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Reviews For Matchmaker by Aggiebell

Tuesday 13th March 2012 14:00
good brother he is
Sunday 16th May 2010 13:51
Haha this was extremely clever and just oh so very Ron You portrayed him perfectly. I was chuckling the entire time! And the ending was simply wonderful. Great job!
Saturday 15th August 2009 22:18
its a good story, but dont you think a year and a half of not talking is a bit unrealistic? i would of though a minute and a half, before those two got back together, after the battle.

good story anyway. very inventive.
Wednesday 15th July 2009 04:35
Absolutely brilliant!!! I loved having it all from Ron's point of view, it makes it so much more funny, lol. Nice work!!
Sunday 7th June 2009 16:44
This was fantastic! I was so upset when I scrolled to the top after reading and it said "completed". Please no! I would love for this to continue. It was creative, unique and really original. Ron rarely notices anything but in this case, he has the right timing and perspective!!! Great job!!!! Like I said, longer would make me sooo happy!!
Friday 22nd May 2009 07:50
Great Story! Very sweet.
Thursday 21st May 2009 22:47
Very entertaining, and very Ron. You really did a great job merging his cannon personality with the new and improved Hermione enhanced Ron, without over doing it. Because we know Ron can only go so far. Great job!
Tuesday 19th May 2009 11:37
I loved this from Ron's POV! Yay, Ron! It's awesome when someone does him well.

This played very well in my head, and I could still sympathize with Harry (imagine that ). He's been left on his own so many times, I can understand being afraid of the rejection and just letting things be. Number one rule - don't ask questions, right? Sigh. Thank Goodness for interferring brothers!

I really enjoyed this.
Monday 18th May 2009 21:55
LMAO niice!
"I wanted to be able to watch her without you watching me watch her."

Amazing one shot lol. Definitely made my night ^_^
Ron's a very good matchmaker *giggles*
Monday 18th May 2009 10:49
That was great! Loved the story. Thanks for sharing.
Sunday 17th May 2009 17:56
i liked it, you should write ones from harry, ginny, and mrs. weasley's POV
Sunday 17th May 2009 11:30
Well done Ron. Great easy read story. I agree with your other reviewers - you need to do the George/Angelina thing. Perhaps make it a bit longer?
Sunday 17th May 2009 11:00

PLEASE write Ron matchmaking Angelina and George!

That was brilliant, I do love Ron, and that was him through and through... "So I do something almost Slytherin-like. Which is pretty amazing, coming from me, but there you are." haha

Well done, a perfect break from revision

Saturday 16th May 2009 23:10
Hahaha! Oh man, that's awesome! I like your Ron a lot, and present tense was a good choice. Excellent!

Heh: nobody has as many issues as Harry and Ginny combined, but if anyone did, it would be George and Angelina!
Ocean Dream
Saturday 16th May 2009 16:39
This was so fresh! How am I going to get that grin away from my face? You made me love Ron even more though I thought it wasn´t possible. Thanks for sharing.
Saturday 16th May 2009 17:25Matchmaker (Author Response)
Hee, thanks! I love Ron, too, although this is the first time I've ever written anything from his POV. It was very fun to get into his head for this fic.

Saturday 16th May 2009 13:47
Very entertaining! I love the idea that Ron's emotional range has improved beyond a teaspoon and is playing at matchmaking. I'm disappointed that Harry was being so stupid, but at least Ron got him straightened out.

Saturday 16th May 2009 17:23Matchmaker (Author Response)
Thanks! I think Ron's emotional range had to improve beyond a teaspoonful, given everything they all went through.

I'm disappointed that Harry was being so stupid, but at least Ron got him straightened out.

To be fair, Ginny was being just as stupid as Harry was. Seriously, most of their stupidness was a result of the prompt--my recipient asked specifically for Harry and Ginny to not get together quickly or easily.

Thanks again for reading!
Grandma Kate
Saturday 16th May 2009 04:19

When are you going to write Matchmaker II? You've written a good transition-

I narrow my eyes and study them for a few minutes, nodding my head at what I see, my mind already whirling with plans to get the two of them together. Because I think I'm going to be taking on a new project in the near future, and I need to be prepared.
Saturday 16th May 2009 09:08Matchmaker (Author Response)
Heh. I did leave myself open there, didn't I? Maybe Ron will start a matchmaker business on the side, or he can make it his hobby. He can start out with George/Angelina, move on to Neville/Hannah and heck, maybe even Percy/Audrey. It could be fun! (Seriously, I owe a gift!fic to someone, so I need to finish that first, but I *have* been taking notes on ideas for Geroge/Angelina, so it might happen.)

Thanks for reviewing!

Friday 15th May 2009 23:19
This is so sweet. Ron's emotional range has expanded to at least a tablespoon. Can't wait for the George and Angelina sequel (hint-hint)

Saturday 16th May 2009 09:04Matchmaker (Author Response)
*grins* Thanks! I figured Ron must've matured at least a little bit over the years. And who better than Ron to get two of his favorite people together?

There seems to be a lot of interest in that sequel. I may have to see what I can work up.

Friday 15th May 2009 22:49
I really enjoyed this -- I will be waiting for the George/Angelina sequel that had better come!!
Saturday 16th May 2009 09:01Matchmaker (Author Response)
Thanks so much!

As to the George/Angelina sequel...erm...I'm thinking about it. Seriously, I've got another story I HAVE to finish before I can do anything else--it's a gift!fic and I'm ridiculously late with it already, but I do have some ideas/notes for scenes for a George/Angelina sequel. I think they'd be a fun couple to explore.
