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Reviews For A Law of the Medes and Persians by SnorkackCatcher

Monday 27th September 2010 15:36
A Law of the Medes and Persians
I love that Hermione's otter Patronus looked smug.
Friday 8th October 2010 18:04A Law of the Medes and Persians (Author Response)
Thank you. It would, wouldn't it?
Monday 6th October 2008 03:37
A Law of the Medes and Persians
I like the focus of the story so far - I've always been really interested in what might happen to Teddy given his family situation.
This chapter was very well written - I like your style and the language you use. The pace of the opening was terrific, and I thought the way you showed what had happened since the battle without going into detail about every event was very effective. We got all the background information we needed to appreciate the current situation, while still keeping the story focussed on it.
The dialogue between Harry and Ginny was great - very in character, and very realistic for their situation. I think it's inevitable that there's some awkardness and tense moments while they work things out. I like the way you've shown that.

she spat the word with venom enough to destroy a Horcrux - great line!!
Monday 6th October 2008 13:14A Law of the Medes and Persians (Author Response)
Thank you -- I didn't want to have too much of a blow-by-blow account, but I was worried that I might have left out things that should have been covered, so I'm glad it seemed to strike the right balance.

With Harry and Ginny, the way I read it I think they'd actually probably get back together fairly quickly, but not without some arguments along the way!
Grandma Kate
Monday 6th October 2008 00:48
A Law of the Medes and Persians
I'm very glad that I decided to read your four part story. You have a tight well-developed plot with memorable characters. While I like your treatment of Harry and Ginny, I am most drawn to Andromeda. She has had to bear so much loss and she rings true.

I can't wait for Hermione facing off against Umbridge.
Monday 6th October 2008 13:06A Law of the Medes and Persians (Author Response)
Guess you've seen it now. Yes, when I thought about it, Andromeda really drew the short straw as far as losses in the war went.
Tuesday 23rd September 2008 01:32
A Law of the Medes and Persians
Excellent first chapter that has me waiting for the next !
Tuesday 23rd September 2008 17:52A Law of the Medes and Persians (Author Response)
And again.
Tuesday 23rd September 2008 01:30
A Law of the Medes and Persians
Excellent first chapter that has me waiting for the next !
Tuesday 23rd September 2008 17:51A Law of the Medes and Persians (Author Response)
Thank you!
Monday 22nd September 2008 23:31
A Law of the Medes and Persians
I can hardly wait for the next chapter. As opening chapters go, this one had me on the edge of my seat reading as fast as I could to find out what happens next. I really like how Harry had to wait until the time was right to have his talk with Ginny and that she had the chance to air her concerns before accepting him back. I'm glad they're taking their relationship day by day. I can hardly wait to find out how Harry and Ginny handle the Umbridge mess; Andromeda doesn't need something as serious as this on top of her grief. She was definitely right to come to Harry for help. By the way, I love that she approves of Molly killing Bellatrix. This story gets . Please post again soon.
Tuesday 23rd September 2008 17:51A Law of the Medes and Persians (Author Response)
Thank you very much! I didn't think Harry and Ginny would take too long to get back together, but I'd imagine they would have some important things to iron out too. As for Bellatrix -- it doesn't exactly seem like a close family, and I can't imagine Andromeda being too upset about her sister being killed under the circumstances.
michael ho
Monday 22nd September 2008 20:13
A Law of the Medes and Persians
I outsourced R/Hr to the Bleak Midwinter fic

Oh really? So, this story is taking place in the same "world" as that one? Cool. I love it when stories build upon each other. I'll be curious to read (though maybe you'll only put it between the lines) what Harry and the Weasleys make of how Ron and Hermione's relationship, um, progressed during their Australia trip...

I remember seeing your "Liquor of Jacmel" fic now; I'm sorry to say I never read it. I'll have to find the time to correct that now!
Tuesday 23rd September 2008 17:23A Law of the Medes and Persians (Author Response)
Well ... probably. I wanted this to be compatible without actually committing myself to saying it was definitely in the same version of the Potterverse.

