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Reviews For Harry Potter: Sacrifice by Bear

Monday 14th March 2011 02:39
Harry Potter: Sacrifice
Wow! This is really good and bad. Ginny is alive which is great but Harry thinks she is dead which is bad. He needs to find out that Ginny is alive before he gets to meet Voldemort. Also he needs to destroy the last 3 horcurxes. I hope he finds Ginny before it is too late. Thanks for writing. You are doing a great job. p
Friday 11th March 2011 12:55
Harry Potter: Sacrifice
I... Am confused. Maybe I didn't see, and if so I apologise, but how did Ginny recover from the Kiss? Please explain?

Also the end scene with Harry: SOO Emotional! Trying not to cry for his loss. Boy has he got a surprise in store for him!

Keep it up
Sunday 13th March 2011 11:37Harry Potter: Sacrifice (Author Response)
Thanks! It will all be explained soon....
Thursday 10th March 2011 22:20
Harry Potter: Sacrifice
nice twist! I cant wait to see what happens next!
Sunday 13th March 2011 11:36Harry Potter: Sacrifice (Author Response)