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Reviews For Dudley's Redemption by Bronte

Tuesday 8th March 2011 05:41
Dudley's Redemption
Hello there:-)
I'm currently re-reading some of my favourite fanfiction since there is so little new stuff being published. I remember enjoying your story the first time I came across it, and it's certainly a good read even the second time!
Thanks for sharing your ideas on Dudley and filling the gaps of DH.
Thursday 5th June 2008 10:43
Dudley's Redemption
LOL. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings? What an imagination. Gandalf and Dumbie.... they could be twins!
J.R. Lewis
Wednesday 28th May 2008 02:44
Dudley's Redemption
Lord of the Rings? Dudders is going to read that? Wow!

Good chapter. Dudley is starting to find school and "work" easier and not so bad after all. Good!
Sunday 25th May 2008 14:50
Dudley's Redemption
lol!! please, I'm sorry, but i just had a great idea. Personaly, i want duddley to find Harry potter books and read them! maybe that would be to
Sunday 25th May 2008 08:08
Dudley's Redemption
You were right, of course, about Dudders' intellectual level. That is obviously a large part of the 'redemption' you have in mind. I like that a lot, especially now that he's starting to exercise his poor, neglected brain so much more. He's turning into a human being now, which is quite a nice change for him. Makes me glad--it's why I chose to read this story in the first place, of course.

Congrats on another great chapter!
Wolf\\\'s Scream
Sunday 25th May 2008 07:35
Dudley's Redemption
Oh, my! Lord of the Rings is certainly going to be an interesting journey for Dudders; I wonder what he'll make of the various languages. Perhaps he might like a detour through the work of a certain friend of that author's -- The Chronicles of Narnia comes to mind. (I expect that the Perelandra series would be a bit too weird, though The Screwtape Letters might present an interesting perspective.)

So Sarah aims for Oxbridge (vs. Camford, I gather).

Interesting that Dudley is managing to react so appropriately (if eventually) to the various pressures. At this rate, he'll end up a better student than I was at that age (which is quite plausible in any case). :-}

Won't Harry be surprised!

Well done.
Sunday 25th May 2008 02:06
Dudley's Redemption
Yippee... Dudley is voluntarily doing his homework and reading "pleasure" books! He may actually make something of himself yet. Maybe we should thank those bullies for chasing him into the library in the first place.

What a hoot that Petunia is banned from cleaning Dudley's area of the house. Three cheers to Hestia for banning her from taking a scrub brush to Dudley's bathroom and for making him do chores to help out.

Thanks for a good giggle. for making me smile.
Sunday 25th May 2008 03:26Dudley's Redemption (Author Response)
Hestia is pretty shrewd. She has heard about Harry's treatment, and seen how Dudley has turned out, and she's not afraid to try and do something about it. Gently but firmly.

Thanks for the lovely reveiw
Grandma Kate
Sunday 25th May 2008 01:32
Dudley's Redemption
Bronte, you have a charming way of telling a story. Dudley is changing for the better. He's about to discover a new world.