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Reviews For Love and Sacrifice by jedi34

Friday 17th July 2009 00:55
Love and Sacrifice
interesting. not sure if I like or not but am willing to continue reading.
Saturday 2nd January 2010 19:34Love and Sacrifice (Author Response)
I'm glad you willing to continue. I'm focused on Flying Free right now, but I don't think that the next chapter will be much longer for this story.
Tuesday 23rd June 2009 16:07
Love and Sacrifice
Just finished reading your story and then noticed you hadn't updated since 10/08. Are you still woking in this story or have you desided to stop? It's quite good and I'd love to read more.
Monday 29th June 2009 09:18Love and Sacrifice (Author Response)

I want to apologize to everyone for the terribly long delay. I am planning on finishing this story and there is more to come. I lost my job, changed jobs, then moved 2000 miles across the country since October. I'm trying to get some more work done on this. I hope you all can be patient just a little while longer.


Thursday 29th January 2009 23:56
Love and Sacrifice
I'm just wondering (and hoping), is there more to come?
Friday 30th January 2009 08:09Love and Sacrifice (Author Response)
Yes there is. I've had the next big pretty much done for weeks now, I just need to add a little more and then send it off to beta. I am alot busier than I expected to be

Don't worry, it's coming. Thanks for keeping me honest
Tuesday 4th November 2008 13:39
Love and Sacrifice
you killed ginny? wow.
Friday 14th November 2008 15:26Love and Sacrifice (Author Response)
yep. Harry will work it out though.
Saturday 25th October 2008 20:37
Love and Sacrifice

Was. Not. Expecting. That. Ahh.

Way to freak me out...

You'd better have some more explanations for me...And update soon.

Oh, and thanks for the update!
Friday 14th November 2008 15:25Love and Sacrifice (Author Response)

thanks critic
Thursday 23rd October 2008 21:04
Love and Sacrifice
Wow Jedi, I was out of the loop for a couple of weeks and you beat me with a stick - over the head at that. Wow, this is really different. but I think that HArry might feel the need to use the blasting hex on the head master soon, I know that I already do.
I will be awaiting your next chapter.

Friday 14th November 2008 15:25Love and Sacrifice (Author Response)

Thanks Jack. Been out of the loop for a bit. I just got your other mail. I'll be responding shortly.

Keep reading
Wednesday 22nd October 2008 11:33
Love and Sacrifice
Oh dear! I'm feeling so many things right about now. I didn't mean for my last review to cut off so fast. I hit the wrong button. So I wanted to let you know that your last chapter was very good even if you are evil for ending it the way you did. As for this chapter. I really liked it. I'd speculate on what is going to happen next but I know that I would be completely wrong about everything so I won't even try. I'll just wait VERY impatiently until you update again.

You've done a wonderful job. There's a reason you're one of my favorites and that is because you write very well and have wonderful ideas. Keep it up!
Friday 14th November 2008 15:24Love and Sacrifice (Author Response)

Thanks again for your reviews and continuing support. I'm glad you are still reading. I'll try hard to get an update out to you soon.

Wednesday 22nd October 2008 09:54
Love and Sacrifice
HMMmmmmmmmm. NOT what I expected, but VERY interesting.
Friday 14th November 2008 15:22Love and Sacrifice (Author Response)
Thanks S.Been awhile but I'm back now and working hard on an update.
Wednesday 22nd October 2008 05:59
Love and Sacrifice
WoW!!! Shoking.... why did you did that? ok I understand that you have your reasons, I'll wait impatient for the next update... Thanks for this story
Wednesday 22nd October 2008 08:27Love and Sacrifice (Author Response)
Hey Thiago! How is the translation coming?

Don't worry too much, Ginny is going to be alright in the end. Harry will come through

Wednesday 22nd October 2008 05:59
Love and Sacrifice
WoW!!! Shoking.... why did you did that? ok I understand that you have your reasons, I'll wait impatient for the next update... Thanks for this story
Comet Moon
Tuesday 21st October 2008 22:16
Love and Sacrifice
Not sure what to think

To many conflicting emotions

That's why it's good

Though how you plan to avoid the paradox is yet to be revealed

Ja ne

Wednesday 22nd October 2008 08:25Love and Sacrifice (Author Response)
Hopefully you'll stick with it and keep reading. As for the Paradox....WHICH paradox are you referring to? I can think of about 5 or 6 that I need to be careful with!
Tuesday 21st October 2008 22:06
Love and Sacrifice
You know, I had a cat once and I used to play with it using a feather tied to a piece of string. The cat would pounce on the feather and I would yank the string andpull the feather away. I thought it was great fun and figured the cat would play the game forever. Then once day, I pulled the feather away and the cat turned and pounced on me.

This chapter did get me thinking something, I think it is a key to how Dumbledore operates. He is very much rooted in the old Greek methodology of scientific study. He makes an assumption, such as Harry being best off with the Dursleys, or Sirius actually being the secret keeper for the Potters, or Ginny becoming a Horcrux, and bases his future actions on that assumption being correct. He refuses to even consider the possibility that his assumption is incorrect until he is forced, usually violently, to see that it is. In this way he is quite similar to Fudge and his belief that Voldemort had not returned or even Percy and his faith in the Ministry. It is not that Dumbledore wishes to hurt Harry, he just never learned the scientific principal that all assumptions should be routinely questioned rather than simply accepted until proved false.

Wednesday 22nd October 2008 08:24Love and Sacrifice (Author Response)
So er, are you going to pounce on me?

That's a good point about Dumbledore. I never really thought about it in those terms but I think you're right. Do you think that the attitude you've described is a result of the fact that everyone constantly tells him that he is smarter than everyone else?
Tuesday 21st October 2008 14:48
Love and Sacrifice
Oh God you killed Ginny. At first I didn't get why he had to go back cuz Ginny's not really dead, but then I realized.... she doesn't have Lily's protection and really IS dead. Well, this makes the story a bit... different. And Harry's going to be sooooo alone.
Wednesday 22nd October 2008 08:22Love and Sacrifice (Author Response)
Well I don't want to give too much away but....ok she DID die, but Harry's going to save her. And for Harry being alone...well, there might be other reasons that the bond didn't work right. Think on that for a bit
Tuesday 21st October 2008 13:00
Love and Sacrifice
Wow!! Phenomenal chapter! Lots of good action, pathos, romance, and Ginny gets to be the "I'll push you away to keep you safe" person!
Well done. Of course, now you have to update soon, otherwise, we might all perish from lack of breath.
Wednesday 22nd October 2008 08:21Love and Sacrifice (Author Response)
Thanks Duke! I'll update as soon as I can. In the meantime just take deep calming breaths. Everything is going to be fine
Tuesday 21st October 2008 12:40
Love and Sacrifice
This is horrible. I cannot imagine the pain someone would feel if something like this happened. A very well written chapter. It brought up so many emotions in anger, sympathy and sorrow for all those involved. A very well written story so far. I look forward to more of this story. Thank you for writing. p
Tuesday 21st October 2008 14:57Love and Sacrifice (Author Response)
Thanks for reading and for commenting. I'm glad that it was able to stir some emotions, that's when I know I'm doing my job right.

Tuesday 21st October 2008 12:34
Love and Sacrifice
Back to the chamber.......... Hope to save Ginny & Harry........
Look forward to next chapter.........
Tuesday 21st October 2008 14:54Love and Sacrifice (Author Response)
Thanks, I'm glad you find it interesting. Keep reading and thanks for the comments.