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Reviews For The Flat by St Margarets

Thursday 6th October 2011 07:35
The Flat
*happy sigh* I had to reread this today--one of my favorite stories. No matter how many times I read it, I love your descriptions of the Inglenook building, and all of the characters you have created. I can picture these scenes so easily.
Thursday 6th October 2011 11:50The Flat (Author Response)
Oh, it's soo nice to hear when someone re-reads and still likes the story. I'm glad it gave you a lift. *hugs*
Thursday 6th May 2010 23:31
The Flat
Great!! I am not a Percy fan but it is actually a very fresh way to read a harry potter story... It is actually very funny keep it up!
Friday 7th May 2010 07:47The Flat (Author Response)
Oh, glad you liked it! I have a lot of friends who are Percy fans so I've written quite a bit of Percy just for them. Thanks for reading|!
Tuesday 21st April 2009 10:49
The Flat
Nice. I must admit though, I would have liked some other of the known characters in the story. Maybe you could carry it on to see how Audrey meets the larger Weasley family.
Wednesday 22nd April 2009 04:58The Flat (Author Response)
Yes, this is quite the minor character fic, isn't it? I'm working on an H/G WIP and this Percy and Audrey will make an appearance.
Thursday 9th April 2009 14:37
The Flat
Loved it!
Saturday 14th February 2009 20:00
The Flat
Oh yay! Such a lovely ending. Your Percy makes me want to see his performance in the bedroom too!
Sunday 15th February 2009 05:53The Flat (Author Response)
LOL - I'm sure Audrey wasn't disappointed. Thanks for reading!
Thursday 12th February 2009 15:08
The Flat
This was very good! I had a great time reading it. I loved that they were a match just like the artist said.
Thursday 12th February 2009 17:00The Flat (Author Response)
I'm glad you liked it. It was fun to write! Thanks for reading.
Saturday 24th January 2009 10:30
The Flat
AHH I did that twice?!?!?!?!?!?
Saturday 24th January 2009 10:29
The Flat
nice, but the ending kind of confused me...
Saturday 24th January 2009 10:29
The Flat
nice, but the ending kind of confused me...
Saturday 24th January 2009 12:47The Flat (Author Response)
They get together - no worries.
Saturday 24th January 2009 09:35
The Flat
LOVE how you tie in all the key details: quest-oriented, kissing, singing, diva......such a pleasure to read something so well crafted. Thank you!
Saturday 24th January 2009 12:49The Flat (Author Response)
I had such trouble with the ending, so I'm glad it felt tied together. Thanks for reading!
Saturday 24th January 2009 00:47
The Flat
I like this sweeter side of Percy. Nobody should be a pompous git all the time. Thanks for writing and for sharing your work.

Saturday 24th January 2009 12:47The Flat (Author Response)
Percy is a Weasley, so he must have his redeeming qualities! Thanks for reading - it makes the writing worthwhile!
Friday 23rd January 2009 17:24
The Flat
Love it! Very original. I wondered where in the world Audrey came from. It's rather nice seeing Percy being his usual self but also not as we have seen him before.
Friday 23rd January 2009 18:17The Flat (Author Response)
Yes, Audrey was certainly a random twig on the Weasley family tree. However, she's great for fan fic writers! Thanks for reading!
Friday 23rd January 2009 15:27
The Flat
You know...I normally don't like Percy stories all that much, but I think you've captured him perfectly. Although, I do love pretty much anything you write.
Friday 23rd January 2009 15:39The Flat (Author Response)
What a nice compliment! Thank you - and thanks for reading!
Lorelei Lynn
Wednesday 21st January 2009 18:26
The Flat
Very enjoyable. I especially liked the little creative bits of magic like the 2-headed 3-headed dog. Madam Chambers knows her matchmaking!
Thursday 22nd January 2009 05:21The Flat (Author Response)
It was fun to write within JKR's universe again, so I'm glad you didn't mind the details. Thanks for reading!
Wednesday 21st January 2009 16:59
The Flat
This is excellent. I really like this Percy. He has grown up a lot. I look forward to more about Percy and Audrey. Thank you for writing. p
Thursday 22nd January 2009 05:19The Flat (Author Response)
I found it easier to set this much later than DH, since Percy would need to grow up (and really reconcile with his family) before he was ready for a serious relationship. I had fun with it. Thanks for reading!
Michael Ho
Wednesday 21st January 2009 10:39
The Flat
"Don't forget dancing with the Starrs next Friday!"

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Oh St Margarets, that is just awesome. I needed that this morning. Thank you!

Overall, a tremendous fic; thanks very much for sharing it with us here. As other reviewers have noted, and as you've acknowledged in your responses, your Percy is wonderfully, believably, a Weasley: someone likely to get so focused on, so determined about, what he does well that he doesn't notice much else that's going on around him. (Though that doesn't stop him from noticing some pretty legs.) That comes through not only in his interactions with Audrey--about whom I agree: Percy would go for a tall, confident, intelligent, abrasive woman!--but also his confessions about his time at the Ministry. Very nicely, very persuasively done!

