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Reviews For “Great Scott, Potter, This is War!” by Aaran St Vines

Wednesday 8th July 2009 20:51
“Great Scott, Potter, This is War!”
The development of the relationship here is really fun and to be honest, cute. Okay we essentially have an 18 year old (of sorts) dating (almost) a 14 or 15 year old. It would have been interesting to see the platonic side play out for at least a year, but then everyone would be complaining. I understand even if as a dad I'm a little outside of my comfort zone. To compensate she is thinking and talking on a maturity level on a par with if not ahead of Harry. Okay for the sake of the developing relationship it is a necessity. I see that. I hope that you have them wait. I'm with JKR and her views about teenage motherhood not being that good a thing. All that aside, and however hypocritical it makes me by ignoring all of that, I love this chapter. Dads are allowed to have a double standard right?
Saturday 12th April 2008 00:14
“Great Scott, Potter, This is War!”
Saturday 5th April 2008 18:32
“Great Scott, Potter, This is War!”
This is a great story. I LOVE the extra detail! The story lines are good and thought provoking. How about Weasly QuickBooks, the parchment alternative? Clarinda's Casual Clothing Closet? Anyway, keep up the great work, I appreciate the whole political detail, the H/G ship and seeing how Harry grows up. Good job. (Ginny didn't know if the were just friends, bro/sis, boy/girlfriend.)
Sunday 2nd March 2008 19:11
“Great Scott, Potter, This is War!”
This was great! Sorry it's taken me SO LONG to read it, lol. School has been so busy...who would have thought an Honours Bachelor of Music would be so difficult? Ok, well I actually knew it would be super hard, but some people think it's a joke.....I'd like to see them last one day in my program! Ok, sorry, back you your chapter.

I really like your StudyBook idea (although I have no idea what a 'personal wiki' is :s) and if I was my friend Steph, I'd have so many name ideas for the other books you wouldn't know what hit you. Unfortunately I don't have any ideas, although by now you'll have had a lot AND you've already written the next chapter and everything.

I just have one question. I only ask this because I don't have time to look through the other chapters to find the answer. What did you mean when you wrote She doesn't know what we are, Harry observed. from ["Harry!" Ginny ran to him, her face flushed from the activity. She ran towards him, but stopped herself at the last moment. She doesn't know what we are, Harry observed.] I'm just it important? If I'd read this chapter when you first wrote it, I'd probably remember!

Again, great job. I'm off to read the next chapter!

Friday 18th January 2008 16:01
“Great Scott, Potter, This is War!”
For the StudyBooks, I think a different name for each type of book other than the StudyBooks is impractical and would be cost ineffective - particularly for a new company. I think the books for the "adult" world should have an area on the front that could be written on (an area for about three to four lines) which would then copy itself to the spine of the book so that when they are stores they can be easily identified; i.e. Department of Mysteries, 6/1/01-12-31-01, meeting notes or Jim's BrewBook, etc.
This way Ginny's company doesn't have to worry about estimating how many books each segment of business or the private sector might use and then end up with "books covered in dust" representing wasted revenue.
Sunday 6th January 2008 21:07
“Great Scott, Potter, This is War!”
I really like the idea of theis story. I have just finished reading it all in one sitting, so my brain may be addled. I have found it to be refreshing and original, if a little long winded with some of the background information. You have obiously put agreat deal of thought into writing this, and the result is superb!

I like your ideas for Clarida's store and the StudyBook. Here are my ideas for the names.

For the books, you only need one- "The Weasly Organizer". It could be sold in a store similar to the Franklin stores selling their planners, but with different books for each use.

For the store, the only name I can think of is "Fashion Forward". I have heard that term used to describe new fashions on TV.

Good luck, and keep up the good work on this and other Fics.

Sunday 6th January 2008 19:28
“Great Scott, Potter, This is War!”
Hi, I was thinking of names for a different version of the study book for out-of-school persons and I thought of a name that would be like the "LivelihoodLedger". Livelihood as in a living or job, and ledger as in a account or record book. Thanks for writing a great fic.
Saturday 29th December 2007 21:48
“Great Scott, Potter, This is War!”
More growth for Harry/Ginny. I love it. Despite some of my comments, I really like this story. I'm dissapointed in how little we've seen of Ron and Hermione, I hope that changes with the start of school coming.

Are you really going to put Harry on the train? Seems like a total waste of time. Of course, then it pretty much always has once we learned about floo powder. It also seems a huge risk. We skipped a party for Ginny at the Burrow because of the danger of Harry being there. This seems even more of a risk. Certainly more of a risk to other lives.

WWW: Wizarding Wireless Network
WWW: Weasley's Wizard Wheezes

I see nothing wrong or too muggle about copying DKNY and using CJDA

As to other names, for StudyBooks, I see everything I would suggest is already on the list. Also, your next chapter is in beta and you probably don't need it.

