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Reviews For Dumbledore's Biggest Mistake by harry_ginny1234

Thursday 21st August 2008 15:27
Dumbledore's Biggest Mistake
so far... it is very good. please update soon!!
Wednesday 20th August 2008 06:53
Dumbledore's Biggest Mistake
Very exciting chapter! Look forward to the next one. Well done!
Comet Moon
Sunday 17th August 2008 17:01
Dumbledore's Biggest Mistake

Great chapter

But the question remains onto what that adventure is

Look forward to more

Ja ne

Saturday 16th August 2008 15:20
Dumbledore's Biggest Mistake
Oh great, we finally get into the "meat" of the story and I have wait for an update.
Saturday 16th August 2008 14:59
Dumbledore's Biggest Mistake
Nice cliffie!!!
Friday 15th August 2008 18:08
Dumbledore's Biggest Mistake
Oh, I do hope the next chapter comes SOON!!!!
Friday 15th August 2008 19:18Dumbledore's Biggest Mistake (Author Response)
It is already with the final beta
she will be posting it here as soon as possible
Friday 15th August 2008 17:12
Dumbledore's Biggest Mistake
All I could like about was if they would talk about having a heir to the potter in case Ginny would have to live after the time travel. It was good to see that one of them thought ahead to make sure that harry would live on though his child with Ginny.
This story has been going very well, keep up the good work and I look forward to more.

Friday 15th August 2008 10:02
Dumbledore's Biggest Mistake
This just seems to get better & better. Looking foward to Harry's wake up call.
Friday 15th August 2008 08:21
Dumbledore's Biggest Mistake
So the end of the begining. Great story so far. Keep up the good work.
Friday 15th August 2008 08:17
Dumbledore's Biggest Mistake
And now I feel like the story has really begun. Can't wait to see what changes you have in mind and what they accomplish.
Friday 15th August 2008 04:55
Dumbledore's Biggest Mistake
hm... good sign, bad sign?
Friday 15th August 2008 02:47
Dumbledore's Biggest Mistake
This is a really great story. I really have enjoyed it so far. I look forward to more. Thanks so much for writing. p
Friday 15th August 2008 00:11
Dumbledore's Biggest Mistake
An Excellent Chapter. Now the interesting part of the story will start.
Look forward to the next chapter..........