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Reviews For Ginny's Second Year at Hogwarts by Grandma Kate

Felix Felicis
Wednesday 19th September 2007 18:23
Ginny's Second Year at Hogwarts
So many letters! This chapter was a wonderful experiment in character studies with all of the letters going back and forth. That's a challenge to write but a blessing when it comes out right. I think that's one of the reasons I'm enjoying the story so much.
Wednesday 19th September 2007 20:06Ginny's Second Year at Hogwarts (Author Response)
Hey Ryan, Thanks for being so faithful in reading and reviewing with all that is going on in your life.

Since Molly is pretty much kept in the dark about what is happening at Hogwarts for most of the year, it gives me a chance to focus more on her relationship with Arthur and her friends. She's got to get back in shape in just a few years.
Monday 17th September 2007 08:52
Ginny's Second Year at Hogwarts
I'm excited for Molly, I'm sure she will cope with meeting the celebrities brilliantly. It's so nice reading about Molly's escapades, she's fascinating. Another wonderful chapter, I hope you update soon!
Monday 17th September 2007 09:46Ginny's Second Year at Hogwarts (Author Response)
Thanks for reading and reviewing. Molly has certainly followed Days of Destiny for a long time. She is going to have to reach out to adults now that she and Arthur have an empty nest.

This story is already finished through the night before they go off to the year that is the Goblet of Fire so a chapter should be posted every weekend.
Sunday 16th September 2007 17:05
Ginny's Second Year at Hogwarts
Now that Molly and Arthur are 'empty nesters', how nice for them to get out and socialize a little. Good for them!
Sunday 16th September 2007 20:11Ginny's Second Year at Hogwarts (Author Response)
Thank you for reading and reviewing. Maybe because I've been an empty nester, I see it as an opportunity for a marriage to get a second wind. And Molly has to start to get back in shape. Who knows when a psychotic Death Eater may attack her children?