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Reviews For Hogwarts Rebellion by Kathryn

Monday 30th November 2009 23:47
Hogwarts Rebellion
There are already some great characters in this. The carrows are wonderfully wicked and as truely evil as deatheaters should be. And Harper well he is very very interesting.
Tuesday 1st January 2002 04:37Hogwarts Rebellion (Author Response)
Oh Andrew was an interesting character to write
Saturday 19th September 2009 22:47
Hogwarts Rebellion
Ginny picked up the quill and scribbled the word in her own blood: Pureblood

fantastic choice of words
Sunday 20th September 2009 18:11Hogwarts Rebellion (Author Response)
was it you who suggested that word orginally - forget - it was a conversation pre DC, which a lot of this has been based off.
Grandma Kate
Tuesday 31st March 2009 12:09
Hogwarts Rebellion
Poor Ginny! Nice foreshadowing here-
Unfortunately, you earned your detention so quickly that none of the other students are ready to practise the Cruciatus Curse."

Life is going to get worse.
Saturday 4th April 2009 23:17Hogwarts Rebellion (Author Response)
Life is going to get worse.

Oh you have no idea, its going to get so much worse.
Ocean Dream
Wednesday 14th January 2009 18:03
Hogwarts Rebellion
Nice one as well.
Yep, Ginny definitely wouldn't do anything Harry wouldn't!
Thursday 15th January 2009 06:36Hogwarts Rebellion (Author Response)
Oh yes, she def. matching Harry in terms of what she thinks is just and how to control her temper.
Thursday 1st January 2009 14:36
Hogwarts Rebellion
This is really good! but what are those question marks? In the diamonds?
Thursday 15th January 2009 06:06Hogwarts Rebellion (Author Response)
that was a problem that this chapter had with the formating - those were ammeant to be speach marks etc
Wolf\\\'s Scream
Monday 22nd September 2008 07:32
Hogwarts Rebellion
Well done.

It must have been exceptionally scary for Ginny to first lower her wand while Alecto was pointing one at her, then to leave her wand at her desk.

Harper's behavior is curious (though I suppose he might be one of the Slytherins who isn't "on board" with Tom's reign of terror). I expect you'll make that as clear as you intend as the story progresses. :-}

The rest all seems quite plausible, given the circumstances -- and well-described.
Monday 22nd September 2008 16:21Hogwarts Rebellion (Author Response)
It must have been exceptionally scary for Ginny to first lower her wand while Alecto was pointing one at her, then to leave her wand at her desk.

Yes, she is having to deal with a lot and its not going to get any easier.

Harper's behavior is curious (though I suppose he might be one of the Slytherins who isn't "on board" with Tom's reign of terror). I expect you'll make that as clear as you intend as the story progresses. :-}

He does have an interesting back story - but that's not until later.
Friday 12th September 2008 21:28
Hogwarts Rebellion
Oh, poor Ginny. I really hate those Carrow's. Great chapter, I can't wait for another.
Sunday 14th September 2008 16:11Hogwarts Rebellion (Author Response)
thank you

the next few chapters are coming along well
Monday 1st September 2008 20:27
Hogwarts Rebellion
I'm so glad to see this! I can tell you are going to do a fabulous job with this! I always thought JKK could write a whole other book with this exact subject matter. Kind of like Eragon and his cousin. Love this idea and can't wait for more.

Tuesday 2nd September 2008 05:19Hogwarts Rebellion (Author Response)

Thank you, I feel like I have a lot of room to play with here and I am having a lot of angsty fun.
Felix Felicis
Monday 1st September 2008 13:17
Hogwarts Rebellion
Sorry I didn't stop to leave a review on the first chapter - not sure why. This is shaping up to be a great story and I'm excited to see someone take on the challenge of writing Ginny's sixth year. You've got a fair bit of room to work, as JKR didn't give us a lot of details. That makes for some good storytelling opportunities!

So far I'm really enjoying this. You've got skill for writing Ginny's feelings well and knowing exactly what situations and words to use to bring out her Weasley temper. Of course, anything relating to Harry will do that I love the juxtaposition of her anger, guilt, and fear next to her feelings of wanting to rebel against the teachers and missing Harry so much it hurts. You've done a great job of mixing this all together, just as it would really be. Her character is more complex than most people think and you're doing a good job showing that.

If your characterization of the Carrows is a good guide, I can't wait to see how you'll write Snape. He's tricky because we, the readers, all know that he's really a good guy, but Ginny certainly had no idea. I'm really looking forward to seeing how the two of them interact. Can't wait for more, keep up the good work!
Tuesday 2nd September 2008 05:17Hogwarts Rebellion (Author Response)
Sorry I didn't stop to leave a review on the first chapter - not sure why.

This review completely makes up for that. I'm gob smacked by it, completely stunned and honoured.

You've got a fair bit of room to work, as JKR didn't give us a lot of details. That makes for some good storytelling opportunities!

The freedom is great, in fact the hardest chapter to write has been the Gryffindor Sword one, because there is so much expectation with that chapter.

I love the juxtaposition of her anger, guilt, and fear next to her feelings of wanting to rebel against the teachers and missing Harry so much it hurts.

Putting it all together like that, it real is enough to give anyone a breakdown.

Her character is more complex than most people think and you're doing a good job showing that.

Oh Ginny truely is a wonderfully complex character and such a joy to write, she is so much more than a love interest.

