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Reviews For One Blink by rich.sanidad

The Boss
Monday 1st June 2009 04:21
One Blink
Well that certainly had me worried for a good while in this chapter. I like the use of the Felix being shared by Ginny and Luna and how they threw the two wands out the window - good thinking!
The suspense is building - thats for sure. Great piece!

The Boss
Monday 6th April 2009 16:14
One Blink
OK - when you leave the chapter with a cliffhanger like that you really need to update quickly. Some of your readers are old and frail and can't handle the stress of not knowing what's going to happen.

Love your story but hate waiting for more of it.
Monday 6th April 2009 19:42One Blink (Author Response)
Good point. No argument here. I'll ping my beta to see how close we are to getting the next chapter posted.

Thanks for the read and review.
Wednesday 25th March 2009 13:13
One Blink
Wow. Great read. I'm glad this is turning out to be an actual nicely-lenghted story, rather than a couple of chapters of angst and then everything works itself out. Looking foward to the next update!
Wednesday 25th March 2009 18:08One Blink (Author Response)
Thank you for the nice review. Glad to hear you're looking forward to more. I'm not sure yet, but I think this will be around twelve to fourteen chapters when all is said and done, of which the first eight have already been written (and of course, the first three are posted here). Hope you decide to stick around for the rest of it.
Ocean Dream
Monday 23rd March 2009 16:47
One Blink
Hm! Actually, I like you writing a lot - it flows so smoothly!
The story is... well, interesting. Where will it bring us?
However, it doesn´t quite fit with my belief in fate (and the way fate works). Not yet, anyhow.
I guess I´ll keep on reading though. As I´ve said I like your style and you characters. Thanks for sharing.
Tuesday 24th March 2009 06:33One Blink (Author Response)
Thank you for the kind words about my writing.

As for Fate... hmm... I'm glad you're allowing that the story may still circle back to fit your belief (whatever it may be). The story has only just begun, after all, and I'm glad you appear to be enjoying the ride.

Thanks for the read and review.
Monday 23rd March 2009 12:25
One Blink
Thanks for the update! I don't agree with Mr "Idiot Plot" I would like to point out that he didn't really give any real reason why he thought the plot was so idiotic, so i don't really think that he has any sound point behind his "idiotic" review.

Anyway, i'm finding it really interesting how things are escelating at such a vicious rate. I think that Bill dies, but I could be wrong. I guess i'll find out next chapter. Why di you hve to be so stubborn Ginny and not drink the whole thing yourself, Luna would have been fine!

Once again, great story!
Tuesday 24th March 2009 06:24One Blink (Author Response)
Actually, I thought the complaints were quite clear: to him/her the characters were not acting rationally, or in a way that seemed logical to him/her, therefore the plot was weak because it relied on invalid characterizations. As I said before, he/she is entitled to his/her opinion.

Enough of that. You are correct in that what seemed like one seemingly innocuous change has begun to ripple into larger effects. I'm glad you're enjoying the ride and I hope to keep things interesting for you.
Monday 23rd March 2009 12:07
One Blink
Ok still no real talking and a cliffy to boot. Great story so far. Please update soon. Thanks for sharing.
Tuesday 24th March 2009 06:15One Blink (Author Response)
Thanks you for the nice words and thanks for reading and reviewing. My beta already has the next chapter. We'll do our best to get it out when we can.
Monday 23rd March 2009 09:31
One Blink
I don't usually read much AU-fanfiction, I suppose I'm a little dogmatic about sticking to canon. But I like your story very much, as it's somewhere in between canon and AU. And it's a story that does justice to the very complex and complicated H/G ship (we know for sure that Harry rarely talkes about anyhing personal, and while Ginny might be more outspoken, she is also very shy when it comes to Harry); the way you describe them is very much in character.
Anyway, the whole storyline is built on that "one blink"-moment and it thereby suggests that H and G wouldn't have come together so spectacularly - or not at all - if Gryffindor hadn't won the cup. This idea seems to me like a very nice starting point for a story, and, if we are to infer anything from your apparent love of cliffhangers, you have only just begun to show all the consequences from that one moment.
But it's quite hypothetical... was that Quidditch victory really that importent? So important that it would have taken them *years* to come together without it? A few days after this chapter, their relationship will have come to a (temporary) close, at least in canon. So that one moment will really have changed *everything*.
Hm, I will have to come to terms with that! :-) I love your story and will continue to check for updates on a daily basis ;-)
Tuesday 24th March 2009 06:12One Blink (Author Response)
Thank you for the very generous review. Since you seem to like this "halfway between canon and AU" style, I'll go ahead and tell you that it continues throughout the whole story. Harry and friends will continue to get to certain milestones as in the original DH, but perhaps not quite in the same way you expected or wanted them to. This style is not for everyone, I know, but I'm glad you're enjoying it.
Monday 23rd March 2009 07:48
One Blink