Jacmel ... it was one of my earliest attempts and took ages to finish. Pre-DH but mostly compatible (a few annoying mismatches, e.g. I had Tonks not knowing Moody before the Order), a bit rough at the start maybe.
Monday 22nd September 2008 19:23
A Law of the Medes and Persians
I really enjoyed this first chapter. A lot of fics are tedious and hard to get through, but your writing is entertaining and lively and is a pleasure to read! Eagerly awaiting the next chapter...
Tuesday 23rd September 2008 17:26A Law of the Medes and Persians (Author Response)
Thank you very much! I glad the waffliness isn't offputting.
Michael Ho
Monday 22nd September 2008 14:53
A Law of the Medes and Persians
SnorkackCatcher, I am very impressed. I don't think I've ever read anything besides one-shots from you; perhaps I have and I'm not remembering them at the moment, or perhaps I've just missed them, in which case I'm sorry. But anyway, this is a fine and fun story. It's always wonderful--or, at least, I haven't gotten tired of it yet!--to read different people's take on the same set of unknowns. In this story, you're passing relatively quickly over some issues that loom large other authors' imaginations (Ron and Hermione's trip to Australia and her reunion with her parents, for example, or Harry and Ginny's getting back together), while taking some time to dig deeply into some others (the fate of the Ministry post-war). I like it! I like the fact that you are hinting at something I'd never really thought about before, but which in retrospect seems obvious: that most Aurors and other Ministry employees probably had long and convoluted histories with one another (it's not like Umbridge just popped out of nowhere in OotP), and the war has no doubt, for many of them anyway, simply compounded long-standing agendas and animosities. ("Reasons," says Kingsley; no doubt there's a story there!) I love seeing Harry as someone impatient and angry with it all, but also realistic enough to know that he's not going to be able to escape it...he's going to have to put himself into it and through it.

So, overall, great job! Consider me signed up for the duration!
Monday 22nd September 2008 17:40A Law of the Medes and Persians (Author Response)
Thanks Michael (duration only four parts though). Interesting you mention skipping over things; it started out as a courtroom drama and grew because of the setting, but I tried not to include too much. I couldn't not include a treatment of H/G, for example, given it's Harry POV at this point in time (although I outsourced R/Hr to the Bleak Midwinter fic), but mostly left how (e.g.) the Weasleys were feeling about Fred to be something Harry notices in passing but lets them get on with, because that would have been one subplot too many! I do have a weakness for politics though.

Oh, and a PS: there is my OotP-length Tonks fic up at Checkmated (Nymphadora Tonks and the Liquor of Jacmel) -- one of my earlier efforts that grew way beyond expected length. This one is the only other story beyond about 15K words though.

(Sorry if this is spamming you: I didn’t know if a second reply replaced the first, so have now put them both together.)
Monday 22nd September 2008 11:36
A Law of the Medes and Persians
Excellent first chapter. Can't wait to read more!!
Monday 22nd September 2008 17:28A Law of the Medes and Persians (Author Response)
Thank you!
Monday 22nd September 2008 10:32
A Law of the Medes and Persians
This is one of the best post-DH fanfiction I have every read. Please please tell me you have the entire story either written up or completed in your "mind." I cannot wait for the next chapter.

The story has all the ingredients of great drama. Characterisation is excellent. The political turmoil after a battle has been depicted very well. The storyline is one I would love to read in one sitting and not stop for tea.

Well done, you
Monday 22nd September 2008 17:27A Law of the Medes and Persians (Author Response)
Thank you very much! Yes, it's complete (only four parts) -- and ladybug, the beta, has been very thorough.
Monday 22nd September 2008 03:47
A Law of the Medes and Persians
Say what you like about Hermione,[...]but she’s got great timing
Oh, that's not the only thing we like about her

Another twist on the repercussions of the Battle of Hogwarts, and one that I like. You haven't made Harry and Ginny simply fall back together, but you haven't imposed undue angst on them. And you've not made getting rid of Umbitch quite so simple as many have done. I think I'm going to look forward to more of this.

Now, where did I put my bean-bag, and what about some pop-corn?
Monday 22nd September 2008 17:25A Law of the Medes and Persians (Author Response)
Thanks. It wasn't meant to be post-Battle of Hogwarts when originally planned pre-DH -- Lupin and Tonks were supposed to be alive! *curses* I'm not keen on too much angst regarding Harry and Ginny -- they've obviously got some things to work through, but give the impression of both being sure they want to be back together.
Sunday 21st September 2008 23:57
A Law of the Medes and Persians
This is a great beginning. I look forward to more of this story. What a terrific angle for Harry to fight for someone new. In this case his godson. It is really great that Hermione is right there to help them even from the otherside of the world. That and he has Ginny right by his side helping him. A big problem ahead but with everyone's help I'm sure they will work it out. Thanks for writing. p
Monday 22nd September 2008 17:22A Law of the Medes and Persians (Author Response)
Thank you -- yes, this one is a bit of an ensemble cast.
Tuesday 1st January 2002 16:38
A Law of the Medes and Persians
Tuesday 1st January 2002 16:38
A Law of the Medes and Persians
Tuesday 1st January 2002 16:34
A Law of the Medes and Persians
Tuesday 1st January 2002 18:03A Law of the Medes and Persians (Author Response)