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Reviews For The Hex of Your Life by GryffindorDragon

Thursday 8th November 2007 20:07
The Hex of Your Life
Great chapter! Write on!!
Friday 9th November 2007 13:38The Hex of Your Life (Author Response)
Glad you liked it. There are more chapters coming, but this is not a long story .
Thursday 8th November 2007 05:54
The Hex of Your Life
Poor Harry. He really doesn't understand girls or how their emotions work. Ron at least knows a little about his sister. Hermione is right. I hope Harry can hold onto hope until Ginny gets over being so furious with him. I really like this story. You are doing a great job with it. Thanks for writing. I look forward to the next update. p
Thursday 8th November 2007 14:30The Hex of Your Life (Author Response)
Thanks. It's hard trying to get Ginny right. Unfortunately things get worse for Harry before they get better. Well, I'd better not say too much or you won't have a reason for reading more
Tuesday 6th November 2007 14:03
The Hex of Your Life
Its still a great story, keep up the the good (great) work
Wednesday 7th November 2007 15:19The Hex of Your Life (Author Response)
Thank you. But I really think you're too kind. I enjoy writing this.
Tuesday 6th November 2007 09:32
The Hex of Your Life
Another wonderful chapter, I can't wait to see what happens next. It's good to see Harry grieve. He really doesn't ever get the chance. Anyway, update soon!
Wednesday 7th November 2007 15:18The Hex of Your Life (Author Response)
Thank! I hope you keep enjoying as you read.