for a reason in my stories, and all the clues are already there.

Good luck with finding the correct answer for what happened.

Sunday 12th August 2007 23:49
Requiem of the Phoenix
More More more.............please we need more, you can't leave it like this.

Brilliant installment, can't wait for the next chapter.

Love does conquer all eventually.
Monday 13th August 2007 08:51Requiem of the Phoenix (Author Response)
The next chapter has already been sent in for posting. The chapter after that is in final beta and I am just making some minor tweaks on the Epilogue.

Glad I have you on the edge of your seat.

