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Reviews For A Whole Minute by Ladybug

Sunday 28th December 2008 20:47
A Whole Minute
Thursday 1st November 2007 05:55
A Whole Minute
So Seamus silences a Banshee and then gets complaints that he didn't do it faster. That was interesting. I wonder what the true story about the Banshee is? I've heard them mentioned but never heard the full story. Thanks for writing. I look forward to more of these "minutes". p
Thursday 1st November 2007 16:55A Whole Minute (Author Response)
Yeah, I'm the same - I have no idea what the 'mythology' of the banshee is, so I just had Seamus guess it out and come up with all the theories I could think of. Glad you're enjoying this perspective and thanks for reviewing.