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Reviews For Asleep, He Dreamed by Felix-Felicitas

Wednesday 6th February 2008 19:10
Asleep, He Dreamed
Oh, this is somewhat painful to read. They're all trying so hard to make life as normal as possible for Harry and hold on to hope. l hope they're not going to have to wait too long.
Sunday 10th February 2008 12:16Asleep, He Dreamed (Author Response)
We'll see ...

Thank you for reviewing!
Monday 4th February 2008 21:07
Asleep, He Dreamed
And I have to agree with those who have complained it was too short. MORE PLEASE!
Sunday 10th February 2008 11:58Asleep, He Dreamed (Author Response)
Your wish is our command, lol!
Monday 4th February 2008 21:06
Asleep, He Dreamed
Very nice. I was disappointed that Ginny never showed up after her classes though as far as I could tell. I am surprised he was not bathed at the hospital, but I enjoyed your description of Mrs. Weasley doing it - it seemed so caring and gentle.
Sunday 10th February 2008 11:57Asleep, He Dreamed (Author Response)
Mrs. Weasley wouldn't pass up on the chance to mother her boy, would she? Gotta love mums
Friday 1st February 2008 17:06
Asleep, He Dreamed
+ = Where's Ginny???? How come she didn't go see Harry after classes?
Sunday 10th February 2008 11:45Asleep, He Dreamed (Author Response)
She'll be along soon ....
Friday 1st February 2008 12:50
Asleep, He Dreamed
Aw. I love Mrs. Weasley. Great chapter.
Sunday 10th February 2008 11:44Asleep, He Dreamed (Author Response)
Gotta love good ol' Mrs. Weasley! Don't mess with a mum.
Thursday 31st January 2008 16:39
Asleep, He Dreamed
WOW! Yet again I can't wait to see what you do with this!
Sunday 10th February 2008 11:44Asleep, He Dreamed (Author Response)
Thank you!! That's so nice to hear. We feel loved
Thursday 31st January 2008 07:02
Asleep, He Dreamed
Aww, that last bit with the glasses was so very touching. I can't wait to see Harry's reaction to learning Mrs. Weasley gave him a sponge bath. I hope you include it. Snigger. Poor thing.
Sunday 10th February 2008 11:43Asleep, He Dreamed (Author Response)
I think we'll have to include it, just for you!
Thursday 31st January 2008 07:02
Asleep, He Dreamed
That was so sweet. I love Mrs. Weasley, she's so giving and wonderful. Though I think my favorite part was Hermione reading the potions material to Harry and Ron complaining about it. Great job!
Sunday 10th February 2008 11:43Asleep, He Dreamed (Author Response)
Ron HAD to complain really, didn't he?
Thursday 31st January 2008 06:31
Asleep, He Dreamed
hmmm, i like this story, nice work
Sunday 10th February 2008 11:41Asleep, He Dreamed (Author Response)
Thank you!
Grandma Kate
Thursday 31st January 2008 02:44
Asleep, He Dreamed
What a loving interlude! Ginny, Hermione, Ron, and Molly all show their love for Harry in this chapter. I hope we next get to see what happens after suppr since-
Mrs. Weasley reminded her daughter that he would still be there after supper and Ginny could visit then.
Sunday 10th February 2008 11:40Asleep, He Dreamed (Author Response)
Thank you so much for reviewing! It means the world to both of us.
Wednesday 30th January 2008 21:42
Asleep, He Dreamed
Short, but sweet. I really wanted this chapter to be longer! I laughed outright at Hermione trying to make Harry study because he's her captive audience; Ron's reaction is classic. However, the part I really wanted to be longer was Molly Weasley's private time with Harry. He needs a mother so badly and he's so very lucky that she is willing to give up her days for him, to do for him what Petunia Dursley undoubtedly would never do. I hope chapter 6 comes out soon.
Saturday 2nd February 2008 05:00Asleep, He Dreamed (Author Response)
Chapter six should be out very soon!

This was a short little chapter, but they'll be longer from here on in, especially the Harry PoVs coming up as there's a LOT going on ...
Wednesday 30th January 2008 21:14
Asleep, He Dreamed
Oh, my. Like Melindaleo, I love Molly in this. I love that you have her taking care of Harry like this, that he's actually getting the mothering that he so desperately wants and needs (although my heart breaks for him, and I really want him to get this kind of mothering some time when he's aware). This chapter made me tear up a bit, because I could just sense Molly's love for Harry. Having her put his glasses on at the end was a nice touch.

Hermione reading the lessons to Harry is totally in character. Such a Hermione thing to do, and it shows how much she cares--she wants to help, so she does whatever she can.

And Ron. LOL. He's just too funny, in a sweet sort of way. It cracks me up that he's embarrassed for Harry, but it also makes me want to just hug him. I hope he gets more comfortable being with Harry, so he can help him in his fight.

Saturday 2nd February 2008 04:54Asleep, He Dreamed (Author Response)
I love how Heather has been writing Molly, and I think it shows that Molly is one of her favourite characters.

Hey, Hermione has a captive audience, she's hardly going to pass that opportunity up, is she?