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Reviews For Ginny's Seventh Year at Hogwarts by Grandma Kate

Sunday 30th August 2009 00:54
Ginny's Seventh Year at Hogwarts
Hi Kate,

Well, to start of properly;
She had hoped that, by now, people would have forgotten that she had lost her temper and used an inappropriate noun in her description of that wicked witch.

Lost her temper? Well oh my, wouldn't want to see Molly really pissed of then. Who knows what she might do or say! LOL

Arthur and his constant wonderments about the Muggle Techno stuff. Sweet.

There is so much goodness in this chapter that I can't just possibly catch them all although I will say that I loved Charlie & Kathleen's reaction to the spicy gifts.

Well, have to go to work now.
Have a good day today.
Hugz, C
Thursday 3rd September 2009 06:01Ginny's Seventh Year at Hogwarts (Author Response)
Again, forgive my tardy reply. Thank you for letting me know what you liked about the chapter.
Friday 28th August 2009 22:25
Ginny's Seventh Year at Hogwarts
Having finally finished HR, I able to read this, and trust me its just as good as any of your other pieces and I am really enjoying your plot. Did you have fun coming up with it? Are you going to continue writing at the end of this year?

I did snigger loudly over the 'knocked up' seen though.
Saturday 29th August 2009 02:54Ginny's Seventh Year at Hogwarts (Author Response)
Mate, I know you have waited to read this story (as I waited to read yours) so we wouldn't be too influenced by what each other wrote. I also know you have had some computer problems so I am happy to hear from you.

I'd never written fiction except as a school girl many decades ago, so I am pretty sure that I won't write more then an occasional challenge.

My Mum always used to tell my brother and I to go and "knock up' those still sleeping, so I figured that Molly's Mum probably said the same thing to her. Therefore, she'd be comfortable saying it to Harry.
Tuesday 25th August 2009 14:55
Ginny's Seventh Year at Hogwarts
nice chapter!

The little detail about Audrey/Percy/cauldrons made me smile!

great work!

Domain AKA Dome 36
Tuesday 25th August 2009 17:50Ginny's Seventh Year at Hogwarts (Author Response)
Thank you for your always positive reviews. I am trying to keep Percy and Audrey apart until they can meet in St Margarets' The Flat. They have to keep just missing each other.
Tuesday 25th August 2009 08:55
Ginny's Seventh Year at Hogwarts
I don't review much but that doesn't mean this series isn't one of my favorites! Your view of British Wizards rebuilding their world after the war is interesting, funny and poignant, often all in the same paragraph.

In this chapter you have a pair of sentences that truly made me laugh.
She had hoped that, by now, people would have forgotten that she had lost her temper and used an inappropriate noun in her description of that wicked witch.
I think it is SO in character for the rather proper Molly to think in terms "inappropriate nouns." she finally took pity on him and suggested that he go and knock Ginny up.
Perhaps in Britian, but certainly not here in the States! No wonder Harry quickly scrambled up the stairs.

Tuesday 25th August 2009 10:31Ginny's Seventh Year at Hogwarts (Author Response)
Thank you for letting me know that you are enjoying Ginny's Seventh Year. I was a bit apprehensive that writing without a pre-existing plot might be a disaster.

I have great empathy for the character of Molly and tried to imagine what she would do to move on after the death of Fred. It must have been so much like losing Fabian or Gideon again. My sister threw herself into helping other parents who had lost a child, so I had a model to follow.

My Mum always referred to going to wake up sleeping family members as 'knocking up', and it both embarrassed and amused her American children, so I couldn't resist the word play.
Monday 24th August 2009 11:32
Ginny's Seventh Year at Hogwarts
"She noticed that he kept looking up the stairs in a hopeful manner, so she finally took pity on him and suggested that he go and knock Ginny up. He scrambled up the stairs quickly. "

You do know that to "knock a girl up" in England means to make her pregnant?

No wonder Harry scrambled up the stairs!!
Monday 24th August 2009 13:30Ginny's Seventh Year at Hogwarts (Author Response)
Yes, I am aware that the American meaning for 'knock up' is now common in the UK. I blame it all on too many American films.

My Molly was, of course, using the earlier meaning- "Chiefly British: To wake up or summon, as by knocking at the door. " It was too good a word play to not use.

Thanks for enjoying it.
Saturday 22nd August 2009 12:47
Ginny's Seventh Year at Hogwarts
She fell asleep dreaming of many babies with blonde hair and dark hair and all shades of red.
What a pleasant way to drift off to sleep. A lovely piece of writing--as always.
Saturday 22nd August 2009 13:13Ginny's Seventh Year at Hogwarts (Author Response)
Thank you for all your help in getting the wording right. I have new reasons to distrust spell checkers.