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Reviews For The Honeymooners by Aggiebell

Monday 13th April 2009 23:01
The Honeymooners
I was going to wait and do one review for the whole fic, but I have to say that you have an excellent grasp on writing the twins' dialogue and Ron's extreme discomfort with anything involving Harry & Ginny's and his parents' bedroom activities. Your fics just keep getting better and better, the more of them I read.
Sunday 7th September 2008 23:27
The Honeymooners
hello well I want to told you that you wrote a beautifull and i like to ask if I have the posibility to translate your story in spanish, if you permit me I told you the page where you can find, and if you wish I can to translate the reviews, or give the direction or the email to the people who read the story, I feel nervous because is the first time that I ask a thing like this, i hope that you think in my petition, and thanks for read this
I give you me email
Saturday 9th August 2008 22:13
The Honeymooners
Great pranks! Go Ginny!!!!
Friday 22nd August 2008 10:25The Honeymooners (Author Response)
Thanks! (And I apologize for taking so long to reply -- my mom was in the hospital and school's about to start and...)
