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Reviews For A Time to Remember by St Margarets

Thursday 6th October 2011 10:30
A Time to Remember
Rereading this too . . .

Had to see the sequel to "The Flat" which is included in here, right? At least it's a good excuse for my procrastination today . . .

I know I've commented before, but LOL at Luna's Hello Kneazle backpack and the fact that she almost forgot clothes. My dad forgot his clothes once when he was traveling and had to go buy new ones, hee.

Now that I have experienced a family member losing their memory, this hits home in a way it didn't before, and is even more powerful.

I just got a texting plan a couple of months ago, so am completely relating to Harry, lol.
Thursday 6th October 2011 11:52A Time to Remember (Author Response)
I think it would be terrifying to have someone you love lose their memory all of a sudden. It's sad enough when it's gradual. Thank goodness I could make Ginny's short-lived.

LOL - I'm still not into texting. I'm sure there will be something new to replace it in a few years, which I probably won't be into, either.
Thursday 1st July 2010 12:51
A Time to Remember
nice chapter!
Saturday 15th May 2010 02:15
A Time to Remember
LOL. I cannot believe you used the Whomping Willow's twig to twitter! And you magicked the Muggle twitter phenomenon! What a stroke of genius.
Saturday 15th May 2010 05:39A Time to Remember (Author Response)
When I came up with the Tweeter Twig last year, I was just borrowing the name - there Twigs were supposed to be like cell phones and texting - but I thought tweets sounded magical. Little did I know Twitter would stick around. Thanks for reading!
Saturday 1st May 2010 10:53
A Time to Remember
Ron's insensitiveness sometimes is good, because he says what must be said without really thinking it through. even if Ginny is uncomfortable, she had to be told that she was hurting Harry for no reason at all.
It's not his fault that her memory of him was gone. And yay for Percy.
Saturday 1st May 2010 14:22A Time to Remember (Author Response)
Ron never holds back from Ginny in canon, so I don't see him changing his ways after they're out of school. And yes, in this case, it's needed. I'm glad there's another Percy fan out there.
Thursday 29th April 2010 21:22
A Time to Remember
Very fine...I'll click over to LJ and read the rest with relish.

Friday 30th April 2010 04:46A Time to Remember (Author Response)
Leave a review! Thanks!
Thursday 29th April 2010 00:34
A Time to Remember
Omigosh, I was at an out-of-town conference when the PhoenixSong update email arrived saying your story was HERE AT LAST, only (being at a conference and all) I had no time to read it, even after I got back and had to catch up on all that missed time in lab until tonight, when I finally got a chance to read and now I AM SO HAPPY!

*deep breath*

Anyway, St Mags, I'm thrilled to see you back in the H/G game! I have to admit, I came to a stunned halt in Ch. 1 when you revealed that Ginny had lost all of her Harry memories. I was frankly a little worried by this - after all, to the jaded H/G aficionado this is a fairly cliched plot device, Harry/Ginny losing their memory and the other having to win her/him back. But knowing your track record I decided to give you the benefit of the doubt. After all, cliches are only boring when they aren't done well!

Besides, it's clear by now that you're taking us out into deep waters with this fic, and I couldn't be happier. That's clear in Luna's enjoyable conversation with Ginny - I don't have a concrete idea where you're planning to go yet with this fic, but I can see you beginning to develop some ideas about how memory and emotion and love are intertwined.

I also really like Percy's conversation with Ginny as well - I like how you make him possibly the one person who understands how trapped and unappreciated Ginny feels by her predicament, and I was really happy to see how much better Percy - by reminding her of her free will, and how despite everything she's not *compelled* to love Harry - made her feel. LOL, and I also like how you don't make him look like a jerk! He actually comes across as a real character, which is a real feat given all the usual cliches about him.

Anyway, I'm really looking forward to the way you develop these ideas for Ginny as she begins her long road to recovery. It looks like you've spent a lot of time plumbing the depths of all our favorite characters to really understand how they might react to Ginny's affliction, and I'm looking forward to seeing how it plays out!

