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Reviews For Ginny's Seventh Year at Hogwarts by Grandma Kate

Friday 18th September 2009 17:40
Ginny's Seventh Year at Hogwarts
Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but back in 1999 Google was still a pretty small and not well known search engine. Yahoo and Altavista were the ones I recall from strongly from then. And Youtube.... that didn't show up until 2005. Good story though!
Friday 18th September 2009 23:38Ginny's Seventh Year at Hogwarts (Author Response)
Yes, I was still at Stanford when "the guys" started working on Google so I think I might have been one of the early adopters. Your point is well taken.

My Beta and I discussed the anachronism of the existence of You Tube existing four years early. She suggested that it was invented by wizards and secretly operational earlier than the Muggle version. My excuse is that I caught the same Temporal Disfunction that JKR, herself, suffers from. After all, she let the Millennium Bridge be destroyed in the movie of Half-Blood Prince several years before it was actually completed.

Thanks for commenting.
J.R. Lewis
Sunday 5th July 2009 18:23
Ginny's Seventh Year at Hogwarts
Nice story!

Let's get Draco to be an actor in the Battle of Hogwarts reenactment and Dudley to help with the computer stuff. Maybe you can reform them two.
Sunday 5th July 2009 19:49Ginny's Seventh Year at Hogwarts (Author Response)
You have an inventive mind! I did just read a story in which Dudley is helpful but it will not happen in this one. Unfortunately, I keep thinking of Tom Felton as the sweet little son in Anna and the King instead of as Draco.

Ginny's Seventh Year has a few plot twists yet to come.
Sunday 5th July 2009 08:23
Ginny's Seventh Year at Hogwarts
This is developing in an interesting way, particularly since this is now entirely your own story line. Well done.
Sunday 5th July 2009 09:15Ginny's Seventh Year at Hogwarts (Author Response)
Thank you Dad. I see Molly as needing to throw herself into doing good for someone to help with her feelings of grief and helplessness after Fred's death.

I hope you enjoy her venture into show business.
Ocean Dream
Sunday 5th July 2009 04:30
Ginny's Seventh Year at Hogwarts
I enjoyed all the previous years so much, yet I think I'm enjoying this one even more.
Sunday 5th July 2009 04:35Ginny's Seventh Year at Hogwarts (Author Response)
What a very complimentary comment. Thank you. I did not realize how much more difficult it would be to write a year that we know very little about. Even keeping the characters straight was difficult.

I am still revising the June, 1999 chapter and am not sure if I am going to need an Epilogue.
Sunday 5th July 2009 03:31
Ginny's Seventh Year at Hogwarts
You introduced Audrey Anderson. Nice!

Ginny's letter is sweet and made me smile with the "We found out that Harry's bed is very comfortable and big enough for two people"

Ron is very "in canon" - well done!

And Pony Shed is a fantastic idea!

Well Done!

Domain (AKA Dome 36)
Sunday 5th July 2009 04:30Ginny's Seventh Year at Hogwarts (Author Response)
Thanks for reading and telling me what you liked. St Margarets was the one who encouraged me to write so I can't help thinking that her characters know all of mine.

Molly is happy to hear from Ginny at all, but her heart jumped at the comment about the bed. Then she remembered that Ron was there, too.

I am very fond of Ron. He and George and Percy are all fun to write because they are so different.
Sunday 5th July 2009 02:32
Ginny's Seventh Year at Hogwarts
SQUEEEEEE! I'm mentioned in an A/N *lifts hand to brow in a dramatic gesture*

Good chapter Kate but I missed it on LJ but I can always catch it here, thank goodness.
Just finished my morning walk and it was allready bleedin' hot out there. yuk. Thank goodness I've got some trees to shade the garden till noon.
But to start up my PC and find this in my mailbox kept me out of the garden for a while.

Cleaning like Molly does is a dream that may never come true *sigh* but my mum used to help me like that as well so I'm not nagging. Laundry is something I won't bring her unless the machine waves goodbye from the scrap-metal heap. My neibours on the other hand......boy. They've got 4 kids. 2 still at home but one of the 'lefties' does not have a machine and she sometimes brings 4 to 5 bags........a week! Why wear one shirt a day whn you can show your changing mood with 3 of them and you don't think she would wear them again. Nope, in the hamper they go *sigh*. I think they're nutters. LOL

Using You-tube to track down sray wizards and witches is brilliant. Hope that'll work and maybe give Audrey & Percy a nudge as well? Let's hope that the strays don't watch HP the musical (hilarious) or else they'll never dare to return. btw, have you seen it yet.

I'm rambling to much so I'm gone. Make myself a nice foamy Latte Machiatto and lounge in my garden with yet another ff story.

Sunday 5th July 2009 04:25Ginny's Seventh Year at Hogwarts (Author Response)
It is always a delight to read your reviews. I hope that many people take the time to look at your amazing banner.

I suspect that traffic will be light here until after everyone has had a chance to see the Half-Blood Prince. I am getting excited about it now that I have seen the "Making" segment. One review said that Bonnie and the young actor who played young Tom Riddle were the best part about it.

Percy and Audrey seem destined to meet earlier that St Margarets bring them together.