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Reviews For A Less-Than-Perfect Love by RSS

Saturday 13th August 2011 06:07
A Less-Than-Perfect Love
Harry needs to stop worrying about when he will sort out his emotions, as they have never been his strong point. He also needs to realize that since he never had a fatherly figure to talk to about this sort of thing, that he might take some time over his relationship with Ginny.
Saturday 30th April 2011 16:23
A Less-Than-Perfect Love
I am really loving this story. Your characters are spot on, especially
Harry. All through the books, JK portrayed him as a rather moody person. This would have continued even after the war. He is also socially a bit immature, so his trying to understand his and Ginny's relationship is very believable. I also appreciate your bringing Fleur into the fray. She is perfect as an older and wiser sister for Ginny. I am going to get back to reading the rest of your story...Thanks for writing!
Grandma Kate
Thursday 6th January 2011 17:44
A Less-Than-Perfect Love
Again, a good solid chapter.

I am glad you addressed Harry's Post traumatic stress in your A/N
Saturday 8th January 2011 08:59A Less-Than-Perfect Love (Author Response)
I'm glad you noticed. The ptsd really does explain a lot of what Harry's issues are in regards to his feelings for Ginny, and it's going un-noticed by many around him at this point in time. Thanks!
Wednesday 8th December 2010 02:32
A Less-Than-Perfect Love
Harry is starting to realize that Ginny is more important to him but it helped when he talked to Bill to know that he isn't expected to fall madly in love in a week or two. It has taken some of the presure off. I'm sorry he still feels the need to drink but I'm glad he will realize that it really isn't helping him. It is good that he is thinking about Ginny more and she is trying to be memorable to him. I look forward to more of this story. p
Wednesday 8th December 2010 14:57A Less-Than-Perfect Love (Author Response)
Bill just seemed like a good choice for Harry to talk to at that moment in time and it is good that Bill was able to share his experience. Because of the letters she is sharing with Ginny, Fleur did want and hope that Harry would find some time to talk to him. I'm glad you thought it did Harry good. Thanks for the comments, p! -R