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Reviews For Requiem of the Phoenix by Jonathan-Avery

Friday 17th July 2009 12:26
Requiem of the Phoenix
death threats hardly. I like the supsense it is just enough to make me want to continue ot read it. It is always difficult to make a fic have just enough of supsense so that we want to read it and most authors dont do that well. They either have too much or too little supsense which makes a story unreadable or extremely boring. Good work keep it up
Friday 17th July 2009 12:26
Requiem of the Phoenix
death threats hardly. I like the supsense it is just enough to make me want to continue ot read it. It is always difficult to make a fic have just enough of supsense so that we want to read it and most authors dont do that well. They either have too much or too little supsense which makes a story unreadable or extremely boring. Good work keep it up
Monday 20th August 2007 16:44
Requiem of the Phoenix
Wow, what talent! I am new to this scene but this is by far the best piece of work I have read so far. I am so amazed by the way you have matured the foursome but still stayed true to their characters. I am on on the edge of my seat waiting to read the ending.
Monday 20th August 2007 07:12
Requiem of the Phoenix
Wow, excellent chapter. I loved the anguish and hurt you portrayed in Hermione and Ron.

Can't wait for the next chapters
Friday 17th August 2007 22:26
Requiem of the Phoenix
Great reading, can wait for the next chapter
thank you
Friday 17th August 2007 03:29
Requiem of the Phoenix
well done! finally a story in which potter dies .
Thursday 16th August 2007 13:30
Requiem of the Phoenix
An interesting "at the end" story - going to enjoy seeing how you wrap things up. I do hope that you've got something nasty in store for Scrimgeour and Skeeter.

Keep up the great work! : )
Monday 20th August 2007 17:54Requiem of the Phoenix (Author Response)
Man three votes in a row to cause serious suffering and pain to the terrible duo. I might just have to write the comeuppance of Skeeter and Rufus, cathartic torture in three acts.

I'm glad you are enjoying the story.

Wednesday 15th August 2007 07:20
Requiem of the Phoenix
OK, so I'm breathing now. Very good chapter. Still, can't you have something horrible happen to that Skeeter woman?!
Monday 20th August 2007 17:52Requiem of the Phoenix (Author Response)
Maybe in another story. I do plan a few one shots that will follow the results of this story, but they will occur in between breaks in Curse Breakers.

thanks for reading and reviewing

Tuesday 14th August 2007 14:46
Requiem of the Phoenix
Author's just love Rita Skeeter and Rufus Scrimgeour. Through them they can ruin everyone 's day just like it did for Ron and Hermione and Molly and Arthur. I think it was the comical image of Barrister Crane interrupting them that was the beginning of "all is well" again. Great chapter, but now we have to find out if Hermione is only referring To James or the Great One himself.
Monday 20th August 2007 17:51Requiem of the Phoenix (Author Response)
You do need antagonists, and in truth the newspaper story is a great medium for exposition so that you don't have to have a character sitting at a table thinking everything through.

And yes Barrister Crane does provide the needed relief from the seriousness of the past chapters. Besides there is a reason fr who he is and why he acts the way he does. Part of it is about the idea that life is for the living, the rest is more for each reader to take as they see fit.


Monday 13th August 2007 23:20
Requiem of the Phoenix
lol sorry everyone's chewing you out about your current plotline! I knew something was up from the beginning though so you'll always have a supporter here! Great work, and hope to see the next part soon!
Monday 20th August 2007 17:41Requiem of the Phoenix (Author Response)
I cannot please everyone, so I write what I want to write. Besides, I have tough skin. And truthfully, I don't mind critical reviews. Criticism is what I learn from. I am not right 100% of the time, and I like to see how what I do is reacted to. I learn and grow and make changes as I see necessary, So, people can chew away as much as they like. However, i am glad to have supporters to. Thanks for the review and reading. i appreciate it

The Pharaoh
Monday 13th August 2007 20:58
Requiem of the Phoenix
I won't yell at you for making everyone think Harry's evil, but only because it's so insanely ludicrous that my mind has actually gone numb.

On a side note, why hasn't Hermione reported Rita Skeeter yet? Apart from the fact that the Ministry is now apparently just one great big Dark Lord itself.
Monday 20th August 2007 17:39Requiem of the Phoenix (Author Response)
I don't mind if you yell at me. I probably deserve it. However, i don't find the idea of Harry being lauded as evil to be terribly ridiculous. The British have a history of turning on their heroes and believing the worst in them. Just look at what happened to Churchill after WWII and Thatcher after she left office. The British are much realistic and cynical about their national figures than Americans are. Americans tend to excuse, or perhaps look past is a better term, the foibles and errors of the elite, simply because of the celebrity. Of course that is a generalization, but the public media is a generalization, so it should apply.

As to Rita, well its difficult for a person of questionable acquaintances to make any substantial accusations against an established power. And Hermione is lumped well in with the dark Lord Harry, and the only thing that has saved her thus far is that Harry had distanced himself from everyone.

Hope that helped explain somethings, if not, more will be explained in the final two chapters.

thanks for reading and reviewing
