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Reviews For A Less-Than-Perfect Love by RSS

Sunday 15th January 2012 22:59
A Less-Than-Perfect Love
This is the best chapter so far! I love the different veiw points!
Sunday 14th August 2011 15:42
A Less-Than-Perfect Love
I feel so sorry for Harry and Ginny, if Ginny had only knew about Harry's emotional instabilities... Keep writing!
Friday 13th May 2011 02:11
A Less-Than-Perfect Love
dude when is the next
Friday 13th May 2011 11:26A Less-Than-Perfect Love (Author Response)
Thanks for asking. I don't really want to answer because the truth is I don't know. I was hoping it would be sometime in May but that seems to be slipping away from me right now...I'm working on the next three chapters together and it looks like they might all be ready to post at the same time so possibly all three will post up sometime in June.? I don't want to promise anything though. Thanks for your interest again, I'm sorry it's been so long ...just know I am trying to work on it every chance I get! Thanks for hanging in there!
Sunday 1st May 2011 00:34
A Less-Than-Perfect Love
Wow! Poor Harry! Poor Ginny! Poor everybody! I trust that you will be bringing Harry home soon and will make him get the help that he so desperately needs! Your writing is wonderful and I appreciate all the love, blood, sweat and probably a few tears that you have put into doing this! Thanks for writing!
Friday 13th May 2011 11:27A Less-Than-Perfect Love (Author Response)
Thank you for the great review, it means alot to me!
Thursday 14th April 2011 22:00
A Less-Than-Perfect Love
I jut finish reading your story, i can't say how much i love it, it's amazing. You are a wonderful writer! Please update soon! I'll be waiting!
Friday 15th April 2011 15:19A Less-Than-Perfect Love (Author Response)
Thanks much for the kind words. I appreciate it!
Wednesday 30th March 2011 08:41
A Less-Than-Perfect Love
Hello there Just wanted to let you know that I enjoy your story! The update was highly appreciated!
Friday 15th April 2011 15:18A Less-Than-Perfect Love (Author Response)
Thank you! I'm glad you are enjoying it and that you liked the last update.
Tuesday 29th March 2011 00:35
A Less-Than-Perfect Love
Loving the story, but it seems that this chapter was missing one thing...Ginny's actual reaction to hearing about Harry leaving. Your writing is very fluid and concise, which is refreshing. Thanks for the entertainment while reading a new take on one of my favorite tales.
Tuesday 29th March 2011 00:35
A Less-Than-Perfect Love
Loving the story, but it seems that this chapter was missing one thing...Ginny's actual reaction to hearing about Harry leaving. Your writing is very fluid and concise, which is refreshing. Thanks for the entertainment while reading a new take on one of my favorite tales.
Tuesday 29th March 2011 09:47A Less-Than-Perfect Love (Author Response)
Oh, I suppose your right, that I didn't actually show Ginny reacting to the news, but instead discussed the aftermath of her finding out from Ron. Don't worry, I will delve more into Ginny's pov in the next chapter. I'm glad you feel that the writing is 'fluid and concise.'...the writing is what this is all about for me. Improving my skills as a writer is the whole goal of this entire exercise! I spend alot of time working on the writing (and so does my beta!), so it is nice when I hear nice things like that. Thank you for that comment. Cheers!
Monday 28th March 2011 03:45
A Less-Than-Perfect Love
Thank you for this chapter. It helps when people look at the way they have treated the person who is having the most trouble. This should help. I don't know how Harry will react when and if he receives these letters. I hope the does get them and read them. Hopefully he will be feeling homesick when he gets them and they will help him decide to come home. I would like to see Kingsley's reaction to Harry leaving. Maybe he will realize that putting Harry right into Auror training after the war wasn't such a good idea. I hope Ginny has changed her mind about what happened between her and Harry. I look forward to your next update. I really like the way you gave us three perspectives on Harry's leaving. Thanks for writing. pms
Tuesday 29th March 2011 09:52A Less-Than-Perfect Love (Author Response)
I'm glad you have enjoyed this chapter. It was born out of the desire I felt to show how these three reacted to Harry's disappearance. Neither one has been an overall good positive influence on Harry in the last few months, and I thought they all needed to wake up and really feel what he was going through and want to help. Thanks for the thoughts on Kingsley's letter. I have written out three of the letters so far to share with the readers, and Kingsley's is not one of them, although maybe now I'll add his letter too! We'll see, and we'll see if Harry actually gets to read them or not! Thanks for your thoughts and comments Patches. They are always helpful to me and much appreciated.
Sunday 27th March 2011 15:07
A Less-Than-Perfect Love
Hooray... A turning point (I hope?) (Crosses fingers that they will find Harry and that he will be in a receptive mood...)

Thanks again for this wonderful story. Normally, I don't like angst-y fics - but you've hooked me! Update soon!
Tuesday 29th March 2011 09:43A Less-Than-Perfect Love (Author Response)
Great! Glad you're hooked, even if it's an angsty fic. You'll need to wait and see if this really is a turning point or if the letters do have the intended effect on Harry. Keep those fingers crossed! Thanks for reading and leaving your comments!
Grandma Kate
Sunday 27th March 2011 08:53
A Less-Than-Perfect Love
I need to apologize to you for not reviewing for quite a while. I read ahead at another site where I do not post anymore.

The interlude is a tour de force. You have captured Ron, Hermione, and Molly perfectly. Harry and Ginny remain the main characters but the concerns and emotions of the three of them give us insight into what Harry's underlying problem is.

As a retired therapist, I long for Harry to find someone with whom he can discuss all that has happened and discover what he needs to do to move on to better mental, physical, and emotional health.

Thank you for writing this story.
Sunday 27th March 2011 11:12A Less-Than-Perfect Love (Author Response)
I was very pleased when I read your review. You really understood the point of the interlude. All three of these characters have been somewhat oblivious and unaware of Harry's issues. There is such a mixture of eye opening guilt and blame and helplessness that all three are coping with- and I simply couldn't resist giving them some page time. Inevitably, they will be some of the most important people to help Harry in his recovery... I love the insight that you left me, regarding your experiences as a therapist. I know you will really enjoy watching Harry progress through his recovery process with someone who can guide him on how to move forward with his life. Thanks for reading, and for taking the time to let me know your thoughts. They are much appreciated and I can't wait to hear your thoughts on future chapters. -R