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Reviews For The Transformation of Ducklings by MagnoliaMama

Monday 31st March 2008 21:45
The Transformation of Ducklings
Oh, Rose is lovely in her denials competing with her eagerness concerning Scorpius. Hermione's voice of reason clashes delightfully with Ron's passion - and it's great to see those qualities mixed in both of the children. Mostly though, I just love the young, fluttery hopeful uncertainty of Rose - such a pleasure to read! (and it's great to finally have time to catch up with this story)
Friday 15th February 2008 00:52
The Transformation of Ducklings
Please write sooner.
I'm dying of curiosity to see what comes next.
Wednesday 6th February 2008 22:22
The Transformation of Ducklings
i love this story!!!! please update soon!
Sunday 13th January 2008 10:18
The Transformation of Ducklings
Love it. I stumbled across this as well. I happened to google Scorpius/Rosie and this came up. Very real life. Of course James can be 180 degrees away from his father Harry. Of course Scorpius can be as dfferent from Draco as well.

As a mother myself, I would like to think my son is like me. Sure he is in some aspects but in many ways his personality is like night/day from mine. He exhibits traits I just don't have.A child is a complete/seperate person. A child is not a clone of the parents. I love this aspect to the story.

very realistic!

James can be mean. Scopius can be a decent person despite both their parentages.

Awaiting more!
Sunday 13th January 2008 10:18
The Transformation of Ducklings
Love it. I stumbled across this as well. I happened to google Scorpius/Rosie and this came up. Very real life. Of course James can be 180 degrees away from his father Harry. Of course Scorpius can be as dfferent from Draco as well.

As a mother myself, I would like to think my son is like me. Sure he is in some aspects but in many ways his personality is like night/day from mine. He exhibits traits I just don't have.A child is a complete/seperate person. A child is not a clone of the parents. I love this aspect to the story.

very realistic!

James can be mean. Scopius can be a decent person despite both their parentages.

Awaiting more!
Wednesday 26th December 2007 01:50
The Transformation of Ducklings
Oh my God!! This is such a great story. Your writing style always brings me in, and I always get lost in the world of your stories, but this one totally compelled me to leave a review and commend you on your absolutely fantastic writing! The entire time I was reading Chapter 4, I kept looking at the side bar hoping that it wouldn't go down anymore, and that this story would never finish...although it did, unfortunately, and so I'm hoping it will soon be updated, because I don't think I can wait for very long.

Anyway, apart from this being a really fantastic story, I just wanted to say that you've done a great job with the characterisations of all of them, and even gone so far as to take just glimpses of them (from DH) and making them a believable reality in your story. Your James is a lot like his grandfather, and Scorpius, oddly enough, is nothing like his grandfather. Rose, though, I think is my favorite because she is such a great mix of her parents... *sigh*

You are amazing!!
Friday 21st December 2007 23:45
The Transformation of Ducklings
Go Hermione, Go Go, go Hermione! oh ya! bringin' 'um together!
Tuesday 18th December 2007 09:11
The Transformation of Ducklings
Hey Mags--this is a lot of fun. I'm glad I stumbled onto it. Of course, I would rather see Cissy portrayed a little more sympathetically, but that is just me. I really like the whole idea. Nice work.
Friday 21st December 2007 06:40The Transformation of Ducklings (Author Response)
Hey there lady! It was great to hear from you. I'm glad you gave this a try. I wouldn't say I'm portraying Narcissa unsympathetically, though--in fact, I'd say Draco's strengths as a father and husband owe a lot to her and how she raised him.
Tuesday 18th December 2007 06:00
The Transformation of Ducklings
My god, Ron is being an overprotective parent! That's really strange, though it kind of fits... Anyway that was a really cute chapter, though I felt really sorry for Scorpius. More soon please!!
Friday 21st December 2007 06:38The Transformation of Ducklings (Author Response)
C'mon, don't tell me you didn't see Ron's overprotectiveness coming from a mile off! He is his mother's son, after all--remember the "scarlet woman" remark? I'm glad you enjoyed this! Thanks for reviewing.
Tuesday 18th December 2007 04:19
The Transformation of Ducklings
Another great chapter. Hugo and Rose are exactly as I pictured them. Grazia is a great character and its good to see that she is a positive influence on Scorpius. I like her attitude towards muggle borns, its refreshing to see someone involved with Draco who does not share the same bigoted ideals of his family.

I'm quite surprised by the revelation about James though. James should know better, especially after the treatment his father received when he was younger which presumably he would be aware of. He's not exactly exhibiting Gryffindor ideals either if he's going around ambushing lone first years. I guess old habits die hard where the Potters and Malfoys are concerned!

Anyway great job and I can't wait for the next update!
Friday 21st December 2007 06:37The Transformation of Ducklings (Author Response)
I hear what you're saying about James, but one thing I've tried to convey with this fic is that Rose and her contemporaries don't know as much about the past as we do, and so James would not be aware that his grandfather was a bully or his father had been picked on by his cousin. Rather, James has some issues of his own--namely, the burden of being the eldest child of the Boy Who Lived--that he hasn't coped with very well. He's in for a comeuppance, though, but I don't want to say anything more than that.

I really appreciate your thoughtful review. I love it when readers pay attention to details like these!
Tuesday 18th December 2007 00:04
The Transformation of Ducklings
I wanted to write and tell you how much I enjoyed your story! Your ability to write dialog is fantastic, and I also really wanted to compliment you on your ability to use descriptive prose; I can easily picture events that you write about and I can't wait for your next update. Thanks for a great story, and I'll be awaiting your next chapter with great anticipation. Fantastic writing!

Friday 21st December 2007 06:33The Transformation of Ducklings (Author Response)
Oh wow, thank you so much! Your compliment has me grinning from ear to ear. I'm so glad you're enjoying this. Thanks so much for taking the time to review.
Monday 17th December 2007 20:03
The Transformation of Ducklings
Very good. I hope Scorpius understands. I really like him. It also reminds me a lot of a certain Gryffindor and Slytherin of years past.

I really like it. I hope that Rose can help other certain Gryffindor's come to their senses.

Great job, keep it up!
Friday 21st December 2007 06:32The Transformation of Ducklings (Author Response)
I like Scorpius, too. He's got father issues of his own to contend with, so he's in a good position to understand Rose's dilemma. I think things will work out in the end, though.

Thanks for reviewing!
Monday 17th December 2007 18:54
The Transformation of Ducklings
Oh wow. I never, ever thought one of Harry's own kids could be like that... and I definitely though he'd put a stop to any kind of bullying after what he went through with Dudley and then seeing what happened between his father and Snape and the repercussions of that. It definitely makes sense though.

And may I add that you've gotten Ron completely right? He will always be a tool when it comes to things like Snape and Malfoy!

Great job, once again.
Friday 21st December 2007 06:30The Transformation of Ducklings (Author Response)
I agree that Harry would not want to know that any child of his is a bully... if he knew it was happening. I can't say much more than that without giving things away. That said, there was something about the way James was depicted in the epilogue that made me think he has a little of his grandfather in him, and so I went with that instinct.

I'm glad you're still enjoying this! I really appreciate the review.