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Reviews For For Love of Family by Arnel

Friday 3rd June 2011 15:55
For Love of Family

Friday 3rd June 2011 22:22For Love of Family (Author Response)
Friday 3rd June 2011 15:33
For Love of Family
uh oh... someone has it out for harry! I hope that they can fix whatever it is thats wrong with him. :S
Friday 3rd June 2011 22:18For Love of Family (Author Response)
Indeed they do have it out for "someone". At this point, it's not known whether its individuals such as Harry or a specific someone at St Mungos, or a group such as the Aurors in general. Healer Stilwell is trying very hard to fix him up. Thanks for reading and reviewing.
Mutt N Feathers
Wednesday 27th April 2011 08:52
For Love of Family
I seriously want to bottle up little Albus and keep him in my house. I love his positive attitude and just general cuteness. There are days I could use someone like that in my life. Great chapter, the story is really moving along and even though I do know where it's going, I love that I can get lost in it. That is a hallmark of an excellent writer!

Keep it up, and you're the awesome one!

Wednesday 27th April 2011 09:31For Love of Family (Author Response)
I'm trying my best to give each of the Potter children their own identities according to the glimpse we had in the DH Epilogue. I'm glad you see beyond Albus' worrier persona because underneath it he's all boy! I'm sure Uncle George has had something to do with it, too.

By the way, you're making me blush! And yes, I'll keep up the quality of the chapters because this story must be finished. Thanks for your kind words.
Tuesday 26th April 2011 03:59
For Love of Family
I think it says something about your skills as an author, that when Harry panicked upon waking and was terrified about his legs, I honestly felt fear for him. Then having Ginny there? The way his panic seemed to ease at teh sight of her, it was a gorgeous moment and I think you are showing just how strong their relationship is. I also found it quite funny that they have been so used to Harry’s frequent hospital visits that they now have their own system
I’m not sure if you are British or American, but I think I should just input that I like you’ve kept all the spelling etc. British, because one of my pet peeves is Americanisms in Harry Potter fics. So pat on the back for you
Dixon seems like an arse, will we be seeing more of him? Sounds like my boss “ah, I don’t care whose in hospital, you WILL work tonight”.
Something else I noticed – are you using the time format to reference back to Harry’s work as an auror? Its an interesting way to show the passage of time.
Your portrayel of the children is great, by the way. The first chapter was really brilliant – how you truly showed how unique they were. JKR would be proud haha!, I love how intuitive James is in this chapter, with his feeling that something isn’t right with the healers behaviour and their hiding the truth.
(Sorry for the massively long review *deep breath* buutt...) I also loved the way Ron “scolded her gently”, I find the way Ron/Hermione are taking such care of the children and Ginny so perfect for the fic. Its something I would always envision them doing, taking care of each other.
Last point i’ll make (promise!) is that I LOVED the friendship between teh two brothers. I feel a Fred/George worthy prank coming up.. Same applied to the Albus/Lily teasing Harry, I love how the three of them are so mischievous!
And I’m not even going to comment on the fact that Harry has a SEVENT percent chance of never walking again *glares*. Evil. Evil Evil Evil.
Tuesday 26th April 2011 11:24For Love of Family (Author Response)
I think you're going to find many emotional moments in this story because to tell it properly, there has to be angst and sadness to balance out the lighter moments. It's just the way life is and I'm glad you became emotionally involved in the first scene.

I don't mind lengthy reviews, not in the least. They tell me what is good in the story and what parts might have needed more work because the reviews' author(s) take the time to let me know their real, in-depth opinions. I always try to use any constructive criticism to become a better author. So... the longer, the better!

Thank you for taking the time to tell me what you think of the chapter... even if you think what I'm doing to Harry is evil!
Monday 25th April 2011 15:10
For Love of Family
I'm so glad I finally have time to catch up! Nice job, Arnel. My heart aches at the thought of a paralyzed Harry, but 30 % chance is good enough, and I have a feeling his paralysis has something to do with what was in that pit and on Susan's hand.