If I have any complaints about this fic, it's that it is too short. I mean it. As much as I love your many one-shots, it's your longer pieces, especially Roger and Lisa, which I think are really the gold standard when it comes to HP fan fiction. I loved being able to see Inglenook Building through your eyes (you've always had a knack for making wizarding buildings and spaces and their construction and economics make sense!); I would have liked Audrey's and Percy's long journey to find the perfect apartment and meet the different tenants to have gone on even longer (perhaps with some detours along the way). And frankly, someone needs to give Percy--the "secondary" Weasley about whom we nonetheless know the most--the full-scale treatment, exploring his shame and confusion during and after the war at length, talking about his separation from and reconciliation with his family and old friends. Consider this an official request: what better starting point could there be than this story, and what better person to tell it than you?
Wednesday 21st January 2009 15:48The Flat (Author Response)
I always like when a reader gets(and enjoys) my jokes!

I'm glad you wanted more about Percy - he's a great secondary character with a surprising amount of known backstory. As far as a multi-chapter fic. *sigh* I think this is the first story I've finished in six months. (We moved this fall, so it's been a busy time) I hope the next six months will allow me more time to write. In the meantime, I'll keep your ideas in mind. And, as always, thanks for reading!
Wednesday 21st January 2009 09:34
The Flat
Excellent story. I never liked Percy at all, however your story was very touching. Thanks for sharing.
Wednesday 21st January 2009 15:44The Flat (Author Response)
I'm glad you took a chance on a fic. that was about a character you disliked. I don't think I would be as open-minded about a fic. starring Draco Malfoy, for instance. So thank you for reading and for letting me know.
Wednesday 21st January 2009 09:20
The Flat
"The Flat" has to be one of the most unusual H.P. fanfics I have ever read. So different, but brilliant.

Wednesday 21st January 2009 15:42The Flat (Author Response)
I'm glad you liked it. I never think of my stories as being all that inventive, so it's nice to hear this hasn't been done before. Thanks for reading!
Wednesday 21st January 2009 06:55
The Flat
Simply Brilliant.
I love to read stories about characters that don't get that much play-time in canon. They can go every where and do every thing, mostly they are blank pages waiting to be filled with life.

Thank you once again.
Wednesday 21st January 2009 15:40The Flat (Author Response)
I do like minor character fics. for the reasons you mention. I always learn something new.
Tuesday 20th January 2009 20:55
The Flat
Wow, I never thought I could like Percy so much! What fun this was to read. I like having Audrey fleshed out for me too, since we never get to meet her in the books... Thanks for this really fun fic, and I look forward to your next one!
Wednesday 21st January 2009 05:35The Flat (Author Response)
I've always had a soft spot for Percy (the Weasley who broke the rules so he could kiss his girlfriend in an empty classroom) but I haven't written that much about him. I'm glad you enjoyed the story. Thanks for letting me know.
Tuesday 20th January 2009 19:43
The Flat
This was a very interesting take on Audrey Weasley. In other fics I've read so far Audrey is treated as a simpering, or wimpering, appendage to Percy's career. This is the first story that has Audrey as a competent and accomplished partner for Percy. Someone Molly would think a good match for her son. Bravo!
Oh, and you have written Percy as human. Yah! He's checking out the girl like any normal bloke would do. :-) That's also a refreshing take on a character who is a fanfic whipping boy.

Thanks for another lovely story St. M!
Wednesday 21st January 2009 05:33The Flat (Author Response)
All the Weasleys seem to like strong competent partners, so I thought Percy should have one too. Actually Penelope is a good indicator of the kind of girl Percy would go for - smart - repsonsible - a little haughty - but still vulnerable enough to run out of the picture if she had a zit.

JKR gave Percy a love life in the second book - long before any of the other Weasleys. Of course he would check out his rival (and keep checking her out! LOL) Thanks for reading!
Tuesday 20th January 2009 16:44
The Flat
That was fun!!! I like how you expanded on Percy's character - it fit in beautifully with canon. And I like how you developed Audrey into the kind of woman Percy would like. Too cool! Very unique characters in a very well-done little story. More please?
Wednesday 21st January 2009 05:29The Flat (Author Response)
I'm glad you thought Percy was grounded in canon - I wanted to present him in a more sympathetic light, but still make him recognizable. Audrey was fun to imagine, so I'm glad you liked her, too. This story was a "one shot" that ended up being 14,000 words long. It's nice to know you want more! Thanks for reading.
Tuesday 20th January 2009 15:16
The Flat
Great job! I love the line about audience participation. I like that Percy couldn't handle the metaphors, even though he's clearly very smart- just not that kind of smart. Lovely story. Thanks for sharing it.
Wednesday 21st January 2009 05:26The Flat (Author Response)
Yes, Percy with his twelve Newts is smart - but he's not always emotionally intelligent. I'm glad you liked that line - I had a difficult time figuring out how to end the story and something sexy, yet light-hearted seemed to be the right tone. Thanks for reading!
Tuesday 20th January 2009 15:06
The Flat
Nicely done.

Wednesday 21st January 2009 05:24The Flat (Author Response)
Thanks for reading!
Tuesday 20th January 2009 13:10
The Flat
excellent. a big fat smile wrapped across my face. It is so nice that Percy had something nice done for him.......he can't be all bad, he is a Weasley after all...........
Wednesday 21st January 2009 05:23The Flat (Author Response)
I really tried to think of him in terms of how he was a Weasley (snarky sense of humor - down-to-earth view of the world - not terribly introspective until forced to be, etc) so I'm glad you picked up on that. Thanks fo reading!