Great Story, very well thougtht out and well put together. Please update SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday 24th March 2009 06:07One Blink (Author Response)
LOL... I don't know if two and a half chapters (the Prologue was too short to be considered a full chapter) is enough to earn the description of "well thought out", but thanks for the sentiment. My beta and I will do our best to get the next chapter out when we can. Thanks for reading.
Auntie Minerva
Monday 23rd March 2009 05:35
One Blink
Of course I hate seeing anything divide Harry and Ginny. But I feel that you have captured some very real dynamics of adolescence and those tentative teen relationships -- the doubt, the hurt, the resentment, And I really do appreciate the realism of Ginny knowing (in her head) that she needs to do one thing, but being driven instead by irrational emotions (and hormones, most likely).

You are a good writer, and I am intrigued by where this might be going. I don't see this as an "idiot plot" -- sorry, just MHO -- especially after reading the second chapter. It's mainly congruent with canon and I like that too. Keep the chapters coming!
Monday 23rd March 2009 07:04One Blink (Author Response)
Thanks for the generous review. As for the review left by the other reader... everyone is entitled to their opinion. This story was not for them, but it looks like it may be for you. And so, I'll keep it going for those who want it. Thanks for the support.
Monday 23rd March 2009 04:04
One Blink
This story continues to be an Idiot Plot. And I call it an Idiot Plot because the only possible way that it could work is if the main characters act like complete and total idiots.

Its not a good story, regardless of what the other reviewers say, because of this reason alone. If you have to turn your main characters into morons to make your story work, you're writing a bad story.

All they have to do is talk to each other. But of course, you're not going to let them do that. We're going to get umpteen chapters of wangst... unreadable wangst, at that... because you're making them act like idiots.

Sorry. Just calling it like it is.
Monday 23rd March 2009 07:00One Blink (Author Response)
Obviously, there's no way we're going to come to an agreement on this. Could these things be avoided if the two characters just got together and talked? Sure, of course. And so the question becomes: Well, why don't they? My response is: What in canon makes you think that those two getting together to talk about things would be a reasonable scenario? The moment they got together in canon was a spontaneous, joyful event. Up until that point, they were still dancing around each other. It took the exuberance of the Cup celebration for them to let go of their inhibitions and let things happen. And without that catalyst, I don't see how they can then jump into having some heartfelt conversation to become a couple -- at least not without some difficulty; teenagers don't always act rationally. Have I taken some liberties with Ginny's character? Yes, I have. But then, anyone who writes a story that has Ginny in it is going to have to make their own conclusions as to how her character will behave in certain situations. Although she has appeared in each book, since the books are all told from Harry's point of view, there are only a handful of scenes from which to piece together a character profile of her. And from there, each fanfic author gets to mold her character as they see fit.

Anyway, enough of that. You gave the story a couple chapters and now you're done with it. Fair enough. Thanks for giving it a shot.
Monday 23rd March 2009 03:53
One Blink
Poor Ginny and Harry. They are having a really hard time getting to talk. At least they have both started to try. Too Bad Harry got called at just the wrong moment. I suspect that Bill has died. Is Hermione or Luna the one that brought Harry to the hospital wing? I look forward to more of this story. Thanks for writing. p
Monday 23rd March 2009 06:57One Blink (Author Response)
Thanks for the nice review. Your questions will be answered soon. Hope you continue to stick with the story.
Grandma Kate
Sunday 22nd March 2009 23:24
One Blink
Quite an intriguing twist on canon! Everything changes in the blink of an eye.
Grandma Kate
Sunday 22nd March 2009 23:24
One Blink
Quite an intriguing twist on canon! Everything changes in the blink of an eye.
Monday 23rd March 2009 06:54One Blink (Author Response)
That was the idea. Thanks for the read and review.