Love seeing the continuation of the Gryffindor/Slytherin prank war. Their paternal grandfather would be so proud!
Monday 25th April 2011 21:50For Love of Family (Author Response)
You're a good sleuth, Melinda, the first to connect the pit with Susan's hand with Harry's injuries. Everything is connected in this story, one way or another. As for that 30% chance, you'll just have to wait and see what happens. By the way, as I was writing the prank, I was definitely thinking the Marauders would have been quite proud of James Potter Sr.'s progeny. Thanks for the great review.
Sunday 17th April 2011 00:44
For Love of Family
I got interrupted and distracted and didn't finish my review properly before I posted lol. Clearly between the apparent nerve damage to Harry and the missing form the plot is definitely thickening. Oh and isn't it true to the Potter name for James to be so preoccupied with his prank, his Grandfather and Great-Uncle Sirius (and probably Remus) would be so proud, not to mention Uncle Fred.
Sunday 17th April 2011 05:12For Love of Family (Author Response)
*Squee!* LoL, I'm so glad you came back to finish. You're right about the relationship between the missing form and Harry's injuries; the mystery will just become deeper the farther we go in the story. Also, as I was writing the James scenes, I had a feeling his namesake and Great-Uncles Sirius and Remus were looking over my shoulders watching his every move. And yes, Uncle Fred isn't far from my (or George's ) mind either.
Sunday 17th April 2011 00:37
For Love of Family
O.oo there is so much going on in this chapter I\'m not sure where to start. I absolutely adore seeing Ginny and Harry as parents and they are such a sweet married couple. I know you said that you are intending to have multiple pov and that was certainly evident in this chapter and I have to say I am really liking it, its the perfect approach to such a character-based story. The mixed pov, not only in character but in adult/ children, is very informative and gives a clearer picture all round as to what everyone is feeling. Anyway can\'t wait for next weeks update, keep up the great work!!
Sunday 17th April 2011 05:06For Love of Family (Author Response)
Thanks for the great review. It was my intention that my readers would see the entire picture instead of just one point of view because something innocent the children might be doing could have repercussions in the adult Wizarding world and thus affect what's happening to Harry and even Ron and the Aurors. Until next Thursday...
Friday 15th April 2011 02:46
For Love of Family
Wow! This is an excellent chapter. It is sad that Harry's nerves haven't healed right. It looks like someone has tampered with Harry's medical report from the time he was admitted. I hope the Healer can figure out what went wrong and can fix it. I'm glad James is taking the initiative to do what he can at school. It looks like the prank was a priority though. I'm glad Ginny is being so supportive of Harry. I look forward to more of this story. Thanks for writing. p
Friday 15th April 2011 03:04For Love of Family (Author Response)
At the end of Goblet of Fire, when Harry gives his winnings to Fred and George to start their business because he thinks the Wizarding world will need to laugh in the coming years, I interpreted that quote to mean that if there isn't a reason to laugh, there wouldn't be a reason to hope, either. In this story, I'm helping James cope with what happens to his father by allowing him the opportunity to laugh and hope by pulling the prank; laughter is a marvelous way to let off steam, release negative tension and lighten your mood: James, as the oldest child, is feeling the responsibility he's expected to shoulder and by removing himself to do his "job" of being a student and playing pranks he and his uncle have planned, he's coping with the situation his way.

I've told several other reviewers that we're now beginning to see just how complicated, involved and convoluted the mystery surrounding the Prologue is. There's more to come next Thursday...

Thanks for your review.
Thursday 14th April 2011 16:02
For Love of Family
I can honestly and unashamedly say that I was like a little kid waiting impatiently for Christmas morning during this last week I'm glad updates come in the wee hours of Thursday mornings where I was actually a joy to wake up a little after 5am and find the next chapter waiting.

I can't say enough about how much I'm enjoying this story. Which in a way is a bit sadistic on my part, seeing as what Harry's going through in the story...but you write this so well and have captured the emotions and the reactions of the characters so perfectly that I can't help but have become completely hooked.

