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Reviews For Harry Potter: Lost by Bear

Wednesday 15th December 2010 05:43
Harry Potter: Lost
Monday 14th December 2009 21:39
Harry Potter: Lost
huh interesting... so when someone realizes that harry is a parseltongue they must figure out that he had to be a wizard born... i dont think a muggle could end up with that...
Thursday 10th December 2009 03:36
Harry Potter: Lost
It is good that Adam is getting along so well with Ginny. He is also getting to know Colin a little. I'm glad that Hermione is friendly with the 1st years. It is too bad that Ginny has that darn diary. It is already affecting her. I'm glad Adam had Hermione help her upstairs to rest. I look forward to more of this story. Thanks for writing. p
Thursday 10th December 2009 03:39Harry Potter: Lost (Author Response)
Grandma Kate
Sunday 6th December 2009 10:46
Harry Potter: Lost
The plot thickens.

This was heartbreaking-

Ginny threw her arms around Adam and gave him what her mother called a patented Weasley hug. She felt Adam's back stiffen and his arms ended up in an awkward position as if he didn't know what to do with them.
Sunday 6th December 2009 12:19Harry Potter: Lost (Author Response)