Once again, I've done something I promised myself I wouldn't; I started an unfinished story. I'm an idiot. I just can't help myself. I love this world JKR has created for us, and I love Harry/Ginny and Ron/Hermione. Maybe a new years resolution is in order for me. With other authors like you out there, I doubt I could keep it. Oh well, keep it coming.
Sunday 2nd December 2007 08:07
“Great Scott, Potter, This is War!”
Monday 26th November 2007 18:07
“Great Scott, Potter, This is War!”
I really enjoyed reading this and am very happy that there are talented people out there who can think outside of the box and take an idea and run with it. I was truly sorry that HP series was finished with Deathly Hallows, now, it's not. These stories are as good as JKR and show a lot of imagination, thought and appreciation for what she started. I also want to comment on the religious aspect of the story. JKR celebrates Christmas and Easter, two Christian holidays, what's the big deal? She could just as easily have plugged into another religion and it would have had no effect on the outcome except as a part of the story. As for a name for Clarinda's shop, how about Which Witch Wardrobes (WWW)? kinda falls into place with Weasley Wizarding Weeses! Keep writing...I'll keep reading
Thursday 15th November 2007 02:24
“Great Scott, Potter, This is War!”
So glad to see you updating again, and it was easy to remember where we had got to last.

I love the idea of Ginny's StudyBook, maybe the Ministry officials would want a Port-a-file or a Magi-Ledger
Monday 12th November 2007 09:39
“Great Scott, Potter, This is War!”
I think the StudyBook is clever. As for names, well an obvious ones would be NoteBook or HandBook. More creative might be something like Wizard'sWrit But they might want to 'personalize' them for particular fields: PotionsManual, TallyBook, BusinessLedger (or TheLedger), PolicyBook/PolicyManual, ResearchNotes, ResearchManual, TransfigurationTrivia (or TransfigurationTripe), ArithmancyAccount, CharmsConcoction, RunesWritings/RuneRules are some possibilites there.
The shop -- maybe Jordan's Styles or Wizards Wear.
Anyway, good chapter.
Sunday 11th November 2007 10:08
“Great Scott, Potter, This is War!”
Not really any specific ideas for the alernate StudyBooks, but it would probably be a good idea to have all the names similar; eg. the WorkBook or the ShopBook.

Umm... not too hot on nming things, but maybe something simple. Alliterative, maybe, since the wizarding world seems to do that a lot (or maybe it's just JK...). Maybe somethign like 'Clarinda Jordan' - a bit like 'jane norman' or 'Madame Malkins'.

Yes! The StudyBook rules Good job.

Thoroughly enjoyed this chapter, and I eagerly await the next
Friday 9th November 2007 00:16
“Great Scott, Potter, This is War!”
I'm so glad you posted another chapter! I love this story. Sorry I haven't reviewed, I just discovered the joy involved in it. But I'll keep reviewing if you keep posting!

I can't wait to hear more about the Wizengamot, mongering, the three and thirty-three families, and Harry's class work! Yay.

names for a commercial StudyBook: EasyWriter / ProteanBook or ProteanWriter(--->a protean charm is one that links objects together, Hermione did it witht he DA Galleons in OotP) Duro Scheduler (Duro is a charm that solidifies objects: DH) WriterRennervater (to Rennervate is to wake someone up from a stunner)

Names for Clarinda's shop: Fashion Apparation / Jordan and Potter / Robes and Things / Alohomora Fashion / True Magic (like true religion) / Jordan Designs

Hopefully something will work, or other will be more successful in their creative efforts.

Great chapter!

Wednesday 7th November 2007 20:38
“Great Scott, Potter, This is War!”
whens the next one coming out????!!!!!
i love what you did with spell mongering!!
Wednesday 7th November 2007 03:48
“Great Scott, Potter, This is War!”
Tuesday 6th November 2007 14:28
“Great Scott, Potter, This is War!”
All right! I'll forgive you for the time I waited a new chapter... Like the others even this one is well written. But please don't let us readers wait this long for the new one...
P.S. I'm really patient you can write as many chapters as you want to finish your story... So yuo can develop it as you wish to research and write the sequel of it... I'm rereading a novel of yours in HPFF "Saving Luna Lovegood" which I found a wonderful story very enjoyable
Monday 5th November 2007 10:32
“Great Scott, Potter, This is War!”
solicitors (solicitors are lawyers, right?): CaseBook
ministry officials: OfficialBook
potions masters: SerumBook
businessmen: AccountsBook
researchers: ResearchBook

Also, you could have one for broom designers called FlightBook, and one for curse breakers called LockBook, one for people like Charlie called DragonBook, one for healers called PatientBook . . .
Monday 5th November 2007 10:01
“Great Scott, Potter, This is War!”
Yahoo, an update! That made my day. And you have also made my inner H/G shipper quite happy.
I like the simplicity of the name StudyBook. I am not really that clever, but perhaps you should stay with the simple descriptive names for the various styles of professional books.
Solicitor: LegalBook
Ministry Official: PlanningBook
Potions Master: GuideBook
Businessman: LedgerBook
Researcher: IdeaBook (I pondered ThinkBook )
Bank Official: GoldBook
Professional Quidditch Coach/Player: PlayBook
Professor/Teacher: GuideBook (same as a Potions Master)
Dark Lord/Death Eater: EvilBook

Lame maybe, but I do think you are on to something with simple to remember names. For the Ginny and Harry they will have a group of products with name recognition. Perhaps H/G ought to trademark the names. Whatever you decide to do with this bit I am sure it will live up to the quality of the rest of your story, and make Ginny (and Harry) a whole bunch of Galleons too.
Sunday 4th November 2007 00:35
“Great Scott, Potter, This is War!”
Help #1: QuickNote. WikiWiki is Hawaiian for Quick or Fast, so a notebook that acts like a personal Wiki would fit the name QuickNote quite well.

Help #2: Clarinda's Custom Clothing

As for the StudyBook, excellent rendition of a Wiki