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Reviews For Harry Potter: Sacrifice by Bear

Saturday 4th December 2010 04:49
Harry Potter: Sacrifice
Wow! Harry and Ginny have done a great thing by befriending Kreacher. That led to them getting the locket but I'm afraid it might be affecting Harry. Ginny thinks so too. Ron and Neville are doing a great job. I just hope Hagrid's brother doesn't hurt Ron! It will be an experience for Ron though. Snape is acting strange. Is he trying to protect the students but acting like he doesn't care? That is what it looks like to me. It was really dangerous going to Knockturn Alley but it did result in getting the locket. I look forward to more of this story. Thanks for writing. p
senyah mastery
Sunday 28th November 2010 21:08
Harry Potter: Sacrifice
awesome chapter! i cant wait for the next one. i completely forgot about how the locket affected the person who wore it until that scene in the tent, and im glad to see that hagrid still managed to get his brother to hogwarts.

Faithful Slytherin
Friday 3rd December 2010 15:06Harry Potter: Sacrifice (Author Response)
Friday 26th November 2010 14:08
Harry Potter: Sacrifice
Im glad that your still following the basic plot line of the books
I hope that Ginny and Adam can get going on more horucruxs soon!
Friday 26th November 2010 15:59Harry Potter: Sacrifice (Author Response)
THanks! I'm glad you're enjoying it.
Wednesday 24th November 2010 18:35
Harry Potter: Sacrifice
The locket is affecting Harry.. Poor Ginny and poor Harry. I believe she'll realize and take it from him I wanna know how it will affect her... Ron is great and Snape tôo even tho I still don't like him... I hope no one is gonna leave the other( Adam and Ginny I mean). I can't wait for the next one I wanted this one so much xD very good job!
Thursday 25th November 2010 02:25Harry Potter: Sacrifice (Author Response)
Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it.