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Reviews For Precipice by Zia Montrose

Grandma Kate
Saturday 22nd May 2010 20:45
This is such a good story. I just read all five chapters and look forward to the rest of it. Lily and James are MFEO, as my grandson would say.
Sunday 23rd May 2010 22:32Precipice (Author Response)
Thanks, Grandma Kate! It made my day to see your review pop up.

MFEO, ha. I'm an incorrigible James and Lily fan so that sort of comment puts me on I agree, they need to just get on with it already.

I'm looking forward to getting the last chapter up as soon as I can... Glad to know you'll be reading.
The Boss
Wednesday 19th May 2010 07:58
Well at least the falcon is at rest now. Good to see that Hagrid is getting involved but letting the students do all of the work involved. I like ho you have been incorporating Petunia into this series - it really works well
Cant wait until the next chapter is published. Keep up the good work!

The Boss
Sunday 23rd May 2010 22:09Precipice (Author Response)
Thanks so much for your reviews. It's really nice to know the story is being read and enjoyed. I haven't come across a fan fiction author yet who doesn't love reviews and I'm no exception, ha.

Petunia and Lily's relationship always perks my interest and imagination so it's fun to sneak them into this tale when I can. I'm glad you mentioned it. All your comments were much appreciated!

One more chapter to go (I think).
Tuesday 18th May 2010 10:57
It was a funeral, but I do not think it was sad or depressing. The little chicks and the big chicks have some growing to do, but I think they will get there in the end.
Sunday 23rd May 2010 22:25Precipice (Author Response)
Thanks! I've really enjoyed hearing from you along the way.

I figured James and Lily had already payed the falcon a bit of private homage in previous chapters so I didn't want to bog the story down with too somber a scene again here.