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Reviews For Heart of Gold by Wings

Wednesday 25th February 2009 20:38
Heart of Gold
Aislinn is the bestest I can't wait for some answers and dirty family secrets soon. I am hoping for some fun Liam/Regulus, "We've agree to be friends again but we still kind of dislike each other" banter...
Thursday 26th February 2009 04:04Heart of Gold (Author Response)
I kind of like Aislinn, too. I'd love to take her out for coffee and pick her brain. Answers are definitely coming! and don't worry, Liam won't let Regulus off the hook that easily. You know that they're bound to hit some bumps along the way! Thanks for your review.
Wednesday 25th February 2009 06:40
Heart of Gold
This is one of, if not the best chapter you've written in this story. You've done a marvelous job of comparing Liam's family to Regulus' as well as keeping the emotion running deep. I admire the seamless way each scene flows into the next, too, and look forward to reading your next chapter... whenever it comes out.
Wednesday 25th February 2009 17:16Heart of Gold (Author Response)
Thanks, Arnel! I really feel like this chapter is the core of the story. It has all of the themes that I'm trying to work with and I'm glad that you think I am portraying my characters and story well. I love reading your comments and I'm so thankful for your devotion to this story! I'll start working on 16 soon.
Wednesday 25th February 2009 06:40
Heart of Gold
Wednesday 25th February 2009 06:20
Heart of Gold
This is one of, if not the best chapter you've written in this story. You've done a marvelous job of comparing Liam's family to Regulus' as well as keeping the emotion running deep. I admire the seamless way each scene flows into the next, too, and look forward to reading your next chapter... whenever it comes out.
Wednesday 25th February 2009 06:20
Heart of Gold