Of course, how can I not notice all the fun little details? I'm looking forward to the cloak-and-dagger (or is it cloak-and-wand?) Aurors-in-Spain subplot for Harry and Ron - you've introduced the right amount of mystery so far! When does the shooting - er, wand-waving - start? And of course your wry wit and clever ideas - love Clacker the sleazy photog, and also love the Tweeter Twigs! I enjoyed imagining the scrolls twisting off the twigs like wood shavings. And the shout-outs to your old characters like Melinda Bobbins and Healer Wood!

Best of all, Ch. 3 ends with a Tweeter Twig conversation that had me laughing out loud! I love how Ron grumpily and bluntly (if not totally fairly) calls out Ginny for not trying to reach out to Harry more, then tacitly concedes when Ginny's discomfort becomes clear. It's just *so* Ron, and it's just such a perfect conversation between two quarrelsome but loving siblings perfectly comfortable with such honesty. This is a great beginning - looking forward to watching it develop!
Thursday 29th April 2010 06:30A Time to Remember (Author Response)
Hi David! I'm so glad you had a chance to read. I shouldn't tell you this, since I probably won't get any reviews here - but the whole thing is complete and on my live journal. It's 16 chapters and it's all tagged so it's easy to find. Actually, if you do have the time, I'd love to see what you thought of it as a "book reading experience" - that is - having it all there - to pick up and put down at will.

So yes, the bigger picture does go beyond amnesia - and into the tricks of the mind and the steadiness of the heart. I can't tell you how complicated this story was to write - in terms of marrying canon memories to the current plot and having it make sense and be simple to read. I was also concerned with pacing and keeping some sense of conflict and tension as the story unfolded. So yeah - to say I was happy when this was written is an understatement.

Anyway, back to your review! I'm glad you enjoyed the little details and remembered some of the characters. I had fun bringing all my "toys" out to play again. And Ron is so much fun to write - I got to write a few scenes with Ron and Ginny and I really enjoyed it. Same with Hermione and Harry - such good friends. So thank you, my friend, for taking the time to read and review. Sherry will continue to put up chapters here a steady rate - or you can check out my journal.
Wednesday 28th April 2010 08:57
A Time to Remember
A bronzed naturalist, Luna, Mer people, a goblin princess - that should give you a way to develop the plot! Loved the way the chapter ended.
Wednesday 28th April 2010 11:07A Time to Remember (Author Response)
Lots of sideshows besides the main event of H/G! Thanks for reading!
Wednesday 28th April 2010 03:48
A Time to Remember
Poor Ginny is having a bad time and not getting any sympathy from her family. I'm sure she feels Harry is the one getting the symlpathy. Harry of course feels frustrated and afraid that Ginny will never remember him the way she used to and that she won't love him again. You are doing a great job on this. I look forward to more of this story. Thanks for writing. pms
Wednesday 28th April 2010 04:52A Time to Remember (Author Response)
I know - poor Harry. He doesn't need this kind of challenge in his private life - but at least he's up for it. And Ginny, too - to her the world has changed so she has to adjust. Thanks for reading!
Wednesday 28th April 2010 01:57
A Time to Remember
P.S. I think you meant 'ensure', not 'insure'... typos are hard to spot sometimes
Wednesday 28th April 2010 04:50A Time to Remember (Author Response)
Thanks for pointing that out!
Wednesday 28th April 2010 01:56
A Time to Remember
Ginny had the nauseating feeling that she and Harry must have been a very fluffy couple.

Um, just a bit! But don't worry Ginny, if you didn't get enough angst before now, there's plenty coming your way!

I'm liking the new take on the Harry-and-Ginny-are-engaged theme, and am looking forwards to seeing Hermione. Good work!

P.S. Harry is bad a texting. That made me laugh.

Wednesday 28th April 2010 04:50A Time to Remember (Author Response)
LOL - Harry gets better at texting - by necessity. Yes - it will be a few chapters before the fluff! Thanks fo reading!
Tuesday 27th April 2010 23:57
A Time to Remember
I'm looking forward to Ginny's meeting with Hermione. I liked Percy's spontaneity; it's a nice change from the expected but still believable. And I really liked your incorporation of Atlantis into the magical world. Nice chapter.
Wednesday 28th April 2010 04:49A Time to Remember (Author Response)
I think Percy has more passion in him than a lot of fan fic. writers give him credit for. I've always liked to write his characters. JKR's world is so expansive - even Atlantis can fit. Thanks for reading!