If your characterization of the Carrows is a good guide, I can't wait to see how you'll write Snape. He's tricky because we, the readers, all know that he's really a good guy, but Ginny certainly had no idea. I'm really looking forward to seeing how the two of them interact.

Snape has been very interesting. I spent yesterday doing some chapter 4, Snape Ginny interaction which I think is just that little firey.
Monday 1st September 2008 03:29
Hogwarts Rebellion
Wow! This is really bad. It was good that a Slytherin was willing to help Ginny not have another detention though. That was unexpected. It shows that not everyone in Slytherin is a bad person. I'm glad that Neville is trying to watch out for Ginny. It would help if she would cooperate but that is expecting a lot from her. I'm not surprised that the blood quill came up aa a torture device again. I hope Ginny slows down a little or at least becomes a little less obvious. Thanks for writing. I look forward to more soon. p
Monday 1st September 2008 03:49Hogwarts Rebellion (Author Response)
Wow! This is really bad.

I thiit was Neville that said that the Carrows made Umbridge look like sweet grandmotherly figure or something like that in DH, so things are going to get worse yet. Afterall we are still just in the first week in September.

It shows that not everyone in Slytherin is a bad person.

Indeed, there are some good Slytherin's out there.

I'm glad that Neville is trying to watch out for Ginny. It would help if she would cooperate but that is expecting a lot from her.

Yes, and Ginny needs him more that she will admit, at this point anyway.

I'm not surprised that the blood quill came up aa a torture device again.

It was just too good a weapon, not to use again.

I hope Ginny slows down a little or at least becomes a little less obvious.

She just needs a bit of a shock first, then maybe she wil be using her head a bit more than unleashing that famous Weasley temper.

Sunday 31st August 2008 12:47
Hogwarts Rebellion
Another excellent chapter. TIhis is one story the updates of which I will defintely be keenly anticipating and following
Monday 1st September 2008 03:38Hogwarts Rebellion (Author Response)
Cheers, I'm glad you are enjoying it.
Sunday 31st August 2008 12:18
Hogwarts Rebellion
This is a sweet, sweet idea and you're writing is spot on. I read your first two chapters straight through in one setting and they were awesome. PLEASE keep it up and finish this story.

Fantastic work!
Monday 1st September 2008 03:35Hogwarts Rebellion (Author Response)
thank you
Sunday 31st August 2008 11:55
Hogwarts Rebellion
I think the best HP fanfics are the ones that do not try to rehash the stuff in the books. This is clearly an original story, so keep up the good work.
Monday 1st September 2008 03:34Hogwarts Rebellion (Author Response)
thank you
Sunday 31st August 2008 07:24
Hogwarts Rebellion
Amazing chapter!

Neville and Demelza are such sweethearts!

Snape is a genius!

And I'm very curious about Harper's motives? Why would he stick his next out for Ginny?
Monday 1st September 2008 03:32Hogwarts Rebellion (Author Response)
thank you

And I'm very curious about Harper's motives? Why would he stick his next out for Ginny?

Oh now that is an interesting question.
Sunday 31st August 2008 06:16
Hogwarts Rebellion
Brilliant chapter! Snape brilliant as ever by drawing the Carrows attention. But i have the same format problem on my PC which replaces punctuation with boxes...
Cant wait for an update
Monday 1st September 2008 03:25Hogwarts Rebellion (Author Response)
Thank you.

Snape brilliant as ever by drawing the Carrows attention.

Cheers, he is proving to be a very interesting character to write at the moment.
Sunday 31st August 2008 04:14
Hogwarts Rebellion
I like the way your handling Ginny's and Neville's relationship. It's implied in Canon but I like the way your're fleshing it out here. Nice!
Monday 1st September 2008 03:21Hogwarts Rebellion (Author Response)

Cheers mate

I like the way your handling Ginny's and Neville's relationship. It's implied in Canon but I like the way your're fleshing it out here.

I think that they have been fairly close since around the Yule Ball in GOF, but it is my opinion that they got very close in DH, afterall how could they not considering what they went through and remember it was Ginny who asked after him in the eppi. Besides, Ginny need someone to watch her back during this year.

blah whatever
Saturday 30th August 2008 16:34
Hogwarts Rebellion
Great, great chapter.

I'm not sure what to make to Harper.Snape's character was great - pulling the Carrows in the a deeper cono as Nev and Ginny left the table. And Molly letter was ace, so Molly and said so much without giving anything away. Finally there was the return of the evil quill - but I actually think given the alternative that may not have been a bad thing.
Monday 1st September 2008 03:16Hogwarts Rebellion (Author Response)

Snape's character was great - pulling the Carrows in the a deeper cono as Nev and Ginny left the table.

Snape is a very clever man.
Saturday 30th August 2008 16:32
Hogwarts Rebellion
Excellent chapter! Very creepy. You hit all the right notes. Kate
Monday 1st September 2008 03:15Hogwarts Rebellion (Author Response)
thank you
Saturday 30th August 2008 16:30
Hogwarts Rebellion
Great chapter - very icey, creepy - but I have a format problem on my PC that has made it hard to read with boxes replacing punctation - is there a way to fix that?

Nevertheless - excellent and can't wait for the update.
Monday 1st September 2008 03:10Hogwarts Rebellion (Author Response)
Thank you.

but I have a format problem on my PC that has made it hard to read with boxes replacing punctation - is there a way to fix that?

I'll pass that onto my beta.