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Reviews For Out of the Darkness by guruvee

Monday 16th November 2009 11:01
Out of the Darkness
Still a little early to tell where your going with the story, but I like the flow of it so far. Not concentrating on just one character brings different perspectives to the story.

Here's hoping for longer chapters and quick updates, barring real life getting in the way.
Friday 13th November 2009 12:19
Out of the Darkness
Very nice chapter--I really liked the monologue in George's head--it really fits what I view his character as.

This new line of Wheezes has some, um, potential, doesn't it?
The Boss
Monday 9th November 2009 16:42
Out of the Darkness
I laughed so much at the comment where George hoped that he could get free tickets - humour is coming back to George slowly? We will have to see!

Another outstanding piece - im sad that there isnt more to read at this point in time but will definitely be looking out for more of your work =]

The Boss
Grandma Kate
Monday 9th November 2009 14:09
Out of the Darkness
I can imagine George talking to Fred several times a day.

Lee is tactful about pointing out the 'Mature' nature of the new products.
Monday 9th November 2009 13:39
Out of the Darkness
testers? like lab rats.... oh Merlin!

Excellent characterisation. Great sentiments. Good way to mourn.
Monday 9th November 2009 11:27
Out of the Darkness
This is great so far!
Monday 9th November 2009 10:31
Out of the Darkness
i like this story, but the chapters are just too short... by the time you've got a scene, it's almost over already (i know, i'm exaggerating a bit, but still).

Good work though, it's a pleasant read
Monday 9th November 2009 08:29
Out of the Darkness
The way this chapter ends makes me think there should be more to it and I was disappointed when there wasn't.

I like the way George is trying to cope with his grief and is still taking time keep Fred aprised of the goings-on in the shop and the family. Still, it's just very sad to see that he's really not very happy, that his emotions are at such extremes all the time and that he's still not showing much interest in his business.

Looking forward to another chapter. As always, this one gets .
Monday 9th November 2009 08:13
Out of the Darkness
UTOH sounds to me like Ron and Hermione might get a closer on thier trip than they anticipated.....that would be SUCH a 'twin' thing for George to do.