I really enjoyed getting Harry's thoughts in this chapter as we got to see the process of waking up to uncertainty and the evolution towards grief and the gravity of the situation he's now in. I thought near the end of the testing bit where he couldn't feel the last few pin pricks and Ginny told him the truth and he broke down, that was especially well written. I was afraid you might have him try and hold in in front of Albus and Lily or maybe send them away. But it was more powerful to have them watch their dad, who to them is the strongest person they know, break down and show his vulnerability and fear in this situation.

I know on SIYE where this is posted a few readers have given you a bit of flack for what you're doing to him physically...but I applaud you for having not only the guts, but ability to do it well. Injuries of this life-changing magnitude happen every who's to say it can't in Potterverse?

Can't wait til next Christmas...I mean Thursday
Friday 15th April 2011 02:50For Love of Family (Author Response)
It makes me feel so good to hear that you and so many others are eagerly awaiting each new chapter. I hope chapter three won't disappoint you next week.

At this stage, I honestly am not bothered by the people who are criticizing me for hurting Harry. I think I'd rather have people sharing their feelings and opinions in a review than stop reading altogether. If they write something I can respond to it benefits everyone because those who do read the reviews will see my reasons for writing this story. By the way, I started this story because I'd just finished reading a couple of fics where Harry was wheelchair-bound, but the authors only used it as a plot device and didn't really study what happens when someone's life is changed so drastically. It bugged me, too, that the authors didn't address the feelings of Harry's loved ones (the Weasleys in one fic and an adoptive family in another), but glossed over them as if Harry's plight was a minor issue. I think you can see my motivation for writing the story I am.

As for Harry's thoughts and feelings, now that he's awake, you'll get much, much more of his point of view. He becomes a major voice in coming chapters, equal with Ron, Ginny, Healer Stilwell and the children.

Until next Christmas... erm Thursday...
Thursday 14th April 2011 14:49
For Love of Family
Not looking good for Harry, but the duplicate form adds a twist to the plot I think.
Thursday 14th April 2011 15:09For Love of Family (Author Response)
The plot of this mystery twists and turns and along the way, we'll see how the different characters cope with what's happening to them. Thanks for the review.
Thursday 14th April 2011 12:59
For Love of Family
Another beaut. I'm concerned about the direction this is takin for Harry but I suppose I'll have to wait till next Thursday like everyone else to find out. Again I'm loving the way the kids are written, not sure how JKR will handle it but I suspect it'll be quite along these lines. The only suggestion I could make would be for a twice weekly update.


Thursday 14th April 2011 15:16For Love of Family (Author Response)
Thanks. I'm glad you like the chapter and how I'm writing the children. I've told other readers that I'm taking my cues on what their personalities are like from what we find in the DH Epilogue. I'd like to think that JKR would approve of the way I'm handling them and making them into real people.

Unfortunately, my beta and I can't support a twice weekly update schedule, so we're sticking with the weekly one. I appreciate your wish for the extra update, though. I know you want to see what happens to poor Harry, but like everyone else, you have to come back next Thursday.

Thanks for reviewing.
Grandma Kate
Thursday 14th April 2011 07:52
For Love of Family
And a cracking good mystery it is! Who could have tampered with the original admittance diagnosis report and why?

James is the one I can see most clearly in this chapter.
Thursday 14th April 2011 15:32For Love of Family (Author Response)
I'm so glad you approve. The farther we get into the story the more complicated the mystery becomes. The Aurors and Healer Stilwell have their work cut out for them.

I'm so glad you like James. Right now, I can't decide which one I like writing best because they're all so different.

Thursday 14th April 2011 07:22
For Love of Family
Thank you for this latest instalment. I've enjoyed this story from the beginning and am looking forward to reading where it'll go from here. Well done.
Thursday 14th April 2011 07:37For Love of Family (Author Response)
I'm so glad you're enjoying the story. Thanks for telling me.