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Reviews For Just Plain Harry by Mistral

Emeralds and Rubies
Friday 25th July 2008 23:42
Just Plain Harry
haha! Ron, Ron, Ron... Very good chapter!
Saturday 28th April 2007 17:28
Just Plain Harry
:0) haha. When I was picturing Ron picking about all the robes, it made me think he was a little gay at the moment. But then, Hermione and his fighting came along, and I forgot all about it. And Ron kinda sorta asked Hermione to go to the ball with him. Aww. And the thing with Harry blushing about Ginny's robes. Haha
Thursday 3rd August 2006 18:04
Just Plain Harry
*snickers* Ok, that's pretty funny. I just have this bizarre mental image of Ron forcing clothes on everybody in my head and it's just too silly for words. Very cute.